Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 9 of 9
Holding Institution: Державний архів Житомирської області
  1. Житомирский генерал-комиссариат, г. Житомир

    • Zhytomyr General Commissariat
    • Zhytomyrskyi general-komissariat

    The following files contain information about the organization of the occupation administrative and power apparatus, as well as anti-Jewish policies: File 1. Orders for transfer of policemen, sentences, October 28, 1942 - October 21, 1943, 54 p. File 2. Reports of district officials on their work in the field and the structure of the of the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists), July 31, 1941 - March 25, 1943, 179 p. File 3. Reports by Kovalsky M., Vingalova N., Arendt M., Grinasevich M., Stavichenko M., Sheriy V., Vetvitsky S. and Kulitsky A., December 9, 1941 - February 24, 1942, 2...

  2. Редакція газети «Голос Волині», м. Житомир

    • Editorial office of "Voice of Volyn" newspaper
    • Redaktsiia hazety "Holos Volyni"

    File 3. Register on payment of wages to employees of "Holos Volyni" newspaper and payment of honorarium for reporters of the newspaper for October 1941, October 7 - November 11, 1941, 811 p. File 4. Register on payment of wages to employees of the editorial office and the printing house of "Holos Volyni" newspaper and payment of honorarium to reporters of the newspaper for October-November of 1941, October-December 1941, 989 p. File 10. Correspondence with the General Commissariat and the Gebietskommissariat on economic and organizational matters. Daily reports of the Supreme Command by the...

  3. Ярунська районна управа, м. Ярунь Житомирської області

    • Iarun district administration
    • Iarunska raionna uprava

    File 1 contains protocols of meetings of villagers of Iarun district. P. 4 of the file contains an order by Iarun district administration to village administrations to register Jewish population in their villages.

  4. Житомирська обласна комісія зі встановлення збитків, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками під час Великої Вітчизняної війни, м. Житомир

    • Zhytomyr regional commission for investigation of the damage caused by the German-Fascist invaders

    Inventory 1. File 2. Report on the results of the work of Zhytomyr Regional Commission on damage accounting and investigation of atrocities committed by the German-Fascist invaders and their accomplices in Zhytomyr region, 78 p. File 3. Memorandum "Results of damage calculation and the investigation of the atrocities of the German-Fascist invaders in Zhytomyr region", 1944, 29 p. File 4. Report “Results of activities of Zhytomyr Regional Commission on damage calculation and investigation of atrocities committed by the German-Fascist invaders and their accomplices in the Zhytomyr region of t...

  5. Бердичівська міська управа, м. Бердичів Житомирської області

    • Berdychiv city administration
    • Berdychivska miska uprava

    File 2 contains: Order of gebietskommissar in Berdychiv to chairmen of Berdychiv city administration and district administrations of Berdichiv, Andrushivka and Yanushpil from November 27, 1941, on taxation of the Jewish population. Order of gebietskommissar in Berdychiv to chairmen of Berdychiv city administration and district administrations of Berdichiv, Andrushivka and Yanushpil, dated January 20, 1942, on wearing identification marks by the Jews. Order of the city administration of Berdychiv on January 21, 1942 about the same. Order of gebietskommissar in Berdychiv to chairmen of Berdyc...

  6. Житомирське обласне управління

    • Zhytomyr regional administration
    • Zhytomyrske oblasne upravlinnia

    Lists of personnel of the statistical department of the Zhytomyr administration and applications for employment, personal files of teachers, regulations of the administration on organization of police, the procedure recording acts of civil status, instructions on census of population and of livestock, information on land in public farms of the region, certificates of teachers, lists of industrial enterprises of the region and of settlements of the region, curricula and reports of the work of schools. File 7. Lists the population of districts and settlements of Zhytomyr region by age, gender...

  7. Барашівська сільська управа, с. Бараші Житомирського району

    • Barashi district administration
    • Barashivska silska uprava

    File 1 contains, particularly, an order by Barashi district administration to the elder of Barashi village to make and submit to the district administration the list of the property which left from the Jews in the village.

  8. Козятинський гебітскомісаріат

    Накази та постанови з особового складу жандармерії м. Козятина, списки працівників гебітскомісаріату, поліцаїв Козятинського району, підприємств і установ, відомості про партизанів, посвідчення особи працівників

  9. Овруцький гебітскомісаріат, м. Овруч Житомирської області

    Розпорядження райхскомісара та гебітскомісара, списки та письмові зобов'язання поліцаїв Базарського району