Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 541 to 560 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Deportation of Bulgarian Jews

    Reel 2 CUs, documents. Contemporary footage - interview, man reading from letter, inside museum exhibit showing books and a button in the shape of a Star of David. Forced laborers on a mountain. Meeting with Nazi officials. German planes. Contemporary footage of man singing a song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar, inside the museum exhibition (the song is performed other times over the duration of the film). Eichmann. Bulgarian Jews with star patches deported on trains (See Story RG-60.0466 on Film ID 246 for more detail). Eichmann on trial. CUs, documents. Jews gathered in town square. ...

  2. Jewish family vacations in southern France

    The Dutch-Jewish Bed family (Meijer, Kaatje, Elly (Jetje) and John) enjoys their vacation in a beach resort town in southern France, probably Juan les Pins. Beachgoers on the sand, under rows of sun umbrellas, and in the water. Jetje and John row a paddleboard/boat. Sand sculpture in the shape of a reclining woman. Sunbathers perform gymnastics. 03:43 Sign that says Hollywood in the BG. Kaatje (in plaid swim dress) walks into the surf while smiling at the camera. Meijer wades in the water. Kaatje rides a bike then sits at an outdoor bar (blurry). WS of a hilltop town. Waterfalls and a strea...

  3. Stevens & Moffat at Elbe River

    Stevens walking in front of destroyed metal bridge. GI (probably Moffat) going down to river's edge and returning from river's edge. Army Engineers sign reads: "In memoriam to our comrades who fell with the bridge?" then list of names. Shots of destroyed bridge and river. Stevens walking into tunnel. Boys walking along railroad track, river's edge, bombed out buildings. Stevens and Moffat talking. They walk along barbed wire pathway. Stevens in jeep Toluca and weapons carrier behind crossing pontoon bridge and driving past anti-aircraft gun, along riverside and past fortifications. Stevens,...

  4. Peasants on break and at work farming in a mountain village

    In the Caucusus, male villagers on shore on work break, drinking, mountains and town buildings in BG. Women on shore as well, looking into camera. Man with bull. Farming. Quick shot of a village. Boy posing on horse that operates farm equipment seen earlier in this story.

  5. Oral history interview with Maggie Neumann

  6. Oral history interview with Ruth Meyerowitz

  7. Joseph Wulf sound recordings

    Songs performed by Joseph Wulf. The arranger and pianist on the recordings is Friedrich Scholz. Wulf announces the song titles, composers and poets at the start of almost every track in the following order: 1. Zol zayn 2. Hey, tsigelekh 3. Azamer bi'shvakhim 4. Yedid Nefesh 5. Fun land tsu land 6. Hatsos 7. A small biographical note about Weingarten (spoken) 8. Zunenshtraln 9. Unter di khurves fun poyln

  8. Nehama Lifshitsaite Recital

    Side A: ту 35 хп 558-63 д-5605: 1) Pesni Materi [Babi Yar] (Yampolski/Driz); 2) Pesni Pesnaya (Shalom Aleichem); 3) Za Mir I Druzhbu. M. Feigin, piano. Lyric sheet (Yiddish) for Babi Yar included inside album sleeve. Side B: ту 35 хп 558-63 д-5606: 1) Kolibelnaya [Cradle Song] (Gebirtig); 2) Bolnoy Portnoy [Sick Tailor] (Pulver/Ansky); 3) Napev [Chant] (folksong). M. Feigin, piano.

  9. Lidice before and after destruction

    Photos of Lidice before destruction. Footage of Lidice being destroyed, burning buildings (Nazi footage from SS archives). Photos of dead in piles. British coal-miners and others around the world rally in support of Lidice. Building new city of Lidice. Commemoration of gardens.

  10. Brussels garrison

    CU of map, finger demonstrating route, which is inserted from earlier footage shot by Stevens and crew. Sign says "HQ Brussels Garrison." Men in winter uniforms.

  11. Clips from WETA filming of the USHMM in 1993

    Compilation of footage from WETA's filming of the USHMM for their one-hour documentary "For the Living." The clips were prepared for the AV production of the Memorial Tribute to Harvey "Bud" Meyerhoff (HMM250).

