Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 361 to 380 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Documentation of People's Courts of Law in Konotop, 1944-1947

    Documentation of People's Courts of Law in Konotop, 1944-1947 Included in the collection are legal demands by Konotop residents for the restitution of [their] property.

  2. Documentation regarding David Frankfurter and his trial in Switzerland following an attempt to assassinate Wilhelm Gustloff, 1936

    Documentation regarding David Frankfurter and his trial in Switzerland following an attempt to assassinate Wilhelm Gustloff, 1936 In the Collection there is documentation regarding the assassination of Wilhelm Gustloff, Landesgruppenleiter Schweiz NSDAP (head of the Nazi party in Switzerland) in his home in Davos by David Frankfurter, a Jewish citizen of Yugoslavia, who was a medical student in Berne, 04 February 1936. David Frankfurter was the youngest of the three sons of an Orthodox rabbi with an excellent general education, who served as a community rabbi in Yugoslavia. His oldest broth...

  3. Documentation of the Court of Law in Przemyśl (first proceedings), 1945-1946

    Documentation of the Court of Law in Przemyśl (first proceedings), 1945-1946 Included in the collection are appeals by relatives of Jews who perished during the war period, submitted to the Court of Law in Przemyśl (first proceedings) during 1945-1946, in order to receive declarations of death.

  4. M.1.PC- Questionnaires filled out by children in the Foehrenwald DP camp, 1945-1946

    M.1.PC- Questionnaires filled out by children in the Foehrenwald DP camp, 1945-1946 The Central Historical Committee (CHC) distributed questionnaires among the children (some from Hungary, and the rest from Poland) in DP camps, in order to collect information by asking questions regarding the fate of the children and the fate of their families during the Nazi period. The questionnaires include questions concerning the names of family members, their places of origin and the general background of the children. On the reverse side of each questionnaire there is a short survey regarding the his...

  5. Documentation from the Finanzaemter 11 in the Duesseldorf region

    Documentation from the Finanzaemter 11 in the Duesseldorf region

  6. Card catalogue of those who perished from the labor battalions and deportees from Hungary

    Card file of members of Hungarian labor battalions who perished The card file was collected and compiled by the Hungarian Ministry of Defense (Honvédelmi Minisztérium) between the years 1945-1954, and includes the personal cards of Hungarian Jewish victims. Some of the documents are photocopies of death certificates which were issued by local courts on the basis of lists and publications of various bodies such as the International Tracing Service, the US army, declarations by individuals regarding Hungarian Jews who had perished, and lists prepared by former prisoners. The card file, which ...

  7. Documentation of the Senatskommssion fuer die Kunstpflege (Senate Committee for Religious Unions' Matters) in Hamburg, 1927-1933

    Documentation of the Senatskommssion fuer die Kunstpflege (Senate Committee for Religious Unions' Matters) in Hamburg, 1927-1933 The sub-record Collection includes two files: one deals with the transfer of a section of the Jewish cemetery in Rentzelstraße for the needs of the city, and the other file deals with the boycott of the Jewish businesses in 1933.

  8. Documentation of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce, which was responsible for the confiscation of artworks in the occupied areas), from the Osoby Archive in Moscow

    Documentation of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce, which was responsible for the confiscation of artworks in the occupied areas), from the Osoby Archive in Moscow

  9. O.36 - David Boder Collection: Testimonies of survivors in DP camps in Germany

    O.36 - David Boder Collection: Testimonies of survivors in DP camps in Germany This record group is a collection of testimonies recorded by David Boder, a Professor of Psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology, in DP camps in Europe in 1946. The collection is comprised of testimonies of Jews and non-Jews, recorded in various languages and translated into English. The testimonies focus on the events in the lives of the survivors during the war in the ghettos and camps, while serving in the military, in hiding and in children's homes. The testimonies also contain information regardin...

