Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,101 to 9,120 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Returning from a Camping Trip with My Boy Scout Troop, May 1945 Cartoon of a chaotic train station created soon after the war by a former hidden child

    Cartoon created by Simon Jeruchim, 16, in Paris soon after the war ended in May 1945. He drew it for his brother Michel, 8, who was still in Normandy with the Leclerc family that hid him during the war. Simon had joined the Boy Scouts and he wanted to show his brother the mad scene at the Montparnasse railroad station in Paris after the troop returned from a camping trip. Transportation was not yet back to normal in Paris, so trains were often ridiculously overcrowded. Simon lived in hiding in Normandy from June 1942. He returned to Paris to live with family friends, the Bonneaus, once it w...

  2. Patton & Russians; Volary burial of Nazi victims

    (LIB 6688) Patton and Russians, Regensburg, Germany and Linz, Austria, May 14, 1945 MSs, Gen. George S. Patton and staff entering plane at Regensburg. MS, Gen. Patton greeted by Lt. Gen. Walton H. Walker at Linz airport. MSs, CUs, Patton and Walker talking to news correspondent Doris Duke Cromwell. VAR, Patton and Russian Marshal Tolbuhkin at his heaquarters. Patton and Tolbuhkin reviewing Russian troops. MSs, Patton and Walker receiving medals from Tolbuhkin. (LIB 6689) Atrocities, Volary, Czechoslovakia, May 13, 1945 MS, CU, bodies of Jewish women in mass grave. SEQ: German civilians remo...

  3. Anniversary of Manfred von Richthofen's death

    Ceremony commemorating the 15th anniversary of the death of Manfred von Richthofen. Opens on a portrait of von Richthofen, then a shot of his gravestone with a rose laid across it. Large crowds at the cemetery; pastor speaks a brief part of eulogy, people salute as music plays. Civilians and military in crowd. Photographers visible.

  4. Handkerchief received as a Hannukah present

    Handkerchief given to Ilse Meyer as a Hannukah present while at Rotterdam Kloster.

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Protest against British appeasement of Germany over the Sudetenland

    A protest and march organized by the International Peace Campaign demanding that Britain take action against Germany if they seize the Sudetenland. The clips are out of chronological order. The first scene shows a large crowd in Trafalgar square. A banner reads: "Stand by Czechoslovakia! No plebiscite!" The camera pans across the huge crowd. The next shots show the protesters marching toward Downing Street; the framing of the shots is uneven. Some of the protesters hold their fists aloft and some carry signs. According to the dope sheet, the procession was turned back before it could reach ...

  6. Vichy-French newsreel about destruction caused by Allied bombing campaigns

    A newsreel illustrating the damage and suffering caused by allied bombing raids in France. Title onscreen, superimposed over a statue of a woman: "France Meurtrie" [France ravaged]. The camera pans down from the top of a church to show pallbearers removing coffins from the church while crowds of mourners watch. Women weep as the coffins are loaded onto the back of a truck. The cortege passes a square crowded with mourners. A speaker addresses the crowd. His speech is heard over shots of individuals in the crowd, workmen excavating the still-smoldering ruins of a building, various other shot...

  7. Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Bund

    50th anniversary of the Bund, 1947. Credits in Polish and some kind of introduction written in Yiddish. People march with flags down the streets of the remains of the Warsaw ghetto. Some of the marchers carry large wreaths, which are placed on the monument the Warsaw ghetto fighters. Men carry a casket containing (according to the narration) the exhumed body of Dr. Leon Feiner, who died one month after liberation. Men identified as Dr. Schuldenfrei and Minister Grossfeld speak to mourners. Dirt is shoveled onto the casket. Marek Edelman speaks. The narrator reads the names engraved on a sto...

  8. "Entartete Kunst" [Degenerate Art] exhibit in Paris with commentary

    Sign advertising "Exposition Internationale du Surrealisme" in Paris. Interior of exhibit featuring a naked female mannequin in a museum display. Shrill, harsh music over scenes of the exhibit and the narrator's critical comments about the exhibit on surrealist art.

  9. Manfeld family photograph collection

    The collection consists of 19 photographs of the Manfeld family in Vilna, Poland, (now Vilnius, Lithuania) before World War II.

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees returning to Vannes, France

    Various shots of destruction in the town of Vannes, France. American soldiers drive past civilians on the sides of the road. Women and children are shown doing washing at a reservoir of some kind. French civilians speak to American troops; a group of them wave to the camera. More scenes of American soldiers, studying maps at an outdoor table, posing for the camera. The streets are decorated with banners and garlands. A group of men carry an effigy of Hitler. and demonstrate cutting off its head. More smiling civilians on the streets, which look to be in good shape -- according to the dope s...

