Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,381 to 3,400 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Oral history interview with Herbert Meyer

  2. de Jong family testimonies

    Photocopies of two declarations made by the donor’s parents, Joseph and Celina de Jong, originally of Amsterdam, at the Rijksinstitut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (present-day NIOD), describing their experiences during the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II, and their arrest and deportation to concentration camps, including Auschwitz-Birkenau. Donation includes English translations of the Dutch texts, created by the donor.

  3. Dr. Josef Kiefer scrapbooks

    The Dr. Josef Kiefer scrapbooks consist of two albums created by a Wehrmacht medical officer documenting his World War II medical service between August 1939 and May 1940 in the areas of Saarbrucken, Oberstein, and Bad Homburg in Germany and the Moselle region in France. The scrapbooks include photographs of Kiefer, medical examinations, and military life, equipment, and installations, as well as clippings, maps, and Kiefer’s labels and commentary.

  4. Nuremberg; Streicher

    Carnival parade in Nuremberg. 10:07:24 Julius Streicher, panel framed with green: "On August 14, 1937, in the presence of Mr. Gauleiter Julius Streicher, the spade was broken for the Siemens-Schuckert swimming pool". Hitler and Streicher on the Party Rally Grounds

  5. De Kadt family life

    Sonja de Kadt feeds a bottle to the baby laying across her lap, while a dog looks on; the woman holds Willie's arm up to wave to the camera, shows her various toys, and puts her finger in her mouth to show off the first teeth; 01:01:25 Willie walks with her mother's help, and is fed; 01:04:51 an older woman, probaby best friend Kees van Wyck's wife, holding her baby daughter; mother Sonja de Kadt holds Willie in winter 1940-1941; 01:07:35 mother Sonja pushes Willie outdoors in a stroller in front of the family's home in Schoorl, Netherlands; 01:12:02 Father Louis de Kadt walks slowly toward...

  6. Nightfighter unit 2

    Captain Hissbach, JU 88 in flames, fire-fighting operations, pilot’s every day life

  7. Glass slides of photographs from unidentified concentration camp, post-liberation.

    Glass slides (8), containing photographic images of scenes in a liberated concentration camp, depicting liberated prisoners in barracks, United States military personnel, and corpses of victims. One image shows a former prisoner with a United States soldier, pointing toward an oven, and another shows an American soldier addressing a group of civilians, presumably German, standing in front of a crematorium. The provenance of these images is unknown.

  8. Iasi, Romania Photographic Collection

    Photographs of the destruction of Iasi, Romania and of German soldiers in Romania.

  9. Zoo; baths in Budapest, parade in Vienna or Budapest

    Views of animals at a zoo including deer, a seal, lions. 01:27 People dancing on a small stage giving some sort of performance. 02:03 A horse race, the men riding them wield swords. 02:47 Views of a chic outdoor café, waiters wearing tuxedos stand by. 03:17 Views of a crowded outdoor pool and of the bathers lounging beside it. A woman in a bathing suit poses for the camera, walks towards it. This is possibly Gellert Bath in Budapest, Hungary. 4:09 Views of a large, possibly religious, procession of people in the street, a large crowd observes. CUs of the people in the procession as they wal...

  10. Castle Film newsreel: Russia Strikes Back

    Eastern front in Russia. US war against Japan.

  11. Albert Perlin letter

    Contains a letter written by Albert Perlin (donor's maternal grandfather) during WWII to his daughter, Rosalie Perling Podol, and her husband Elliott (donor's parents).

  12. Collection of photographs Zbiór fotografii (Sygn. 1125)

    Selected photographs documenting life in Kielce: The Association of Former Political Prisoners Branch of Kielce, Hotel European, 1928; the strike in Końskie, 1935; studio portraits of a German soldiers; a small number of photographs portraying local Jews, the synagogues of Kielce and Sandomierz, a group of Jewish women and men from Kielce Ghetto on their way to forced labor in 1942. The photographs are mainly unidentified (place and date) scenes of the time of German occupation.

  13. Provincial Command of the State Police in Kielce Komenda Wojewódzka Policji Państwowej w Kielcach (Sygn. 111)

    Orders, ordinances, reports, registers, correspondence, questionnaires and minutes of the Provincial Chief Officer of the State Police in Kielce. Included are registers of crimes, police reports, opinions and instructions, photos of criminals from the register of the State Police, reports of the chief officers of Major Security Organizations in Poland, personnel lists of the State Police in Kielce and subordinate police stations, personal questionnaires, personnel matters of the State Police officers, reports and information concerning police informers, information on the national movements...

  14. Collection of documents from the period of World War II Zbiór dokumentów z okresu II wojny światowej (Sygn.1978)

    Selected records with a diverse provenance relating to Jewish inhabitants in various regions of Poland during World War II. The most significant records (card file No 14) are lists of inhabitants of individual towns and villages of the county of Hrubieszów, the district of Lublin, as well as applications of Jews to return to Międzyrzecz Podlaski in 1940 (some with photos), and a list of Jewish inhabitants of the town of Płock. Also included is private correspondence, in Polish and German, and orders of the occupier’s authorities.

  15. Transport squadron, JU 52

    Greek buildings, palm trees, open car in desert camouflage paint, German Afrika Korps, overflight over mountains, aerial photographs: city, industrial plants, large airfield, houses, soldiers in swimwear, woman at the loom, Greek village

  16. Card file index of Jews, Slovakia Kartotékové listy Židov

    General card file index of Jews living in Slovakia, circa 1942-1944. This card file index probably covers those Slovak Jews who had not yet been transported by the Slovak authorities to the border of the Government General or the German Reich and turned over to the German SS and police, and who still lived in the territory of Slovakia. A majority of the cards carry a date stamp (either from 1942 or 1944, starting with September 1942) in the top margin as well as a location stamp, which might indicate a forced labor camp. The cards provide personal data on each person and in some cases also ...

  17. Norman Bentwich collection (P174)

    Private papers of Norman de Mattos Bentwich (1883-1971): Correspondence with refugees from Germany and Austria including name lists (organized alphabetically), as well as correspondence with the various refugee aid organizations such as the Central British Fund, London, the Comité voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen, Amsterdam, the Comité voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen, Amsterdam, the American Jewish Joint Agricultural Corporation, the Comité Allemand, Paris, the Comité National Tchécoslovaque pour les réfugiés provenant d'Allemagne, Prague, the Vereeniging tot Vakopleiding van Palestina Pionier...

  18. Man and silence

    Man and silence, Fishermen Hunting in Trakehnen, Folk art, The German Order’s land

  19. De Kadt family home movies

    Willie de Kadt and another toddler play with a tricycle outdoors, they plant a Dutch flag; one pets a sleeping dog and smiles at the camera. Dutch newsprint announcing the opening of a new factory in De Rijp, Netherlands.

  20. Carl Schurz Tour of American professors and students through Germany in summer 1934

    REEL 2. The American students dine on a train on their way to East Prussia. Sculptural relief of Danzig’s Coat of Arms. Gdańsk belltower. Clocktower of the townhall. The group tours the town. President Schanz? takes a photo. The unique gables of Gdansk houses. Boats in the canal. The old port crane used for loading and unloading ships. Visitors walk out onto the pier and tour the grounds of Marlbork Castle. BDM girls sell flowers from baskets. Schurz tour group poses for a photo. Border crossing with Poland - “Halt! Grenze.” Americans visit Schurz’s House. One holds a kitten. The Kwidzyn Ca...