Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,301 to 11,320 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Ethnic groups of Trancarpathia - Travelogue of Czechoslovak Travel Agency

    Silent with Czech intertitles. Opens with MCU of water wheel and river. VS water wheel and its mechanisms. MLS peasant family standing in front of a thatched roof house. VS, LS, countryside, hills and valleys, trees and the river running through the valley. MLS, log cabins, some may form part of a dam that harnesses the water power from the river. Title: "Vychodni' hranice Czeskoslovenska tvori' pohranicni pas cernohorsky." LS, pan, snow capped mountains. 00:12:24 MLS, a group of Jews and Roma-men women and children. Several women in traditional peasant costumes at Czech border. MS, Roma wo...

  2. Journal

    Journal with leather cover.

  3. Hitler dart board

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn516119
    • English
    • overall: Height: 29.500 inches (74.93 cm) | Width: 16.750 inches (42.545 cm) overall: Height: 21.625 inches (54.928 cm) | Width: 6.250 inches (15.875 cm)

    The dart board was made in the U.S., possibly Massachusetts, as a reaction to events occurring in Europe during World War II.

  4. Former Reichsbank director on stand at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 163) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 14-15, 1946. Emil Johann Rudolf Puhl walks to witness box and is sworn in by the Chief Justice. Mr. Puhl is the former assistant director of the Reichsbank. LS, Dr. Fritz Sauter questions Puhl. Rear views, LS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd approaches the stand and interposes a clear point concerning the witness. LS, Puhl testifies and admits that gold teeth collected from victims of concentration camps were left on deposit at the Reichsbank by members of the Nazi party. MS, witnesses in dock listen to testimony. LS, rear view, Dodd inte...

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- MacArthur's speech to Allied Control Council, part 1

    General MacArthur's speech to Allied Control Council. Members listening. MacArthur speaking. Flags in room. MacArthur: "Our job to help Japan get on its feet - the principles of freedom, democracy will be applied."

  6. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: interviews inside a hospital

    Reel 8 of 8: "Gemeinschaftsraum der Männer" [Men's common room]. WS of men in room with wooden benches; some sit, some pacing, one crawls. One seems to be making speech. 00:46:08 One in restraints, arms held back, knocking shoulder against wall. 00:46:27 One in real restraints. Interviewer and microphone in view. Voice off-screen asking questions, seems mocking: "Wollst du nach heim?" (Audible, but hard to hear) "Hast du Kinder?" Answer: "6". 00:48:35 Another patient interviewee, speaks fast, no pauses. 00:49:17 He sings, motions with fingers on arm. "Bäcker... Amerika.." 00:50:07 Woman int...

  7. Tweezers

  8. Agricultural exhibition

    Agricultural exhibition in the town of Radomyshl in the Zhitomir area of the Ukraine. For some reason, a map of Italy flashes for a split second, then cuts to a road sign reading "Radomyschl" (the German spelling). German officers, accompanied by farmers, walk about, inspecting farm equipment and machinery. Farmers look at model houses, signs advertising seed prices, and bundles of grain. VS, women and children looking at a demonstration on bee keeping and fish in glass tanks. Translation of Ukrainian narration: An agricultural-scientific exhibition is opened in Ukraine under German supervi...

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- UNRRA warehouse; Czech-Polish border

    1150 GG (14:15:55) Prague, Czechoslovakia. UNRRA Warehouse. Mr. Peter Alexeef, director of UNRRA's branch in Czechoslovakia, welcoming Mr. Vaclav Majer, Minister of Food, at UNRRA's warehouse. The Chief of the Press for UNRRA, Mr. Denlinger, is also present. Several shots of the three men arriving at a table where they test sausage from cans sent by UNRRA to feed the Czech people. CU, Alexeef and Majer eating the sausage. MS, CU same. Village of Bela-Pod, the center of UNRRA's supply for agriculture. LS, pile of UNRRA's supplies. The village is in the BG. Heaps of supplies waiting for distr...

