Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 441 to 460 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Belsen: Kramer; corpses

    CUs, camp commandant Josef Kramer under armed guard. Canadian military soldier with a cap, Jack Marcovitch, on Kramer's left side. SS men unloading naked corpses (women) from truck into a pit. SS women on truck with corpses, dragging naked corpses to pit. CUs of bodies.

  2. Farming activities; Nazi supporters parade in small German village

    Tall wheat blowing in the wind. Field of flowers. Women in traditional dresses tend to crops, farming, tractor. Man uses a wrench to fix a wheel. Farmers cut away at the wheat. Horses pull grain drills across the field. Woman and young boy in the field. The farmers pile hay on top of wagons. Repairs. Shot from inside a moving car of the fields as the end of day sun peaks through the clouds above. 01:02:52 Children raise a pole decorated in garland. Young boys and a dog. Girl stares at the camera. People walk in a line through the village, past the garland-wrapped pole. Nazi flag. Group of m...

  3. German soldiers advance into Yugoslavia; sports day

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 13. German soldiers in high spirits, at open door of freight train. Loading up on train at Schelklingen; troops in cattle trucks play accordion and portable gramophone with 78 rpm reco...

  4. 4 video progams about the Holocaust: propaganda, children, the Nazi police state, and deportations

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Fourth floor (4.13) - Power of Propaganda (see revised version on Laser Disk A) Second floor (2.09c) - Children: In Ghettos and Camps Fourth floor (4.26a) - Nazi Society/Police State Third floor (3.21) - Deportations

  5. Assassination plotters' HQ; Mussolini; military vehicles; burning villages; American POWs; V-1

    Reel 1: (1) INT bomber headquarters where attempt was made on Adolf Hitler's life on July 20. (2) Hitler meets Benito Mussolini's train in Germany, converses with him and Heinrich Himmler outside headquarters, and with Hermann Goring bids Mussolini farewell at train station. (3) Albert Speer decorates German engineers and escorts Hitler and German officers through steel plant. Comparing the performance of the German "Panther" and U.S. "General Lee" tanks, and antiaircraft weapons ""Panzerfaust"" and ""Panzer-schredk."" (4) Animated map of Eastern front along Estonian-Lithuanian border. Germ...

  6. Roma/Sinti caravan in Russia

    HAS, Roma/Sinti in caravan, moving through town with bulls and wagons. Good close shots, women and children, older man. VAR shots, moving about on dirt roads with bull and wagon. Man with hat holding son. At camp in hills, setting up for overnight, VAR, shots. LS, Roma/Sinto caravan on country road.

  7. 2 edited programs about the Holocaust: Auschwitz survivors (sound) and Nuremberg trials (video)

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). Third floor (3.34) - Voices from Auschwitz (audio theater) Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Nuremberg Trials #1 (1945)

  8. Hungarian forced laborers

    Magyar Híradó 805. Intertitle reads “MEGKEZDODÖTT A MUNKASZOLGÁLAT. Az I. hadtesthez bevonult munkaszolgálato-sok eskiitéle a szentendrei táborban. M.F.I. ZSABKA-NAGY L.” accompanied with music. An officer in glasses reads from a paper at a podium with the Hungarian flag on the left. The forced labor service stands in neat rows in front of him, each man with his right hand up and fingers extended except for the pinky and ring finger. More of the officer as he reads from the paper. He reads aloud, and then men in front of him respond in unison. Two shovels stick up from the sides of a weapon...

  9. German occupation of Danzig

    Reel 18 from the Biedenbach collection of home movies is a newsreel on small-gauge film for home-screening. Starts with good quality, then very grainy. Degeto Weltspiegel Nr 5. Okt 1939 "Danzig ist wieder Deutsch" German occupation of Danzig at start of WWII. Airplanes. "Der Fuehrer und der Front" 02:48 “Polnische Insurgenten” title over shots of Jewish men, some imprisoned. 03:15 "Der geschlagene Heer." Interview with Russian prisoner, subtitled, “arbeitslos” [unemployed].

