Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,141 to 9,160 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Swedish Red Cross Aid for prisoners in Germany, 1945

    "Witness Stand: A Reportage on the Swedish Red Cross Aid Action for Prisoners in Germany" Production date, April 1945. Part 1 Greve Folke Bernadotte leaves for mission to Germany, plane takes off. Red Cross personnel get off a white bus. In Malmo they take a ferry to Copenhagen. Happy, freed prisoners board the boat at the dock. Poles and French land in Sweden. Old women. Small children. Womenfolk. Wagon rolls inland from ferry. Countess Maj-Lis from Eichstedt, born Luening, greets them welcome home. Boarding ambulances, taken to curatorium/convalescent home. Old woman greets her stretcher ...

  2. Antony Medalis photograph collection

    The collection consists of 11 photographs and one roll of 12 negatives. The images were taken on May 10, 1945, by Antony Medalis during the liberation of Ebensee concentration camp in Ebensee, Austria.

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- Trial of French spies in Cherbourg; Capture of collaborators, hair shorn

    Two unnamed men on trial for spying. Smiling policemen stand outside the court building. The accused arrive at the court, shackled together at the wrists. Interiors of the courtroom (dark and out of focus). The two men stand before a panel of judges, then sit between two policemen. They cover their faces. The two are led outside. One covers his face but the other does not. Civilians look on as they are led away. 01:44:07 Close-ups of American soldiers settting mines in a road. A street sign reading "Chartres." Americans and French civilians sheltering from German fire. Americans running, sh...

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- American soldiers fighting in St. Malo, France

    Fighting in an around St. Malo, France. A horse-drawn cart with several women in it rides past a street sign that has arrows pointing in the directions of Rennes and St. Malo. The scene switches to show a plane in the air over the countryside. Smoke rises from the ground. Back on the ground, an American soldier surveys the scene through binoculars. Two soldiers aim a 75mm gun at the town of St. Malo. Landscape of destroyed buildings with a plane flying overhead. More shots of the soldiers loading and firing big guns. A French civilian consults with two GIs. Views of shooting across a body o...

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- American Federation of Polish Jews in New York say Kadish

    200 MTT 1125 GGG Members of the American Federation of Polish Jews say Kadish in New York City before an audience. A few of the men weep openly. Shots of the audience at the World Jewish Congress meeting, including women and men wearing yarmulkes. Some people cry and some try and hide their faces from the camera. One shot shows a large stage hung with flags and a portrait of Franklin Roosevelt. Stephen Wise is one of the men on the stage. Different shots of the cantors, this time in front of the large audience. More shots of the audience. 01:17:54 200 MTT 1125 KKK French generals Paul Beyne...

  6. Lenneberg and Brünell families papers

    The Lenneberg and Brünell families papers consists of a diary, photographs, and documents relating to Ursula Lenneberg and Siegmund Brünell’s families' pre-war life in Germany and their wartime and post-war experiences in various concentration camps and DP camps. The diary was written by Ursula while in the Deggendorf DP camp. In the diary she describes her experiences interned in several camps including Theresienstadt, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Kudowa, and Merzdorf. The diary also includes post-war images of Ursula and her mother, Caroline “Lina” Lenneberg, as well as a note inscribed by her f...

  7. The march of evil a history of the rise and fall of the fascist evil

    Contains a magazine-style publication, 79 pages, published in New York in 1945 by F.F.F. Publishers, entitled "The March of Evil : A History of the Rise and Fall of the Fascist Evil: Photo-record of Axis Crime" by Adolf R. Lerner, with forewords by James Sheldon and James W. Gerard.

  8. German Condor Legion in Spain

    Onscreen titles: "Deutsche Freiwillige in Spanien" [German volunteers in Spain]. And: "Der erste Filmbericht vom Kampf der Legion Condor" [First film report about fighting of the Condor Legion]. Views of a city (or cities) in Spain. Beautiful landmarks and churches, interrupted by a shot of a bomb-damaged building. The narrator states that in 1936 began a wave of senseless terror, whose barbaric hate knew no bounds. Spanish Republicans are shown taking target practice at a statue, riding in the back of a truck through the streets, and otherwise exhibiting their barbaric natures. Spanish civ...

  9. Łódź becomes Litzmannstadt

    Germans build new planned city for German Volk. Łódź before and after being "rebuilt." Stroll through town, labor camps, city street. LS panorama of city. Animap highlights darkened area "Wandalen" (early history of Vandals and Germanic occupation of area). CU stone surrounding circular metal object, pull out to reveal museum (archeological?) cases of vases. "Das Gefaess Aus Biala..." label on one of the vases. Swastika carved into urn. CU of ornamental crosses and other objects, spearheads, helmets. Map of Sudetenland and Warthegau, extreme Eastern edge, points to Litzmannstadt (Łódź), arr...

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Scenes from liberated Florence; escapees from a German prison camp welcomed by partisans

    Low aerial shots of the Arno river with destroyed bridges and houses. People walk along the river and cross the Ponte Vecchio, which was the only remaining bridge over the Arno. Civilians walk along a street. A sign reading "Curfew for all troops 21:00 hours" appears on a brick wall. Italian police check the papers of several people as they walk from "no man's land" into Florence (from the dope sheet). There are destroyed buildings in the background. More shots of people on the Ponte Vecchio. An old man with a young boy look across the river at ruined buildings. Shot of a sign reading "Pont...