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Iran, reel 4

    Reel 4: Iran. Steam shovel, road construction, bulldozers, blizzard, watering station, camel caravan.

  11. Film re: medical examinations and cancer

    Lecture to medical school students. Contrasting people who go to fortune tellers against those who go for proper medical examinations. Breast exam by doctor. A biopsy done, slides examined under microscope. Surgery, radiation. Doctor with woman. Meanwhile, man with moustache goes to a quack, sells all his belongings to pay for treatments while getting worse and worse. Evenutually the quack is on trial. Lawyer's statement. Judge in robes with Nazi insignia. Message: "Kampf dem Krebs / Vertrauet den Arzt" [Fight Cancer / Trust the doctor]. "Rechtzeitig erkannt, rechtzeitig bekämpft ist Krebs ...

  12. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: hospital care

    Reel 3 of 8: INT clinic. Sound of moaning and irrational impulses. Nurse gives injection in bare buttocks. Caring for men in beds like tubs, padded, high sides. Feeding through nose tube. Tube inserted. Funnel, hands of nurses, etc. Various of hands, needles, striped aprons. (Sounds in BG) Woman has injection in arm; attendants. No faces of medical personnel are seen; only faces of patients. 00:14:17 Electric shock therapy given to man with moustache. Seen before and during; cloth in mouth. Arms moving. Aftermath; eyes rolling. 00:15:20 Midday meal. Nurses seen in MS, feeding. Metal bowls. ...

  13. May Day; church service

    May Day: Workers and peasants gather in large crowds to hear speeches given by the German occupation. The Kiev-Pechersk Monastery at sunset (the campanile is clearly visible), and the cupolas of what appears to be the Cathedral of Dormition (within the monastery). Night-time exterior shot of Saint Andrew's Church (not at the monastery), followed by interior shots of an Orthodox mass. The choir is singing, and the worshippers stand listening, crowded beneath the iconostasis. Translation of Russian narration: May Day - the German national holiday was also celebrated by all liberated populatio...

  14. Process for presenting evidence at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 450) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1945. MS, Rudolf Hess standing in prisoners' dock talking to his attorney. (Mute) Sound begins at 03:0119 Robert G. Storey, prosecution counsel, addressing the court. LS, MS, Fritz Sauckel's counselor, Dr. Robert Servatius, offers protest to the Tribunal. Speaking on behalf of the "Organization der politischen Leiter" [Organization of Political Leaders] Servatius questions the sufficiency of opportunities and time to discuss evidence presented by the prosecution. 03:04:45 Pan to bench as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence tells Dr...

  15. Anti-Jewish propaganda film: culturally prominent Jews; Purim celebration

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts. REEL 6 Extract from "Dimitri Karamazov - Murderer", starring "the Jew [Fritz] Ko...

  16. Doenitz on stand at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 155) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 8-10, 1946. HAS, Tribunal as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence administers oath to Adm. Karl Doenitz (latter not visible). HAS, Capt. Otto Kranzbuehler questioning his client Doenitz at the stand. (Doenitz not visible. Interpreter's voice is heard giving questions and answers in English.) MSs, Kranzbuehler at speaker's stand. HAS, left side of prisoners' dock showing defendants talking with attorneys before session. HAS, British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe as he continues questioning Doenitz. Doenitz is heard replying. Maxwell-Fyfe...

  17. Refugees from France

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 18, No. 372, Part 4. Release date, 02/12/1945. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "St. Nazaire Civilians" After Yank-Nazi parleys under truce, French civilians are evacuated daily by French Red Cross train, from Nazi-held St. Nazaire. Small group of German officers speak to American soldiers, gather by train tracks (possible truce to get refugees out of St. Nazaire, France.) Train pulls up, view of little girl on crutches, people walking. Lots of little kids in train window waving, packed in. View from above of train pulling away. Other parts of the ne...