Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,621 to 8,640 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Letter to Louis Kuttenplum

    A letter with envelope sent to Louis Kuttenplum [donor's father-in-law] in N.Y. from his sister in Drogobycz (Drohobych), Poland (now Ukraine), in which she explains that they are in good health but asks for "please a soon answer" [sic] to her letter.

  2. Mary Costanza collection

    The collection contains a variety of materials related to the representation of the Holocaust in the Arts, both by Holocaust survivors and post-Holocaust artists. Much of the material was generated during research for Mary Costanza’s seminal monograph on the topic titled “The Living Witness.”.

  3. Marc Ratner papers

    The papers consist of documents and letters relating the experiences of Marc Ratner after World War II. Includes a letter of recommendation for Marc Ratner from the Provisional Engineering team in Ebensee, Austria; a certificate from the Cham Jewish transient camp for Gustava, Marijan, and Alicia Ratner; a transit visa for Venezuela from the Central Committee for Liberated Jews for Alicja [donor's sister] and Manau (Marian) Ratner issued on September 11, 1946; and two letters from the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) certifying that Marian and Simone Ratner were employed in the Paris, Fra...

  4. Deportation of the Jews of Hildesheim

    01:00:00-01:00:54 "Judenevakuierung in Maerz" Shows the deportation of men, women and children from the town of Hildesheim, Germany in March 1942. Many of the Jews wear numbered tags and carry large bundles. The deportation center was located in the Hildesheim police school. The girl with the braids and a hat is Lissy Asser, originally of Goettingen; Sannchen Hess of Ottenstein, wears identification number 609. Remaining shots show Hildesheim from 1941 to 1942, including the removal of a bell from the church, drills and oaths of allegiance taken by the men of the fire department, and the bu...

  5. U.S. soldiers in Europe

    The images are difficult to see due to severe decomposition and emulsion loss. Intermittent images. US Army soldier in helmet visible briefly along with images of European style homes (rustic, Chalet type style). Various glimpses of European architecture: pyres, steeples, towers, ornate columns, etc. Image of peasant wheeling (driving) horse-drawn cart. Civilians, locals walking along streets, mountains are visible in the BG. US Army men at camp, posing in front of their tents. Military plane flying overhead. VS, buildings, destruction and rubble. Shot of a small child with a woman. Local w...

  6. Barges; European seashore

    VS, EXT. Along a canal. Barges, carrying metal drums are docked. Strings of international flags on barges. VS, EXT of rocky shoreline and the sea. CU, young girl on beach. LS, shot from above, most likely a hilltop, looking down to unidentified town and rooftops of homes below. More panning shots of trees, hills, the sea and the shoreline.

  7. Flight, a boxed set of 12 lithographs from the International Rescue Committee on the theme of refugees and rescue

    A portfolio of original art prints, limited edition 73 of 250, published in 1971 by the International Rescue Committee to raise funds for the organization's mission to aid and rescue refugees. In 1964, Varian Fry, IRC's founder, began to assemble a portfolio of works from artists whom he had helped bring to the United States during the Holocaust. The project, themed to reflect the plight of refugees, was completed in 1970, four years after Fry's death. Each work represents the artist's vision of the Greek warrior, Aeneas, as he flees the burning city of Troy, described by T.S. Eliot as: "th...

  8. American GIs at Nuremberg stadium

    Slates throughout give the dates of the footage (April-May 1945). Several American Air Force pilots walk into the Nuremberg stadium. They look around and one throws a rock at a swastika adorning a wall of the stadium. A slate indicates the date is May 9, 1945. Shots of P-51 airplanes overhead, then back to the soldiers in the stadium. They walk around the grounds of the stadium. One holds a camera. One of the pilots gives a Nazi salute and pretends to be Hitler; the others grab him and pretend to throw him off the stadium steps. They examine a Nazi symbol (eagle?) that has fallen to the gro...

