Archival Descriptions

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Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Dutch
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Holding Institution: Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Φιλοσοφική Σχολή, Τμήμα Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας
  1. Τόποι κράτησης και μνήμης: Nαζιστικά στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης στην Ελλάδα (1941-1944)

    • Places of Detainment and Memory: Nazi Concentration Camps in Greece, 1941-1944
    • Topoi kratisis kai mnimis: Nazistika stratopeda sigkentrosis stin Ellada, 1941-1944

    The project’s aim was the detailed description of three designated places of detention in Greece: the Pavlos Melas Camp in Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki, the Haidari Camp in Athens and the Larissa Camp. An additional aim of the program was the scientific documentation of the camps’ characteristics, of their mode of operation and of the purpose they served, according to: a) the conclusions drawn from the living conditions and the experiences of prisoners in the camps and b) the categorization applied by the German authorities (places of detention, ghettos, transit centers, concentration camps, e...