Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,381 to 7,400 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Edith Cord collection

    Contains material documenting the experiences of the Mayer family while in French concentration camps and in hiding under false names. Contains a letter from the Rivesaltes concentration camp from father to wife and children (8/25/42) just prior to deportation; the last postcard from a father sent prior to deportation to Germany (9/3/42); the last postcard sent from donor's brother Kurt to mother and Edith (8/23/42), Bram, France; two envelopes, one from donor's father sent from Camp de Rivesaltes, and second addressed to donor from Red Cross postmarked January 19, 1945; French residence pe...

  2. Rivka Durlacher collection

    Contains sixteen original photographs showing Rivka Nordheim, at the age of 4 and 5, while being hidden by Cor and Lourens Lutgendorf in the small town of Apeldoorn in Holland, 1943-1945. Includes a photograph showing a Yad Vashem ceremony for the Lutgendorf family and two color photographs of family events.

  3. Tarshish family collection

    Correspondence among members of the Tarshish family members in the Łódź ghetto; the Warta ghetto; the POW camp in Radziwilow; Karaganda, USSR; Moscow; and Kovno during the Holocaust and immediately after liberation. Photographs depict Itzchak Katzenelson (1886-1944) who opened a secular Hebrew school in Łódź and served as its principal until the outbreak of the war.

  4. Print 5, Martwa Natura z Karafka, still life

    Print 5 of 10, in a book of ten prints by Leon Wyczolkowski, either signed or signed in plate.

  5. Ernst Frank collection

    Collection consists of four Deutsches Reich Reisepasses issued for Ernst Frank [donor] dated March 6, 1939; his parents Johanna Frank, dated June 26, 1939; and Solomon Frank, dated February 27, 1939; and grandmother Yetta Frank, dated June 26, 1939. Ernst Frank escaped Germany via England with his family and emigrated to the United States in 1939. Included is accompanying red textile passport case.

  6. Dr. Louis Rene Beres collection

    Photographic vintage images and documents illustrating the experiences of Sigismund and Margaret Beres, Austrian Jewish citizens who fled to Switzerland from Nazi-occupied Austria in 1938. Included are images of their lives in Switzerland, Sigismund specifically, in forced labor, as well as a July 1938 police certificate documenting Sigismund's travel to Vienna to acquire an American visa. Also included are identification cards issued in Switzerland in 1946 which illustrate the family’s immigration to the United States in 1947.

  7. Ann & Kurt Jacoby collection

    Collection consists of documents, photographs and correspondence pertaining to Martha and Eric Jacoby and their sons Gerhard and Kurt who were forced to flee Berlin in late November 1938 and settle in Shanghai, China, where they stayed until 1947. The collection also includes photographs of Herta and Paul Berghausen and their daughter Hannelore (later Ann Jacoby), as well as extended family in pre-war Hamm, Germany before the immediate family fled to the United States in 1938.

  8. Jewish Union for resistance and mutual aid Fonds David Diamant/Union des Juifs pour la Résistance et l'entr'aide (UJRE)

    This collection contains information about David Diamant (David Erlich), a Communist who remained in Paris during World War II, took part in the Resistance, and after the war worked with the UJRE helping Jewish refugees from Poland. It includes documents concerning Jewish immigrants in the Communist Party; documents of Jewish volunteers in the Spanish Civil War; the final letters of Jewish resistance fighters before their execution; postwar personal files on Polish Jews requesting aid; files on children in Communist-sponsored orphanages (Comité central de l'enfance); books from lending libr...

  9. Antisemitic float in parade

    Scenes from the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the founding of the town of Schneeberg. SA men on horseback carry banners with the town's symbol on it. Close-ups on a parade float show a caricature of a Jew paying wages to a German citizen. In the other hand the "Jew" holds a bill of huge denomination. A caption along the bottom of the float states: The Jew led the nation into hunger, poverty, and inflation. In the next scene, men wearing Prussian helmets assemble in formation and then march. A brief shot of people working on a float, then a shot of another float labelled, Schluss d...

