Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,761 to 3,780 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. William Rocha photograph collection

    Contains a photograph of William Rocha (donor's grandfather) with the U.S. Army 285th Battalion, seated on top of stone monument in the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar, Germany following liberation; also includes two copy prints (one a portrait) of William Rocha while in service.

  2. Nameplate for fishing boat Stjernen used to rescue Jewish refugees

    Nameplate: for fishing vessal STJERNEN [The Star] that was pressed into service to move Jewish refugees from Denmark to Sweden over a route established between the Danish isle of Moen and southern Sweden. Some years after the war, the boat was laid up and dismantled for scrap. Because of its historic role in 1943, the nameplate was saved.

  3. Deutscher family papers

    The collection primarily documents the immigration experiences of the Deutscher family as they fled Vienna, Austria after its annexation by Germany in 1938. Biographical materials include birth, marriage, and death certificates; identification papers; and a small amount of restitution papers. The immigration papers include Efraim and Beile Deutscher’s documentation from Italy, and Erwin and Henia Deutscher’s documentation regarding immigration to Palestine and later the United States. There is a small amount of correspondence that includes a postcard written to Efraim Deutscher while he was...

  4. Funeral; German workers; Hitler Youth

    Contination of RG-60.5395. Funeral. Training camp. CUs of German workers in uniform. Marching in city. Hitler Youth.

  5. Salzburg in 1941/42

    Salzburg in 1941/42

  6. Posters; Nazi officials visit Tatra mountain region

    Perutz logo. 01:15:20 In color, CUs of an poster "Kampf den Wanzen!" (Fight against bedbugs!) and poster for 1939 UFA comedy film "Ich bin gleich weider da" starring Paul Klinger and Mady Rahl. A soldier adjusts a camera tripod. 01:15:45 Scenes of the Polish countryside and Tatra mountains from a slow-moving funicular. 01:16:06 Hans Frank (in the middle with a cane) and other Nazi officials walk outdoors in the snow by a gate that reads "Berghaus Krakau," a mountain hotel on Kalatówki in the Tatra Alp region which served as a guest house for high-ranking German officers during the Nazi occu...

  7. Jewish community in Włocławek and its region Gmina Żydowska we Włocławku oraz akta gmin żydowskich Aleksandrów, Brześć Kujawski, Chodecz, Izbica, Kowal, Lubień, Lubraniec, Przedecz

    Various documents of the Jewish community in Włocławek and its region: minutes of the Board meetings, lists of incomes and expenses, budgets, correspondence, inspection of the community in Włocławek, lists of community members, materials related to the election of the community leaders, applications of candidates for rabbis. Lists of payers to the community funds, birth, marriage and death certificates, register books, posters, announcements, etc.

  8. Graf Rothkirch; Ludwigslust

    Wochenschau. Lenski rides through Ludwigslust, ex Grand Duke of Mecklenburg. Ludwigslust city.

  9. Press tour in the Wachau region in 1928, Austria

    Monopol Mondial film. With German title cards. Press trip 1928 in the Wachau. Nice snapshots.

  10. Panzerregiment 8 1940/1941

    German military. Tanks. Western campaign. Relocation to Italy.

  11. Side of a pew from a synagogue in Beregszasz

    Side of a pew from the so-called "large" synagogue of Beregszasz [Beregovo]. The synagogue was the storage site of looted objects from Jewish homes of Beregovo. The synagogue’s building was renovated in 1960 and the furniture has been stored offsite since that time.

  12. Scrapbook album, "First Reunion, 1958"

    Scrapbook, containing photographs and ephemera, titled "First Reunion, 1958," compiled by an unidentified German emigre couple (possibly Charlotte and Herbert Jewell, originally Jewelowski) who fled the country in 1938, documenting their return to Germany and England for the first time in 1958, to visit relatives. Contains pre-war pictures of family, and depicts departure from New York in May 1958, arrival and visit with relatives in Berlin, trip to Munich and Bad Gastein, Austria; a visit to London to visit the burial site of their parents and relatives (including memorial to those killed ...

  13. Reception; presentation of key to Mackensen

    Rome? Reception in a garden, General Flieger, Albert Kesselring with wife? Goering in uniform sips from an espresso cup. People stand around drinking at this small gathering. Four women sit at a table, including Emmy Goering. 10:48:55 In Germany, Göring speaks in front of a man standing on the stairs, while everyone around him watches. Goering holds a speech for General August von Mackensen. Presentation of a document and key, probably on 22 October 1935. On this day Mackensen received the Prussian domain of Brüssow in the district of Prenzlau by order of Adolf Hitler as an endowment. This ...

  14. Lidia Gelband Eichenholz collection

    Collection of documents, photographs, and notebooks documenting the experiences of Holocaust survivor Lidia Gelband. Collection includes her student notebooks and portfolio from UNRRA University in Munich, post-war identification papers and cards, medical diploma, documents and reports from the International Refugee Organization in Munich, and photographs of Dr. Lidia Gelband Eichenholz giving a talk at Carleton College.

  15. Boating; German wedding

    Sailboats, steamboats, kayaks on river. Man with an injury walks with a cane, observes activities on the river from porch and beach. MS, group of young friends, sitting on bench, with tea and cookies, dog. Building with sign in German (illegible). Crew teams practice. Sailing (filmed from boat). Group gathers on land, some in Nazi uniform. Young woman plays with a sheep. 10:06:02 Woman in patterned dress and pearls on a balcony. Young man in uniform. Nurse. Young injured German in uniform and cap walks with cane (possibly in late fall). 10:07:45 Man with cane walks with girlfriend (he appea...

  16. Potsdamer Platz in the Autumn of 1994

    Autumn 1994 filming in Berlin for HJ-Film: Potsdamer Platz, former command post of Artur Axmann

  17. Rolnik family photograph collection

    The collection documents the pre-war and post war lives of the Lorber Rolnik and Rolnik families of Poland. The collection includes pre-war family photographs in Włodawa and Chełm, Poland; post-war family photographs in the Tempelhof displaced persons camp, Brazil, and Israel; and theatre productions featuring Pinchas Rolnik in Włodawa and the Tempelhof displaced persons camp.

  18. Labor Service in Occupied France

    Drill. Rifle shooting, march through French village, shoemaker, mail delivery

  19. Dr. Jacob Tombak correspondence

    Contains two letters written by Dr. Jacob Tombak (donor's grand uncle), who was a child psychiatrist in Warsaw, Poland, to his sister, Lillie (donor's grandmother), in which he describes his many efforts to obtain a US visa. Dr. Tombak would later be in the Warsaw ghetto, and he did not survive.

  20. Presentation by Lilly Malnik