  11. Rita Sloan collection

    The collection documents the pre-war, wartime, and post-war experiences of the Slepian family of Warsaw, Poland. Included are documents, photographs, and a photograph album related to the Wasseralfingen displaced persons camp where Nathan Slepian was the director.

  12. Girls from Spreewald with swastika necklaces

    Women in traditional costume stand on either side of a man in civilian dress, who is introduced by the narrator as the new "Oberpraesident" of the province of Brandenburg, Hube. SA men stand behind them. The camera pans across the young women as Hube introduces them as representatives of Spreewald. A couple of the women wear necklaces with Swastika charms. One of the women speaks briefly, and the camera pans across the smiling girls again.

  13. Archbishop von Galen leads a religious procession in Vechta, Germany

    Bishop of Münster Clemens August Graf von Galen presides over an Ascension Day procession in Vechta. On-screen titles state that the Ascension Day procession serves as an opportunity to remember the war-torn history of Vechta. Further titles go on to relate that the end of thirty years war with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 did not result in the end of Vechta's occupation by Sweden. However, with the efforts of Bishop Christoph Bernhard von Galen, the town was freed from Swedish rule on the day before Ascension Day in 1654. A joyful procession ensued, which has been repeated every year s...

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Stephen Wise endorsing Thomas Dewey for District Attorney of New York City

    Various takes of Stephen Wise recording a campaign promotion for Thomas Dewey, who was running for District Attorney of New York City. Wise is filmed standing and then sitting as he delivers his endorsement. Shots of another man making a Dewey endorsement. He is either Chief Assistant Jacob J. Rosenblum or the Commisioner of Public Welfare, Corsi.

  15. Baldur von Schirach speech

    Title on screen: "Eine Million deutscher Jungen und Maedchen beteiligten sich am Reichsberufswettkamp, den der Reichsjugendfuehrer im Transformatorenwerk der A. E. G. eroeffnete." Baldur von Schirach, leader of the Hitler Youth, speaking at a podium in a factory. Views of uniformed boys and girls standing at attention while he speaks. Schirach ends his speech with three "Sieg Heil" salutes.

  16. Badge

  17. Warsaw uprising in 1944

    Part 1. Warsaw uprising of 1944, which began on August 1 and lasted for 63 days. Film opens with poor quality still photos and names of uprising fighters. Credits and music play. Footage of the people of Warsaw preparing for the uprising. They prepare bandages, guns, bullets. People create barricades and lay communications cable. Fighting in the streets. Men swimming and shaving in a river. Interior shots of men and women of the Home Army forces printing partisan newspapers. Young boys run out of a building carrying the papers for delivery. Polish Home Army movements in the streets. 00:09:3...

  18. Berlin Olympics 1936

    A clip from Leni Riefenstahl's film "Fest der Schönheit." "Fest der Schönheit" [Festival of Beauty] was the subtitle of part two of Riefenstahl's film "Olympia" about the 1936 Berlin Olympics. An on-screen title which precedes this footage of the women's gymnastics competition indicates that this clip was distributed by a company called Degeto. The footage shows women from different nations competing on the pommel horse (in slow-motion), the balance beam and the parallel bars. Many of the shots are from below and in close-up. There are also shots of the German team carrying the Nazi flag do...

  19. German-American Bund at Madison Square Garden

    Exterior of Madison Square Garden with police lining the street. The marquee reads: "To Night: Pro American Rally." The German narrator notes that the German-Americans are celebrating the memory of George Washington but that Jewish and Bolshevist elements tried to disrupt the celebration. Shots of protesters holding signs and being pushed by police. Interior of Madison Square Garden showing a huge crowd. Fritz Kuhn, head of the German-American Bund, which organized the event, speaks from a stage in front of a huge poster of George Washington. Kuhn pledges allegiance to the US flag, in Engli...

  20. Armaments officials, Nazi leaders at conferences, weapon inspections

    1941-1944 Armaments specialists at conferences and weapons demonstrations, including Armaments Minister Albert Speer, Hitler, Himmer, military and industrial leaders. Reel 2: Events of 6 and 7 June, 1943, in Hillersleben, Germany. Participants in front of the conference building, talking to each other and posing for the camera. Goebbels, Speer, others, exit the building. Conference participants watch a demonstration of flamethrowers. Interior shot of men eating in a large dining hall. Porsche waves to the camera. A large group of the participants, in uniform and civilian dress, stand outsid...