  10. Zitta Christiansen Stubstad collection

    Collection consists of photographs and a document pertaining to Zitta Christiansen Stubstad and her mother in Copenhagen during the war. Permit issued to Zitta Christiansen, donor's mother, which enabled her to go to work at the telelphone exchange in Copenhagen, Denmark; dated September 15, 1943. Also includes two photographs of the telephone exchange in Copenhagen circa 1943 and one photograph of Zitta and her friend in pre-school, which was bombed by the British AF in March 21, 1945 by mistake.

  11. Helen Fruchter collection

    Collection of postcards and envelopes written and sent from Abram (Helen Fruchter's maternal brother) and Szprinca Szlewin in Warsaw, Poland. All but one envelope dated 1940 and 1941 and last postcard dated 9/2/1941 censored, received by donor's parents in Brooklyn. Photographs of Abram and Szprinca and their three children, Zelman and Zelig (youngest son's name unknown), all of whom perished, according to eye witness testimony given to Yad Vashem, in the Warsaw ghetto in 1942; in German and last postcard in Polish.

  12. Elsie Bitkower photograph collection

    Collection consists of five photographs documenting members of the During family at the time period of the Holocaust. Images include Kurt During (donor's brother), Elsa During (donor's grandmother) with her son Horst, all of whom were killed during the Holocaust. Image of Eleanora (Lore) During Markusfeld (donor's aunt) and her friend Fritzi Wolfinger in 1947 after their liberation and a pre-war photographic postcard from Koblenz, dated May 10, 1917.

  13. Rozenberg family collection

    Contains three documents, one original and two negative prints of a marriage certificate of donors' uncle, Aron Rosenberg [sic] and Chaja Kantonist; issued to them in Stuttgart, Germany; dated February 19, 1946. Aaron Rozenberg (donors' uncle and great uncle) and Chaja Kantonist were both survivors of Auschwitz, who were married after the Holocaust. Aaron's first wife and six children were killed at Auschwitz upon their arrival. After the war he immigrated to Argentina, where his sisters lived. They had previously settled there in 1935.

  14. Kurth Wertheimer postcard

    One original postcard written by donor's grandparents to Kurth Wertheimer (aka Raanan Galilee) while he was recuperating in a hospital.

  15. Print 7, Deby z Teki Bialowieskiej, trees

    Print 7 of 10, in a book of ten prints by Leon Wyczolkowski, either signed or signed in plate.

  16. Ruins in Munich

    Views of Munich, probably postwar [film stock dates to 1943]. Street scenes show destroyed buildings and piles of rubble. Short clip of the Bürgerbräukeller, the site of the Beer Hall Putsch where Adolf Hitler and the Kampfbund attempted a coup d'état in 1923. 01:01:02 John Bechtler gets into an army truck (labeled 206008425.) A brief clip of a black dog in the grass. Views of a lake and the surrounding landscape. 01:01:49 (John?) exits a CIC building. The CIC, or Counter Intelligence Corps, was used after the war to locate former members of the Nazi regime and combat various forms of illeg...

  17. Ruth Ronner collection

    Collection of documents, photographs, and other materials documenting the Baumgart family in Breslau, Germany and Ruth Ronner's emigration from there to New York in 1937.

  18. Print 3, Fara w Chelmnie na Pomorzu, a building in Pomerania

    Print 3 of 10, in a book of ten prints by Leon Wyczolkowski, either signed or signed in plate.

  19. Fran Prager photograph collection

    Seven staged images of Adolf Hitler speaking, taken by Heinrich Hoffmann in the 1920's. The photographs were entrusted to Fran Prager by an employee who worked as a secretary to Ms. Prager.

  20. Occupation of the Ruhr by the French

    French troops occupy the Ruhr area. A scene shot from a window shows a large crowd on the street and French troops on horseback. Shot of a French tank. A title reads: "Germany's most important economic region is harrassed by heavily armed negroes." An image of a French African troop is superimposed over scenes from the Ruhr. A crowd of unemployed Germans in the street.