  11. Wuhlfel burial of Russian POWs

    (LIB 6231) Disinterment, Reburial of Russian Prisoners of War, Wuhlfel, Germany, May 2, 1945 Head-on shots, several Russian civilians riding bicycles; red flag on handlebars of first bike. LSs, city hall building in Hanover. MSs, CUs, German civilians dig up bodies of 250 murdered Russian prisoners. MSs, bodies are wrapped in white sheets, placed in trucks, and transported to reburial grounds. VAR, released Russian slave laborers observing reburial. Pan from German civilians carrying bodies to Russian flag flyings atop pole. CU, Russian flag lowered to half-mast. MCU, US chaplain conducting...

  12. Memorial to police

    Title on screen: "Ein Ehrenmal der Polizei auf dem Horst Wessel-Platz in Berlin enthuellt. Unweit dieser Stelle wurden vor drei Jahren die Polizei Hauptleute Anlauf und Lenk von Kommunisten ermordert. [The unveiling of a memorial to the police on the Horst Wessel Plazt in Berlin. Three years ago the police captains Anlauf and Lenk were murdered by communists]." A policeman stands and speaks at a flag-draped podium. He salutes at the end of his speech. The crowd salutes as the memorial is uncovered. Members of the military march past the memorial. Good shots of police in uniform, including c...

  13. Wehrmacht exercises ("greatest since 1913")

    Soldiers on horseback traveling along a road. Narrator: "Im Gebiet um den Vorwaerts Berg in Oberhessen" the great exercises of the Wehrmacht in Fall 1936 occurred.... They were the greatest German maneuvers since 1913. More soldiers along the road, marching into a village. A banner hung in the town greets the Wehrmacht. Soldiers on horseback receive drinks from smiling women leaning out of the windows of their house; young girls and women rush up to soldiers carrying plates of food. Men marching along road and signing, shot from above. Sign reading "Frankfurt am Main 69 KM" Soldiers perform...

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Former Gestapo torture site in Paris

    Scenes of a "Gestapo torture chamber" in Paris. A contingent inspects the torture chamber; a line of relatives of torture victims waits outside. More interior shots, including a room where victims were burned. Handprints are visible on the walls, and a man points them out to the camera and places his hands in some of the impressions by way of illustration. In another room, a group of men inspects wooden posts to which people were presumably tied and executed. The tops of the posts are riddled with what may be bullet holes. A string of rosary beads and a blindfold have been placed on one of ...

  15. Dr. Naim N. Khuri autograph album

    Contains an autograph album bound in a wooden cover that was handmade in Dachau, Germany, after World War II, and consists of eight handwritten pages. It was signed by the staff of the Post Hospital in Dachau and given to Dr. Naim N. Khuri (donor's father), a lieutenant in the U.S. Army who served in Europe during World War II and spent three years after the war administering a hospital in Dachau.

  16. Westerbork transit camp voucher, 10 cent note, acquired by a former inmate

    Westerbork scrip issued in 1944 and acquired by Ruth Franken, who was imprisoned at the transit camp when she was 5 years old from 1942 to 1943. While at the camp, inmates were compelled to work, and a special currency was issued to incentivize work output, but the money had no real monetary value outside the camp. Westerbork was established by the Dutch government in October 1939 for Jewish refugees who had crossed the border illegally following the Kristallnacht pogrom of November 1938. After Germany invaded the Netherlands on May 10, 1940, the German authorities began using Westerbork as...

  17. Opening of Chopin Museum

    Newsreel showing Ludmilla Berkwic, whose father's family was Jewish, playing the piano at the opening of the Chopin Museum in Wawel Castle. Hans Frank and other Nazi officials are in attendance. Berkwic is shown playing Chopin's piano. The piano music continues over interior shots of the museum and its artifacts. Berkwic's father was Jewish but she was living as a non-Jew when Hans Frank asked her to perform at the opening of the Chopin Museum in Krakow. Soon after her performance she was denounced as a Jew. She and her mother obtained false papers and fled to her fiancee's home in Germany....

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Scenes from occupied Norway, including Quisling with Nazi officers

    Various scenes in occupied Norway, including: German soldiers load a gun in a bunker located on a Norwegian coast. Exterior of the bunker. Vidkun Quisling, accompanied by several high-ranking Nazi officers, reviewing German or Norwegian troops on a snowy day. Among the German officers are Reichskomissar Josef Terboven and Nikolaus von Falkenhorst. The Karl Johans Gate in Oslo with the Norwegian Parliament, Stortinget, at left and Oslo Grand Hotel on the right. INT of the cellar bar at the Grand Hotel where civilians and German officers drink and fraternize. The camera pans down a large port...

  19. Polish newsreel footage of the trial of Hans Biebow

    Polish newsreel footage from 1946 to 1947 of the trial of Hans Biebow, including scenes of the courtroom, atrocity footage, testimony, judges, and spectators at the trial.

  20. Polish newsreel footage of the trial of Hans Biebow

    Polish newsreel footage from 1946 to 1947 of the trial of Hans Biebow. Accused war criminals getting off plane, CUs. 01:01:14 Biebow. 01:01:20 Hoess. Men climbing on back of truck. Truck enters courtyard of building where the trial takes place.