  10. Execution of Antonescu

    Antonescu and other Nazi collaborators from the Romanian wartime regime are led to their execution after being tried for war crimes, walking on village road surrounded by police with rifles. VAR CUs, collaborators saying their last words. Lined up against wooden posts, Antonescu and the 3 other men are shot repeatedly, from far range at first, then closer with a pistol and rifle. CUs bodies. Men rolling bodies over to ensure death. LS, crowd watching from afar. VAR CUs bodies. Men loading bodies on litters, taking bodies away.

  11. Traveling through the Alps

    Sign pointing to left "Franzenfest 35 kms, Bozen 82 kms, Meran 111 kms." Pointing to right "Steinhach 12 kms, Matrei 16 kms, Innsbruck 38 kms." Stevens and Hamilton by sign that reads: "Brennero Pass" and a marble pillar marked "Italia" and "Bernardo Brennero." A mountainside shot of a bombed out building in the Alps. There are shots of bombed out Brenner railroad station. Panning shot of town below. Jeep Toluca, panning left to town. Sign reads: "Innsbruck" VS of town. Two vehicles driven by Germans pass through town. Four Americans talking with German soldier with his arm in a sling. Smal...

  12. Trims of Russian scenes: bucolic mountains; city street scenes

    TRIMS depicting a variety of activities in daily life throughout Russia. HS, boats on lake in mountains, bucolic atmosphere. 01:10:02 Pedestrians walking in city, street scene.

  13. Street activity in the Krakow ghetto

    Jewish man with star armband walks along cobbled streets of Krakow ghetto. Pedestrians and a horse with wagon cross a bridge. MS, pan of street activity - people walking and traffic. More people cross the bridge. Good view of main street in the ghetto. Wagon filled with belongings and furniture. Women and children converse in the street. View of another street, man takes a photograph. Another view of bustling streets in the ghetto.

  14. Damaged German planes

    Cameraman sets tripod on airfield. Hamilton inspects damaged plane. Shots at damaged bridge on river side. Stevens and Moffat in front of sign that reads: "Captured intact March 7, 1945 by the 9th Armored Division, III Corp." LS, men get into jeep Toluca. Panning shots of planes at abandoned airfield, and various CUs.

  15. 7 video progams about the Holocaust: Terezin, bookburning, the camp system, safety, Einsatzgruppen, invasion of the Soviet Union, and resistance

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). 1. Third floor (3.06) - Theresienstadt 2. Fourth floor (4.12) - Bookburning 3. Third floor (3.28) - The Camp System 4. Fourth floor (4.29a) - To Safety 5. Third floor (3.15) - Einsatzgruppen (see revised program on Film ID HMM142) 6. Third floor (3.14) - Invasion of the Soviet Union 7. Second floor (2.05) - Resistance

  16. Captured German troops and GIs; airfield

    Stevens standing in front of sign that reads: "Frankenburg." Pan to several hundreds, possibly a thousand, captured Germans. German troops (excellent pan of German soldiers) captured filing into trucks. Pan to remainder of troops. Troops loading onto open trucks. CUs of German soldiers. Stevens, Moffat and others standing with the Germans. American GI climbs on truck with stick, reaching into soldiers with stick. GI sending soldiers up the hill. They run to the truck. German officer in front of truck. Cameraman shooting CU of young German soldier. Sign reads: "Frankenau/Kreis Frankenberg/Re...

  17. Oral history interview with Clara Robzyk

  18. US military inspecting weapons

    Sequence: VS of men in uniform around jeep in clearing inspecting some kind of artillery shells. Men working on their artillery weapons on trailers. A lake or a river in the BG. Men in uniform cleaning up and clearing off of field, packing up gear to move camp.

  19. Oral history interview with Anonymous

  20. Einsatzgruppen shooting of Jews, Latvia

    An Einsatzgruppe execution between late July and mid-August 1941. Jewish men being shot by Germans, in dugout pit. Two brief shots of German Kriegsmarine standing along the bank near the bushes (screen left) washing himself. Footage includes executions of three groups of men. Soldiers and others, including Kriegsmarine personnel and civilians, stand around. Also visible are many people watching from an embankment above. Jews jump out of open truck and are herded, running, towards open pit. They wear "yellow badges" on their chests and backs. SS men, local Latvian militia, and German police ...