Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 15,061 to 15,080 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Renata Laqueur papers

    The Renata Laqueur collection includes the typed transcript of diaries and relevant background information for Renata Laqueur, a Holocaust survivor. The diaries were written while Renata and her husband were imprisoned in Bergen-Belsen. Also included are the curriculum vitae and dissertation abstract for Renata Laqueur.

  2. Jack Arnel photograph collection

    Contains photographs of General Eisenhower visiting the Feldafing displaced persons camp.

  3. German Weeks Review

    CU, Hitler Youth applauding. LS, Heinrich Himmler enters hall, youth stand and salute him. CUs, faces of HJ. MCU, Himmler handing out medals. MSs, two boys pinning medals on. LS, Goebbels speaking (not heard). CUs, audience. LS, flags. CU, German soldiers and machine guns in foxholes. CU, machine gun fired. LS, explosions. German soldiers retreating. German engineers standing in depression. German soldiers on pontoon, drinking. LS, snow-covered mountains. CU, German mountain soldier climbing up mountain. LS, German soldiers descending from mountain. MS, men peeling potatoes. CU, German offi...

  4. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 10 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 10 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  5. Forced confrontation, funerals of victims

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Funerals of victims of the SS in Cologne and Lindlar. German civilians are forced to walk past open caskets and aid in the religious processionals.

  6. Linda L. Preston collection

    Consists of five photographs from the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. Contains mass produced images of bodies.

  7. Armband with a royal coat of arms worn by a Danish resistance fighter

    Blue, red, and white armband with a medallion issued to Mogens Kofod-Hansen, a Danish resistance fighter, on May 4 or 5, 1945. The armbands, which appeared abruptly throughout Denmark, were issued by the Danish Freedom Council, Denmark's unofficial government-in-exile in England from July 1944 to May 1945. The armbands were meant to identify resistance members as legitimate combatants, rather than guerilla forces, to ensure they were protected under Geneva Convention rules defining combatants and how they should be treated by military forces. Denmark was occupied by Germany on April 9, 1940...

  8. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 1 krone note

    Scrip, valued at 1 krone, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  9. Sam Simon Holocaust scrapbook

    Collected materials from Sam Simon. Most files consist of photographic reproductions of assembled album pages containing postcards and photographs from various camps and ghettos. Collection also contains a few first-day covers and commemorative postage stamps from Israel, relating to events commemorating the Holocaust, circa 1970s.

  10. Violin, bow, and case used by a prisoner while interned in a camp run by Oskar Schindler

    Violin crafted in 1890 by Guadagnini, a master Italian instrument maker in Turin. Henry Rosner bought it in Vienna in 1928. It was his constant companion for 66 years, excepting a brief separation near the end of the war. Rosner played the violin professionally in well-known cafes, hotels and resorts all over Europe until Poland fell to the Nazis in 1939. Three years later, Rosner, his wife Manci -- their young son Alexander, and Rosner's two brothers, were sent to the Płaszów forced labor camp. There, Henry and his brother Poldek, an accordianist, were required to play for the camp's comma...

  11. Soviet partisans; Stalingrad advance

    Titles: "Soviet Newsreel / 83-84 / Moscow / December 1942 / Directed by M. Fidelevoy"/ "Partisan-Glory" Coverage of ceremony extolling support of partisans in the war effort. 02:21:22 Title: "Defenders of the Caucuses" Gun workshop. CUs and MSs of workers putting together rifles and other guns. Tracking shot of cannon factory. Close shots of cannon maintenance. 02:23:10 Title: "Film-reporting from the Frontlines"/ "In the area of Nalchik" Pans across mountains. ELSs of soldiers hiking through. Coverage of fire fight in the mountains. CU badly wounded soldier. MS German soldier taken prisone...

  12. Records of the Military History Archives of the Military Historical Institute in Prague

    Copied documents (microfiche, photograph copy prints, photocopies) of plans for design and building of a prisoner-of-war camp at Auschwitz, October 1942, from the Zentralbauleitung der Waffen SS, Auschwitz. Copied from Military Historical Institute Archive, Prague.

  13. Louis Satvsky collection

    Louis Satvsky collection consists of photographs and documents relating to the efforts of Otto and Gitla Waga to immigrate to the United States from Vienna, Austria with the assistance of their cousins, the Stravsky family. The documents include letters written to the Stravsky family in the United States requesting assistance in securing an affidavit of support, copies of correspondence with the American consulate in Vienna, copies of documents compiled in support of immigration, and a photograph of Gitla Waga. Also included is a photograph of a young boy, likely Meiloch Waga, who escaped t...

  14. Oral history interview with Morris Stark

  15. Ukraine supreme court; Kiev; Mining in Rudnik

    Titles: "Soviet newsreel / 17 / Moscow / March 1944"/ "Directed by I. Kravchunovsky"/ "The sixth session of the Supreme Court Ukraine, USSR" High-angle ELS pan across Kiev. ELS courtroom INT, large portrait of Stalin centered in frame. Audience. MS, CU of Nikita Khrushchev addressing courtroom from podium. Courtroom. Title: 04:22:35 "On liberated Soviet ground" Workers rejuvenating factory. ELS of civilian crowd and platform. Message from Stalin read allowed to crowd. CU of crowd members applauding and smiling. ELSs river-damming facility. Shots of workers. Title: "With a camera on the coun...

  16. Capture of Rotterdam

    Spooling film animation. Title in Dutch? combined with UFA logo lower right. German narration. CU, map of Germany and surrounding territory, names in German. CU, map of Holland and Belgium showing animated pointer from England, animated Maginot Line, and defenses on German border. MCU, German Junker transport taking off. CU, engine of aircraft in flight, pan of Dutch countryside. AV, vertical shot of countryside with trees and farmland. MCU, paratrooper jumping from plane. CU, supplies thrown from plane. Parachutes with supplies landing in city. MCU, German troops running into streets getti...

  17. Portrait sketch created in Budapest ghetto

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn8906
    • English
    • 1944
    • overall: Height: 15.750 inches (40.005 cm) | Width: 11.750 inches (29.845 cm) pictorial area: Height: 13.750 inches (34.925 cm) | Width: 8.250 inches (20.955 cm)

    Sketch created in Budapest ghetto by Ilka Gedö in 1944.

  18. Maps and graphics. Banned books and music

    Maps and graphics. Map of France, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Prussia, Soviet, Ukraine, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Italy. Graphics showing radio broadcast signals, the press, local Nazi parties, and trade pressure. CUs, Germany, Ukraine, "The Partition of Czechoslovakia". CUs of forbidden books, including Schnitzler, Kant, Wassermann, Einstein, Napolean, Zweig, and Remarque. CU, Mendelsohn's Wedding March music. [Apparently outtakes similar to footage used in March of Time issue, Inside Nazi Germany.)

  19. "Great Fear and Little Bread"

    Testimony, typescript, 6 pages, titled "Great Fear and Little Bread" by R. B. Cappello.

  20. Industry along Rhine, production, farming, German trade show

    Koblenz city scape from balcony. VLS down to long train, river, men. Statue of Wilhelm I with a horse, teenage boys at balcony, slow pan view. 00:02:10 Mostly empty courtyard of military fort, Festung Ehrenbreitstein. Workers on the banks of the Rhine River, LS, gray, crossing small wooden bridge. 00:03:05 Coca-Cola sign: "Hier stets eiskalt", boy drinking cola, CUs. Trucks, cars, CU "Krupp" on motor. Slow tug, long low boats rolling down river. 00:04:12 Scientist with microscope, lab with other workers, women and men in lab coats, making cameras, zoom lens, various MS and CU of workers at ...