  9. Gen. Hoth and Gen. Zorn on Eastern Front; mass of Soviet POWs

    Reel 1: 00:08:42 Officers and soldiers in conversation, smoking. Line of soldiers on motorcycles moving down a dusty road, followed by other military vehicles. An open car stops and two officers climb in. Views of numerous German military vehicles driving down a dusty road. 00:11.23 Mass of Soviet POWs in ravine, bread thrown down to them by Germans and Soviet civilian women. Scores of men scrambling for the bread. CU of Russians' feet, some missing shoes. Fight between German soldiers and Soviet POWs, a German soldier throws a Russian who runs away, camera pans to follow him blending into ...

  10. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Witness testifies; discussions about Barbie refusing to appear in court

    13:35 President Cerdini asks for the accused, who refuses to appear at the trial, to be introduced. 13:37 A clerk lists the names of testifying witnesses. 13:41 President Cerdini asks Mme Vogel, née Esssner, to speak about the deportation of her parents by Nazi collaborator Paul Touvier. 14:26 Lawyer Welzer requests the Court to decide on whether it can continue to be permitted for Barbie to be absent. 14:46 Lawyer Du Granut says the presence of Barbie at his own trial would be useful and neccessary, but the respect of the French legal tradition excludes the use of force. 14:50 The prosecut...

  11. Robert Ley names new Gauleiter of Salzburg; Soviet POWs at forced labor; Grand Mufti of Jerusalem meets Hitler; Generals and Hitler at the FHQ.

    Salzburg, Austria: Head of the German Labor Front (DAF) Dr. Robert Ley confers the title of Gauleiter on student leader Dr. Gustav Scheel. Ley drives past cheering crowds and reviews Austrian (?) troops. Before a large crowd Ley thanks the current Gauleiter, Dr. Friedrich Reiner, for his service, and presents an official announcement of the appointment and the flag of the region to Scheel. 01:23:24 Soviet POWs exit a barrack, pick up shovels, and march off to forced labor. They are shown shoveling dirt at some kind of construction site. Close-ups on some of the faces of the prisoners. 01:24...

  12. Markov-Grinberg photograph of a smiling female peasants and a baby in a wheat field

    Photographic print created in 1935 by Mark Markov-Grinberg, depicting an official, idealized version of Soviet women farm workers. Markov-Grinberg was a Soviet Jewish photographer, World War II correspondent, and major Social Realist photographer during the Stalinist era of the 1930s-1940s. He worked for major newspapers and journals, including TASS. Markov-Grinberg was a war correspondent during the Soviet-Finnish War from 1939-1940 and, in 1941, was drafted to fight in World War II. While a soldier, he continued his work as a photographer and army correspondent. After the war, he returned...

  13. Singer 13 sewing machine with a fiddle base used by a tailor in a sealed ghetto

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn522553
    • English
    • 1939-1945
    • a: Height: 9.000 inches (22.86 cm) | Width: 14.000 inches (35.56 cm) | Depth: 6.000 inches (15.24 cm) b: Height: 2.875 inches (7.302 cm) | Width: 25.625 inches (65.088 cm) | Depth: 18.875 inches (47.943 cm)

    Singer sewing machine with wooden table top used by Smil Wagner, a tailor from Suceava, (S. Bukovina) Romania. In 1941-1942, Smil and the other Jews of his town were deported to the Shargorod (Sharhorod) ghetto in Romanian occupied Ukraine. Smil was allowed to bring his sewing machine. He made and repaired garments for the local Ukrainian population in exchange for food. Smil was able to leave the ghetto after the region was retaken by the Soviet Union in 1944.

  14. Paramount Newsreel, Year 1945, Issue 32 (part)

    Execution by firing squad of Anton Dostler for ordering the execution of 15 OSS men, without trial.

  15. Teheran Conference

    An American serviceman holds a slate that identifies the cameraman as Daniel and the date as November 30, 1943. US Army and Naval officers enter and exit a brick building guarded by MP's. The building appears to be part of a US military compound in the desert. 01:53:28 Soviet soldiers drill on the grounds of the Soviet embassy, where the Teheran conference was held. American miltiary cameramen film them. Shots of Joseph Stalin posing for the cameras with other conference participants. This material does not correspond to the description on the NARA story card.