Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,141 to 1,160 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Selected records of the City of Iłża Akta miasta Iłży (Sygn. 2683)

    Lists of voters for local authorities (Rada Miejska Miasta Iłży) and for the Sejm (Polish Parliament), files of the Jewish religious community, materials concerning trade and industry, vital records, statistics, correspondence, lists of the real estates (land and buildings)

  2. Selected records of the County Office in Jędrzejów Starostwo Powiatowe Jędrzejowskie (Sygn. 1653)

    Records related to Jewish minorities in Jędrzejów after the World War II (seven Holocaust survivors are listed), war losses, displacements and resettlements of the population during the war, change of names from Jewish to Polish, war crimes, and Jewish property.

  3. Selected records of the County Starosty in Łódź Starostwo Powiatowe Łódzkie (Sygn. 2123) : Wybrane materialy

    Various certificates, citizenship credentials and certificates, craft cards (permits to open craft workshops), registers of factories, and factory plans. It relates also to Jews who survived the Holocaust and lived in Łódź after the war.

  4. Letters searching for relatives

    Five paper items related to the search for relatives during and after World War II. Includes a document sent from a branch of the Jewish Agency in London to the Agency's representative in Jerusalem, containing information about Holocaust survivors in Europe, July 1944; a letter by the Chief Rabbi's Religious Emergency Council, with a request to track down a Holocaust survivor's sister, who was alone in Belsen, August 1945; a telegram on a form of the Hungarian Red Cross, sent from Újpest, Budapest, to Kibbutz Tel-Yosef, by a father who had not heard from his son for nine months, December 19...

  5. Selected records of the County Office in Opoczno Starostwo Powiatowe Opoczyńskie (Sygn. 731)

    Situational reports on security and the political situation in Opoczno region, Poland.

  6. Paris May 1, 1945

    Roll 0015. Paris City Snapshot on May 1, 1945. Snowy winter day. Few people walking in the snow. Traffic. Armored truck outside a Paris building. Trees and rooftops. Eifel tower and sunnier skies. Father and son have a snow ball fight. Others surround the Eifel Tower, all white promenade.

  7. Rosa Goldmann death certificate

    Contatins a death certificate issued on November 2, 1942 stating that Rosa Goldmann, transported to Theresienstadt concentration camp on October 7, 1942 with transport "Ae/677," perished in Thereisenstadt on November 2, 1942. On the reverse is a note written in English to "American Censor" stating that the writer has been in concentration camp and this is the first time they can write. It is unsigned, but appears to have been written by someone fluent in English.

  8. Sledding in Brno

    January 1939. Sledding in the snow near home in Brno on the street v Hlinkách (Hlínky 35). 01:00:11 CU Antonín bundled up in the sled with nanny in a checkered jacket. They pass a wine cellar, she waves to the camera, both children pulled in sleds. Poster; restaurant. A lady skis by the family. 01:00:47 Michael Eckstein looks at the camera walking in the snowy streets of Brno, he watches the children race down the street and play in the snow. Snowballs. Quick view of sign for Vystaviště. End 01:02:05 01:02:10 HAS, Playing in the snow at the empty fairground / exhibition area in Brno (Vystav...

  9. Selected records of the commune Bliżyn Akta Gminy Bliżyn (Syg.125)

    Statistics, population book, lists of voters for the Sejm (Polish Parliament) and Senate, includes many Jews, citizens of pre-war Poland.

  10. Landesgericht Feldkirch: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the state court in Feldkirch, Austria. Contains a court case against August Kűng, a member of the Stryj gendarmerie, Ukraine (Stryj district: Zawadow [Zavadiv], Mykolaiv [Mykolaiv] and Rozvadov) from the end of August 1941 to the beginning of January 1943 (one file). Kűng was involved in German violent crimes against Jews.

  11. Selected records of the commune Złota Akta Gminy Złota (Sygn. 2322)

    Commercial and industrial records from 1933; lists of voters for the Sejm (Polish Parliament) and Senate from 1922 and 1927; books of permanent population with an alphabetical index.

  12. 1946 news roundup

    News documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade of the Year 1946" "War's Aftermath 'Round the World!" Includes war crimes trials in Nuremberg, Pope (Pius XI) creating new cardinals, a plane crash in Belgium, and atomic test bombing of Bikini Atoll.

  13. Selected records of the Investigating judges of the Jędrzejów County of the District Court in Kielce Sędziowie śledczy powiatu jędrzejowskiego Sądu Okręgowego w Kielcach (Sygn. 1358)

    Investigation files relating to the pogrom of Jews in Wodzisław in Nov. 1918. Includes also two investigative cases about communist activities.

  14. Selected records of the County Starosty in Łask Starostwo Powiatowe Łaskie (Sygn. 2112) : Wybrane materialy

    Register of passports and foreign travel permits containing name, surname, purpose and date of departure, also applies to persons of Jewish origin.

  15. Selected records of the Court of Appeals in Warsaw Sąd Apelacyjny w Warszawie (GK 227)

    Contains selected files of criminal trials conducted by the Court of Appeals in Warsaw during the years 1947-1951. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Most of investigation were discontinued. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's first...

  16. Provincial Council in Kielce Wojewódzka Rada Narodowa w Kielcach (Sygn.306)

    List of places in Poland of executions by Germans and mass graves during WWII, correspondence regarding identification and care for the war graves; contracts of land lease, correspondence, and protocols related to abonded Jewish properties. Includes the transfer of a Jewish farm in Opatów for the needs of Junior High and High School, and a list of other Jewish lands transferred for lease to school and private citizens, etc.

  17. Selected records of the County Department of Busko Wydział Powiatowy w Busku (Sygn. 2120)

    Records related to history of Stopnica region and Jews living there in the interwar period. Includes plans of revitalization of the region, Starost's correspondence with daily paper "Epoka", newspaper clippings and articles, population statistics, files of finances and ownership of real estates, bills, bank documents, and hospital statistics.

  18. Cairo Conference; Marines capture Tarawa

    News documentary with intertitles and English narration produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade" 1943. "Allied Chiefs Meet! In Egypt and Persia!" of the Cairo Conference involving Churchill, Roosevelt, and Lady Chiang and Chaing-Kai Shek of China. Film opens in Egypt with shots of pyramids. Churchill, Roosevelt and Chaing Kai- Shek seated with representatives standing behind. Narrator indicates the fate of Japan is being resolved by China, the United States and Great Britain and that strategy is being planned on a unified basis. The war meeting shift...

  19. Morton Adell collection

    Photos and documents of Morton Adell, Regional Director of Northern Greece for the American Joint Distribution Committee in the years immediately after World War II. Includes photographs of the desecration of the Salonika Jewish cemetery; images of a postwar children's Chanukah party; letters; and a JDC report entited "Jewish Education in Greece," by Alfred Cohen, dated October 1946.

  20. Young people train for jobs in the US military work program

    Short film produced by the National Youth Administration in 1941 about the United States military work program which prepared young people for future jobs in the defense industry. Depicts NYA youth at work with machinery, airplane assembly, welding, tool and dye making, grinding and milling, etc. NYA provided young people with practical experience and training for jobs in the war industry. Some of the 400,000 NYA youth (men, women, African Americans) who went into private employment since 1940 are shown at work in a large aircraft plant. Melvyn Douglas provides the commentary.