Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,161 to 7,180 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Records of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning (SPSL) (previously the Academic Assistance Council (AAC))

    Contains records of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning (SPSL) relating to assistance to academics fleeing the Fascist regimes in Europe between 1933-1955. Contains also administrative and financial files, reports, minutes of meetings, correspondence with international and local refugee organizations, records assisting interned refugees, as well as a sample of personal files of scholars assisted by the Society. Includes name lists of scholars in various disciplines from many European countries.

  2. Stillhaltekommissar, Signature : AT-OeStA/AdR ZNsZ Stiko Wien

    Records from the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (Austrian State Archives) located in Vienna, Austria, pertaining to the Stillhaltekommissar, department IV of the Reichskommissar für die Wiedervereingung Österreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich. The responsibilities of Reichskommissar Albert Hoffman, who was appointed after the annexation of Austria to Nazi Germany by Gauleiter Bürckel, were defined by the law dated May 17, 1938 regarding the “Überleitung und Eingliederung von Vereinen, Organisationen und Verbänden” (GBl. für Österreich Nr.136/1938), i.e. the transfer and incorporation of clubs, o...

  3. Applications of the Jewish residents on the Stanisławów County of Poland (now Ivano-Frankivsk Region of Ukraine) for obtaining passports (Fond 6, Opis 3)

    The collection contains applications for obtaining passports enabling travel abroad for business, medical treatment, or pleasure. Applications were submitted for review and approval to the Stanisławów County Executive Office (Stanisławów powiatowe starostwo) during the years 1918 to 1938. A typical file contains correspondence with foreign embassies and consulates, original passports, correspondence with Polish government officials justifying travel abroad, various copies of the official documents and certificates.

  4. The Austrian General Consulate in Palestine (RG 151)

    Contains passport and visa documentation, a list of Austrian Jewish war dead buried in Palestine, and various other materials on Jewish emigration to Palestine.

  5. The Eventov Archives of the Association of Immigrants from the former Yugoslavia in Israel

    Contains documentation about Jewish communities in Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Slovenia. Three major categories are communal and Zionist entities, papers and notes on subjects of Jewish concern, and personal papers. These include correspondence, memoirs, photocopies of official documents, and other ephemera. The collection also includes files on prominent personages, social affairs, and Jewish participation in the partisan movement during World War II, as well as notes on archeological sites of the first through the third centuries and materials on the medieval site ...

  6. Selected records from the Central State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan related to the evacuation to Kazakhstan during the Second World War II

    The collection contains copies of the archival records related to the evacuation of civilians to Kazakhstan during WWII that includes information about resettlement, employment and food supplies and medical assistance provided by the local authorities. This collection also includes records related to the special assistance given to foreign political immigrants (mostly members of the Communist Parties of the Nazi occupied countries) who were evacuated to Kazakhstan by the Soviet authorities.

  7. Selected records of the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts from the State Archive in Bratislava

    Trial and investigative records of Slovaks and former Hlinka guard members tried in the District People's Courts (Okresný ľudový súd) and the Local People's Courts between 1945 and 1947 for collaborating with the German security forces. Includes the trial records of individual Slovaks accused of denouncing their Jewish neighbors, the trial records of regional Hlinka Guard commanders responsible for the deportation of local Jews, as well as the trial records of political defendants. Features survivor and eyewitness testimonies describing the persecution of Jews and crimes committed against J...

  8. Selected records from the Ivano-Frankivsk (Former Stanisławów) State Regional Archives in Ukraine related to the Jewish communities of the region during the interwar period

    The collections consists of the records of various government institutions related to activities of the Jewish communities of the Ivano-Frankivsk (former Stanisławów) województwo during the interwar period. The bulk of the records represents correspondence files regarding Jewish communities (registration, bylaws, elections of the board, membership fees and budget) of the region. The collection also includes correspondence between Jewish public, cultural and Zionist organizations and Polish government agencies regarding opening/closure and various activities of Jewish organizations (bylaws, ...

  9. Selected records of Jewish Communities of former Yugoslavia during the interwar and postwar period,

    This collection contains various records that include minutes of board meetings, registry books of members of the Jewish communities, financial records, records of the Burial Society (Hevra Kadisha), vital statistics, correspondence with the local authorities and other records of the following Jewish communities of the former Yugoslavia: Skopje in Macedonia; Belgrade, Novi Sad and Vrsac in Serbia; Osijek in Croatia. Also includes several major Jewish newspapers published in the prewar Yugoslavia - Jevrejskij Glas (Jewish Voice), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ( 1928-1931), Herald of the S...