  12. Agro-Joint in Russia

    Includes title of the film and intertitles. From opening credits of the film (Foreword): "American Jews at the outbreak of the World War in 1914, organized the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to aid the Jewish masses overseas suffering from war, pogroms, famine and pestilence. The following episodes depict the activities in Russia only." Brief shots of Felix Warburg and Julius Rosenwald, to whose memory the film is dedicated. Stills of other JDC officials and footage of the members of the JDC relief unit sailing for Russia. Dr. Rosen, organizer of Agro-Joint. Scenes of th...

  13. Illich family visits the Dolomites, 1937

    Introduced with Maexie Films logo (drawing of Maexie holding a film camera), "Agfa 1937", and German titles. The Illich family exits a car with their luggage. INTs of a train. Good CUs of Grandfather Fritz and the boys. The family tours the countryside (mountains, farms) by automobile on their tour of the Dolomites (a mountain range in the Alps). They stop in the medieval town of Lienz in Eastern Austria (Tyrol) - shops, bicycles, pedestrians, hotels. They cross the border from Austria to Italy and sightsee by Mercedes car - filming mountains and villages from the window. They stop at looko...

  14. Liberation of Paris, France

    (INV1485) Wide shot of street filled with ruins on the ground or some kind of small blockade constructed from ruins. 00:07 American Army cars driving down the street. Civilians approach the car to shake hands with soldiers. 00:23 MS of civilians approaching soldiers. Crowds looking and waving at the camera. 00:29 Larger crowds. 00:35 Two boys approach and kiss soldier 00:52 CU of soldier speaking next to a young boy. 00:57 Crowds advancing quickly down the street 01:05 (INV1484) Armed soldiers (French resistance) walk around Shell gas station. 01:21 Tank with Free French Forces symbol. 01:2...

  15. Kriegsberichterstattung: Tiger nach vorn Teil I

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Joachim Manzinoki, SS Standarte Kurt Eggers, 3. Kriegsberichter-Kompagnie. "Tigers to the Front" Part 1. Report on the drum and a short radio extract.

  16. Kriegsberichterstattung: Tiger nach vorn Teil II

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Joachim Manzinoki, SS Standarte Kurt Eggers, 3. Kriegsberichter-Kompagnie. "Tigers to the Front" Part 2. Report directly from tanks with radio extension. Battle Report. 5 tanks shot down: "Mein lieber Otto das haste wieder gut gemacht"

  17. Nur für Natur | Rusalkas Lied an den Mond

    "Nur für Natur" and "Rusalkas Lied an den Mond" Tilophan 254/255. Two art songs recorded in Austria or Germany, circa 1931-38. This may have been an audition recording for the aspiring US vocalist Gladys Miller (Kurt Frederick's future mother-in-law; Kurt Frederick was an Austrian born violinist and conductor who immigrated to US in 1942.)

  18. Max Eisikovits recordings

    A collection of recordings by Max Eisikovits, Romanian composer, conductor, musicologist and pedagogue, including a publication and documentary: 1. Toamna Muzcala Clujeana Cenenar 'Max Eisikovits' - An autumn musical at the Max Eisikovits Center in Cluj. Performance recording dated October 8, 2008. 2. "Seara de muzica romaneasca" - Evening of Romanian Music including performers: Formatia Art-Contrast (Art-Contrast ensemble, Violin, Viola, Piano). Features two instrumental works by Max Eisikovits. Performance recording dated March 12, 2012. Track listing on CD insert card. 3. Barabas Kasler ...

  19. Excerpts from private film collections of prewar Jewish life

    A glimpse into the lives of individuals who were soon swept into the destruction of the war. (28:45 minutes) Part One of a three-part video series representing the Holocaust experience with the rich and very personal imagery found in the Museum’s private film collections. Such vivid cultural documents is at once familiar, intimate, and individual, and captures everyday subjects which are quite similar to how people experience life today -- like holidays, birthdays, vacations, or leisure activities. Created solely of amateur films or home movies from over 30 collections, the production conve...

  20. Ponar Yizkor

    A personal-poetic statement by the Holocaust survivor Meïr Shapiro with (commercially recorded) background music.