Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,501 to 1,520 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Children emigrate by train after the Holocaust

    Child survivors on a train, preparing for arrival (likely in France and onward to Israel, America, or other countries). Woman buttering bread inside the railcar. CU smiling children in a train car with bunk beds. Little girl opens a compartment door. children lounge on bunk beds as the train moves. Resting and grooming. Children combing their hair, brushing their teeth, and washing their hands and faces. Little girls drinking out of mugs and eating toast.

  2. Jewish County Committee in Żary Powiatowy Komitet Żydowski w Żarach (Sygn. 366)

    Ordinances, announcements, minutes of meetings, official correspondence, registration questionnaires of members, personal files of committee employees, materials related to the Youth Department and others.

  3. Housing Care 353-2 II Wohnungsamt

    Selected files of the Wohnungsfürsorge (Housing Care) relating to the Bullenhuser Damm School, camps for prisoners and workers, camps for interned Italians, Jewish mixed race and homeless, and files relating to murdering of Jewish children shortly before the end of WWII.

  4. Fred and Ruth Cohen papers

    The Fred and Ruth Cohen papers include biographical material, photographs, photo albums, and a personal narrative documenting the experiences of Fred and Ruth Cohen’s families in pre-war Germany and their immigration to the United States. Documents include statements of birth for David and Martha Cohen, marriage documentation for David and Martha, and a copy of a death certificate for Benjamin Cohen. Photographs and albums mainly include pre-war photographs of Ruth and her family in Germany, including in Stuttgart. Also included is an early 1990s handwritten personal narrative by Lotte, Rut...

  5. Selected records from the State District Archive Znojmo

    Administrative records from the towns of Znojmo, Miroslav in Bohemia and Moravia concerning anti-Jewish measures and regulations and the expropriation of Jewish properties and assets. Includes name lists and registers of local Jews. Selected records originate from three collections at the State District Archive in Znojmo: 1. Archiv města Znojma (Archive of the city of Znojmo) 1281-1945 (1980); 2. Archiv městečka Miroslav (Archive of the town Miroslav) 1783-1945 (1948); 3. Archiv obec jiřice u Miroslavi (Archive of the municipal office of Miroslav) 1783-1945 (1948).

  6. Oral history interview with Zlata Santocki Sidrer

  7. Oral history interview with Bruno Massa

  8. "Equality" Egyenlőség [Newspapers]

    A Jewish weekly newspaper issued in Budapest, Hungary, 1882-1938.

  9. Prayer book

    Prayerbook that belonged to the donor's grandmother.

  10. Herbert L. Winograd collection

    Two envelopes; one sent to donor’s aunt “Beyla Katz…ul. Krasnoarmeiskaia in Pruzhany…Zapadnaia, Belorus, Brestskaia oblast [in Russian]…formerly Poland” from “Winograd, Beechwood…” Ohio, postmarked November 6 [no year] and stamped “RETURN TO SENDER.” One envelope sent from Else Guggenheim in Camp de Gurs to Norbert Guggenheim in Cleveland, Ohio and postmarked January 29, 1942. Else was deported to Auschwitz September 4, 1942.

  11. Title cards

    An assortment of handmade title cards in German prepared by Walter Hausner.

  12. András Pető is born

    Éva is pregnant with András. Éva and György’s first child was born on October 3, 1943, and he was killed in a concentration camp. Reel shows the first few months of András, bathing, eating, playing, tummy-time, bundled up outdoors. Eva holds Andras and pushes him in a carriage in town. Film ends 02:59

  13. Salek and Anny Rosendorn papers

    The collection documents the post-war experiences of Salek and Anny Rosendorn, both originally from Łódź, Poland, including their lives as refugees in the Neustadt displaced persons camp from 1945-1947 and their immigration to La Paz, Bolivia in 1947. The collection primarily consists of identification cards and documents regarding Salek’s work with the Jewish Welfare Committee, the International Welfare Advisory Council, and the Central Jewish Committee. Other material includes poems authored by Anny on Jewish Committee stationary, a certificate identifying her as a former prisoner of Stut...

  14. Siegfried and Katherine Susskind collection

    Affidavits of Identity and Nationality for Siegfried Susskind and Katherine Susskind (née Zappen), who left Germany in 1939, went to Budapest, and were then in Shanghai from 1940-1948 before immigrating to the United States. Also includes Katherine Susskind's "Acknowledgment of Filing Petition for Naturalization" and blank postcards of scenes around Hongkew, China.

  15. Prewar family life in Hungary

    Andris Berkes (the son of Ernö’s cousin) rides horse, probably in summer 1932 at family farm in Zabar. Includes shots of the town as well as other family members horseback riding and jumping. (08:33) Herding sheep, Andris assists the shepherds. Well with long pole hauling up bucket. (09:41) In Mohács, Béla Molnár, the father-in-law of Klári, poses outside their home. Children, Peter and Anni Molnár; Eva Popper rides a tricycle. (10:11) An elderly couple (grandparents) pose for camera. Eva plays with her father and the family’s fox terrier dog. (10:46) INTs, CUs, grandparents Jonas and Jenny...