  10. Large-sized site plans and drawings of the KL Auschwitz

    Collection includes five color facsimiles of plans and drawings of Auschwitz.

  11. Large-sized site plans and building plans or drawings of the KL at Auschwitz and Stutthof

    Contains 18 reproductions of large format-plans and drawings for Auschwitz and one reproduction for Stutthof.

  12. Jakub Bukowski memoir

    Consists of one memoir, in Polish, consisting of Mr. Jakub Bukowski's memories of his childhood and pre-war life in Wloclaw, Poland; and what happened to the inhabitants of the town during the Holocaust.

  13. George DePuydt collection

    Consists of one photograph of uniformed survivors of the Kaufering (Landsberg) concentration camp holding a crate of bottled alcohol. The caption reads "Jews from a concentration camp at Langberg [sic] taken the day we liberated them." The photograph was taken by George DePuydt, a member of the United States Army.

  14. Myron (Mike) Moses collection

    Consists of nine photographs from the collection of Myron (Mike) Moses, a member of the United States Army. The photographs depict wartime devastation, Myron Moses in his office (he was responsible for Signal Corps supplies), a staged crematorium photograph, the liberation of a French town, a post-war POW enclosure, and a 1944 photograph of American soldiers at Rosh Hashanah services in France. Also includes two booklets, one entitled "Britain", the other "A Pocket Guide to France." These booklets were distributed to American soldiers so they would know the customs of these countries.

  15. Slomowitz family collection

    Consists of pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs of the families of Asher Zelig Slomowitz, originally of Vulchovce, Czechoslovakia, and Sara (Shirley) Rosenfeld Slomowitz, originally of Tocovo, in Transcarpathia. Both are Auschwitz survivors who met after the war in the Gabersee displaced persons camp and immigrated to the United States, where they married. Includes a copy of a wartime postcard, in Hungarian and Yiddish, addressed to a member of the Steiner family, and photographs of the couple at Gabersee.

  16. "Angel on my Shoulder"

    Consists of one memoir entitled “Angel on my Shoulder” by Miriam Schlezinger, born in Poruba, but later moved to Poroskov, Slovakia. During the war, Mrs. Schlezinger first lived with a Gentile family in Uzhorod, and then with a family in Nirethose, Hungary, before moving into a ghetto in occupied Poland, which was liquidated in 1944. She and her sisters were deported to Auschwitz in the spring of 1944, where her sister Hannah later perished. Miriam and her sister Surah were sent on a death march in January 1945 to Buchenwald and from there, were put on a train to Bergen-Belsen, where they w...

  17. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Indre-et-Loire

    Records about the Camp-de-la-Lande-à-Monts; the Germans’ massacre of French civilians in the town of Maillé; the German administration of Jewish matters; and the Roma. Collection includes lists of Jews in Indre-et-Loire from 1939 to 1946, a 1940 census, lists of “undesirables” and “indigents” (1941–1942), and information on the internment of Jews (1940–1944).

  18. "The Nursing Log of our Son, 1942-1946"

    Consists of one notebook entitled "The Nursing Log of our Son, 1942-1946-[1948]", by Mrs. Imre Sugár. Mr. and Mrs. Imre Sugár's son, Peter, was born on July 26, 1942, while his father was serving in a Hungarian labor battalion on the Eastern front, where he would perish in 1943. Mrs. Sugár kept this journal hoping for the return of her husband, and planned to give him a full account of the first months of Peter's life. The journal contains data about the difficulties the small family was facing during the Holocaust, the siege of Budapest, and the aftermath of the war.

  19. Nachlass Franz Jetzinger

    Dr. Franz Jetzinger (1882-1965) was a social-democratic politician and a member of the provincial state government of Upper Austria from 1932 until 1934. The collection Nachlass Franz Jetzinger was acquired by the State Archives of Upper Austria in 1953. It consists of the documentation which Jetzinger compiled during his research for his book about Adolf Hitler’s youth, including transcripts and copies of documents, duplicate photographs, and the original correspondence between Jetzinger and Hitler’s boyhood friend August Kubizek from the years 1948 and 1949.

  20. Records of the Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit, Sektion für Rasse-und Volkstumforschung (IDO)

    Administrative and research materials of the Institut for German Work in the East, Section for Race- and Nationalities Research (IDO-SRV), primarily “field data” from occupied Poland and associated analyses.