  10. Documentation from the Oberfinanzdirektion Duesseldorf

    Documentation from the Oberfinanzdirektion Duesseldorf

  11. O.18 -Yitzhak Stone Collection: German documentation regarding German war crimes in the occupied countries

    O.18 -Yitzhak Stone Collection: German documentation regarding German war crimes in the occupied countries Yitzhak Stone was a senior aid to the American prosecutor in the Nazi War Crimes Trials at Nuremberg. There are copies of German documents used by the prosecution; sometimes there are also translations for these copies. The files in the collection were submitted to Yad Vashem in a number of shipments: - Files 1-65: Files handed over to Yad Vashem by D. Cohen from the Ministry of Defense in 1956. - Files 66-130: Files handed over to Yad Vashem by D. Cohen from the Ministry of Defense in...

  12. Documentation of the Lwow municipality, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Lwow municipality, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: - Correspondence by the mayor of Lwow with the State Attorney's office and the German Security Police; - Instructions published by the mayor of Lwow regarding the Jews and Jewish property; - Correspondence regarding the establishment of the Lwow Ghetto; - Instructions published by the housing department of the Lwow municipality, regarding the deportation of Jews from their apartments to the Lwow Ghetto; - Instruction published by the mayor of Lwow in July 1942, regarding the arrangements for the borders of the Lwo...

  13. TR.11 - Israeli Police Investigations of Nazi Crimes: Documentation of the Israel Police unit assigned to investigate Nazi war crimes

    TR.11 - Israeli Police Investigations of Nazi Crimes: Documentation of the Israel Police unit assigned to investigate Nazi war crimes In the Record Group there are files prepared by the Israel Police unit assigned to investigate Nazi war crimes for use in Nazi war criminal trials. In the files there is documentation regarding criminals or locations where crimes were committed (such as camps) including protocols of testimonies, information collected by the police, and much administrative documentation regarding the investigations and the unit itself.

  14. O.76 - Songs/Poems regarding the Holocaust from the Holocaust period

    O.76 - Songs/Poems regarding the Holocaust from the Holocaust period This Record Group is comprised of two Sub-Record Groups: O.76.1 - Collection of Yiddish folk songs sung by the Jews in the ghettos in the Transnistria and Moldova area O.76.2 - Songs/Poems mostly written by Holocaust survivors

  15. Documentation of the German and local authorities in the Brest Litovsk region, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the German and local authorities in the Brest Litovsk region, 1941-1943 Included in the collection, among other material: - Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district commissioner), regarding the transport of Jews; - Appeals and requests sent by the Judenrat in Brest to the German authorities, regarding the receipt of building materials; - Correspondence between the Gebietskommissariat (district commissary) and the Brest municipality, regarding the confiscation of Jewish homes.

  16. Collection of the Van Leer Stichting (Van Leer Institute) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1941-1959

    Collection of the Van Leer Stichting (Van Leer Institute) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1941-1959 The Van Leer Stichting (Van Leer Institute) was established in 1941 following anti-Jewish legislation in the Netherlands; financing of the institute came from the dissolution of the factory of B. van Leer, a Jewish industrialist who emigrated from the Netherlands to the United States; the anti-Jewish legislation, whose implementation in the Netherlands was appointed to H. A. Rauter, isolated the Jews from the cultural life in the Netherlands as of 15/09/1941; the Van Leer Institute provided a ...

  17. Personal files of Jewish teachers and lecturers at the University of Hamburg

    Personal files of Jewish teachers and lecturers at the University of Hamburg The Collection includes personal files of well-known persons such as Ernst Cassirer. The files also document the proceedings of the dismissal from work of the Jewish teachers and lecturers following the Nazi rise to power.

  18. Documentation of the Sniatyn district authorities, 1928-1939

    Documentation of the Sniatyn district authorities, 1928-1939 Included in the collection: - Government documentation regarding the legal and administrative status of Jewish communities in the Stanislawow region; - List of names of Jews born in Sniatyn; - Lists including names of Jewish couples who married in Zablotow, and Jews who died in Zablotow; - List of members of the Zablotow community who owe tax payments to the community; - Documentation regarding tax payments for membership in the Sniatyn community, and regulations regarding elections in Sniatyn and Zablotow; - Correspondence by the...

  19. TR.17.OBUiADwLd - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Lodz, Poland, 1940-1980

    TR.17.OBUiADwLd - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Lodz, Poland, 1940-1980

  20. Files of Jewish businesses, from the municipal Gewerbeamt (Business office) in Munich

    Files of Jewish businesses, from the municipal Gewerbeamt (Business office) in Munich