Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,501 to 18,520 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Nazi Party rally, Nuremberg

    LS of Nuremberg with Nazi banners and swastikas. Field of tents. Many shots of happy young men/soldiers at the event. Mess tent, playing cards, drawing swastikas in the sand. Carnival atmosphere. More Hitler Youth and SA.

  2. German occupation of Belgium; civilians, soldiers, refugees

    Life under occupation in Belgium: citizens and soldiers "share" the town. Belgian POWs, supervised by Belgian troops (?collaborators? They wear large white armbands. Belgian policeman also visible), work on a bridge. Women walk their bicylces across the bridge, following the soldiers' directions. Germans eating; inspecting weapons in a town square. Sunny day. Soldiers march on country road. Refugee family drives by. More refugees -- in horse-drawn carts, on foot, and pushing bicycles. A car rolls by, loaded with possessions and pushed by the men and boys of the family, while the women and a...

  3. Hitler at Reichstag threatens destruction of Jews if war comes again

    Celebration on 6th anniversary of the NSDAP coming to power [Machtergreifung]. Nighttime footage of parade. Candles in windows of building. Nighttime motorcade. Pass through Brandenburg Gate. Banners. Motorcade. INT, Hitler arrives at Reichstag with Goering. Walks down aisle lined with devoted soldiers. Hitler sounds very tough in his speech, crowd is responsive. LS from balcony, but mostly MS and MLS of Hitler. [researcher's translation: "Once again the international Jews are plunging the world into war. It/they will bring about the destruction of the Jews in the end. The creators of the l...

  4. Richard Serra sculpture, Gravity

    Site-specific sculpture, Gravity, designed by Richard Serra, in collaboration with the architect, James Inigo Freed, to create a metaphor for the rupture of civilization that would exist in a harmonious relationship with its architectural context. The monolithic twelve foot steel slab, weighing nearly thirty tons, is inserted into the bottom of the Concourse stairs near the black granite wall in the western corner of the Hall of Witness, the Museum's central gathering place. The work, angled from the black wall and anchored to the last three stairs, cuts the space asymmetrically, disrupting...

  5. MS St. Louis captain's hat

    Captain's hat worn by Captain Gustav Schröder of the MS St. Louis, captain of the ship on its ill-fated voyage that left Hamburg, Germany, on May 13, 1939, for Cuba, from where it was forced to return a few weeks later to Europe. The cap was given to Herbert Karliner, a twelve year old passenger on that voyage, by Rolf Ernst Schroeder, Captain Schröder's nephew, at a reunion of MS St. Louis survivors in 1989.

  6. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 100 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 100 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  7. New Cabinet Meeting in Berlin

    Quick, soft, nighttime march of SS, SA, and stormtroopers with torches, flags. Inside the Hotel Kaiserhof, before the Cabinet meeting begins. Everyone in suits, gathered around, mingling, a bit disorganized. Posing for their first official photograph. Cabinet members include (according to BA documentation): Hitler, Goering, von Papen, Seldte, Gerecke, von Schwerin Krosigk, Frick, von Blomberg, and Hugenberg. EXT, Reichstag, Nazi elite spotlit in window. Murky shots of nighttime parade with torches.

  8. Poverty in Smolensk

    VAR extreme poverty in Smolensk, USSR. Sick young children and babies lying in poorly-lit, grim room. Flies crawl on them. They are tended by two kerchiefed women. EXT pans of more young children, naked, on cloths on the ground. They are emaciated, crying or sleeping, crawling with flies. Ragged children, women, and men (probably refugees), walk along a dirt road in rural town, carrying bundles, some leading dray horses, cows. (Some children smile, they are walking toward camera.)

  9. Stalhelm troops with Hohenzollern and Seldte

    Title: "Editor's Note: For the last few months there have been rumblings of a revival of monarchistic sympathies in Germany. This picture, the first of the former Crown Prince deliberately accepting the spotlight, is confirmation of a situation which may have great influence on the immediate affairs of the embattled Reich." Crown Prince Wilhelm reviews Stahlhelm troops. Franz Seldte speaks: the Prussian and German future will be no accident but is dependent upon the Prussian race and Prussian blood, and is not possible without the King of Prussia. The camera cuts away from Seldte during his...

  10. Hanging of Nazis

    Convicted Nazi war criminals are hanged as American military observers watch. Men escorted to scaffold with chaplain or priest, blindfolded and hanged against backdrop of castle wall. Bodies removed, placed in coffins. Very sobering.

  11. Hitler Youth rally

    HA view of thousands of young boys (high-register voices) packed into the Berlin Lustgarten, singing. Sea of faces (very brief CU), sun shines, flags wave in breeze. Dr. Lippert (Staats Kommissar) takes the podium and leads the crowd in a salute, then speaks briefly. Horst Wessel song is sung; pans of crowd, flags, and swastika flags throughout crowd. "Deutsch Jugend - Herbergswerk" festival.

  12. Political propaganda poster: Hitler, Hindenburg, Bismarck

    CU stone/zinc ore, finger pointing along its length. CU poster: illustration in semi-profile of Friedrich III, Bismarck, Field Marshall von Hindenburg, Adolf Hitler. "Was der Koenig eroberte, der Furst formte, der Feldmarschall verteidigte, rettete und einigte der Soldat." [What the King conquered, the Prince formed, the Field Marshall defended, the soldier rescued and united.] VCU of each face, pan left to right.

  13. Nazi Party organizes; "Voelkischer Beobachter" office; newspapers; leading officials

    Offices of the Voelkischer Beobachter. Franz Pfeffer von Salomon works in his office as Philipp Bouhler and Franz Xaver Schwarz, Nazi Party treasurer, join him. Seated at a table, they review and edit papers, presumably copy for the newspaper. Exterior of the office of the Voelkischer Beobachter, people carry stacks of newspapers into the building. People reading a copy of the newspaper posted on the side of a building. SA men pick up stacks of the paper from the counter. The interior of the sales office of the paper. Several female typists at work; people bustling about the office.

  14. Villagers separated by Wehrmacht troops, Eastern Front

    Powerful scenes of German army personnel separating villagers (men from women and children), forcing women and children to leave. People are distressed, soldiers are hostile. Families wave goodbye. Women and children move off across wooden bridge.

  15. Women internees leave Belsen

    Street sign surrounded by lilacs: "Belsen: Kreis Celle Reg. Rez. Lueneburg." Bathing internees. Big crowd of survivor women queued up by table, signing forms and receiving new identity cards. Helped by Parisian woman who takes their names and other information. British "squaddies" wave and help women board truck. Waving from back of truck as it drives by. Camera pans from one communal grave to the next, all ten marked by posts: Grave No. 1 Approx. 1,000, 22nd April 1945; Grave No. 2 Approx. 5,000, 23rd April 1945; Grave No. 3 Approx. 5,000, 24th April 1945; Grave No. 4 Approx. 2,000, 27th A...

  16. Binoculars

    The binoculars were assembled from loose parts found in a section of Buchenwald where prisoners rebuilt binoculars. William E. Lifson entered the camp a few weeks after liberation and was instructed in the assembly of the binoculars by liberated prisoners. Assembled by William Lifson, May 1945, Buchenwald concentration camp.

  17. 550th anniversary of the University of Heidelberg

    Brief LS of Heidelberg town. University rector speaks. Various shots of faculty and students, dressed in full academic regalia, procession through University and town. Swastika briefly visible on University wall, flags decorate town street. CAs to children and adults (including SA) watching procession.

  18. German soldiers in mud, Eastern Front, Russia

    German soldiers unhitch horse from wagon, take wagon. Looting? Soldiers, horses, wagons struggling on muddy road. Soldier whips a horse, wheels get stuck, horses fall over. Mud.

  19. Jews? cleaning street in Warsaw

    Short segment in newsreel about Warsaw (after a bombing). People stand in ruined buildings. Jews? on the side of a road shoveling rubble (VO documentation indicates Jews, but they may not be; the same shot appears in Story 624, Film ID 302 where VO documentation indicates they are Polish soldiers). Clearing rubble. German soldiers, Polish civilians repair buildings.