Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,501 to 6,520 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Kurtz family documents

    Consists of photographs and correspondence documenting the travels of David and Lena (Liza) Kurtz in Europe in the summers of 1937 and 1938, including trips to Lena's hometown of Berezne, Poland, in 1937, and to David's hometown of Nasielsk, Poland, in 1938. Includes still photographs taken of both trips and correspondence sent to the Kurtz's daughter Shirley.

  2. Amateur film of German Labor Service unit headed to the Eastern Front, including anti-Jewish indoctrination

    Amateur film with German titles shot by a member of the German Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) [State Labor Service] records scenes of cordial contact between Germans of this non-combatant (railway repair?) unit and local Polish and Russian civilians, some female, before the unit entrains for their Eastern Front destination of Stalingrad (not seen) during the German advance in the summer of 1942. Scenes include: "Lichaya the Steppes Town", traveling through Legionowo (Central Poland), bartering, soldiers ("Class of 1924") attending an anti-Jewish indoctrination lecture (classroom interior with a ...

  3. Anti-Polish propaganda just prior to outbreak of war

    Excerpts from the last newsreel before the outbreak of war. Women and children who have allegedly suffered at the hands of the Poles are interviewed in a German refugee camp. A weeping woman tells her story. The ship Schleswig-Holstein arrives in Danzig harbor. Joyous civilians and members of the Kriegsmarine wave to the the ship from the shore. Men in formal navy dress uniforms leave the ship and review sailors lined up on the dock. A banner reads "Wilkommen Schleswig-Holstein". German draftees, still wearing civilian clothes, stand at attention at roll call, then are issued shoes and unif...

  4. Schermeister girls at the beach, 1928

    Lis (the donor's mother, age 6) and her sister Jeanne (age 5) take off their shoes and wade in the water at the beach. Their parents (Bernhard and Edith Cohen Schermeister) are also in the scene. Nice CUs of the two girls.

  5. Logging factory in the winter

    A man with a toothbrush mustache is drawn by a horse. It is a winter scene of a logging yard. A group of men sit around a source of steam or smoke, but no fire is visible. Horses bring in the next group of trees affixed to sleds. Grandfather Sperber (with beard). Flagpole. Children appear at 02:38:19.

  6. Anti-Jewish sign in Halle

    Title: Die Gaufilmstelle Halle-Merseburg zeigt: Appell des Kreises Liebenwerda in Falkenberg 1936. Nazi flags hang from various buildings in Falkenberg. CU of a relief sculpture of an eagle clutching a swastika. Other views of the small town. Men in various types of uniforms including SA and Hitler Youth arrive at the train station. 01:31:27 Clear shot of a sign that reads: Juden kehrt! Euer Weg nach Palaestina fuehrt nicht durch diesen Ort [Jews turn around! Your way to Palestine does not lead through this area]. Two couples in civilian clothes stand directly behind and below the sign. A m...

  7. Clip from the propaganda film about the 1934 Reich Party Day

    Shots of Hitler interspersed with shots of a nighttime rally. SA units holding torches march through the street.

  8. Opening Reichsbruecke suspension bridge

    Opening of the Reichsbruecke suspension bridge in Vienna. Cardinal Innitzer, President Wilhelm Miklas, Vice Mayor (and later Nazi Vice Mayor) Fritz Lahr (far right). The construction project was an important propaganda tool for Austria's authoritarian 'Staendestaat.' Parade of workers, floats. CU, officials.

  9. Nazi propaganda in Vienna

    Advertising column with poster for Hitler's speech on April 9. Poster: "The Reich's ministers Kerrl and Suchenwirth speaking at the Engelmann Arena, April 7, 8 PM". "The Fuehrer's Deputy, Reichminister Rudolf Hess will speak on Thursday, April 7 at 4 PM at the Kraftwagenhalle..." Schwarzenbergplatz street scenes.

  10. Belgian collaborator forced to polish boots

    A crowd of Belgians, many of them children, watch as an accused collaborator named Frederick Abiehausen is forced to clean the shoes of a uniformed member of the Belgian resistance group L'Armee Blanche, in front of a building that the group has seized as their headquarters. According to the Imperial War Museum catalog record, Abiehausen was arrested for betraying three Allied airman who were in hiding from the Germans. CUs of Abiehausen polishing the boots of the man, who smokes a pipe. The crowd of children jeers and laughs.

  11. Kvaternik at Goering's headquarters

    Goering greets Marshal Slavko Kvaternik at Goering's Eastern Headquarters. Kattengel and other adjutants are present. Kvaternik presents Goering with gifts (including a sword) and a proclamation of thanks from the Croatian people. Goering smiles as he inspects the gifts. Goering, Kvaternik, and others on the train platform in front of a train.

  12. Fighting in Germany

    Ice boats transport wounded across a frozen body of water. Refugees with horse-drawn carts cross the ice. A herd of cows is driven into Germany. Fighting in and around the Marienburg castle.

  13. Montessori school in Vienna

    Peter Schur, dressed for winter, a lunch box hanging from his neck, is helped into the backseat of a car. Scenes from inside the car as it drives down a street lined with trees, snow. The car was later confiscated by the Nazis, along with a revolver and some gold coins. 01:14:56 Seasons change, scenes from inside the car as it drives on a city street with trams. The boy is on his way to school, possibly on his first day. Sign on glass: "Montessori-Kindergarten Hedy Schwarz." Peter smiles and waves from inside the window. 01:15:25 INT, Montessori-Kindergarten, with children playing and inter...

  14. Fascist volunteers from various countries; Invasion of USSR

    Volunteers in various countries. Danish volunteers for "Germany's fight against Bolshevism" enter a building with a sign that reads "Arbejdsfronten DNS." Norwegian men sign up for military service. Men in black uniforms march down the street in the Netherlands. Rowdy volunteers saluting and carrying anti-Bolshevik banners march down a street in Spain. Members of the Blue Division from Spain depart the Bordeaux train station for the front. They lean out the windows and wave. Mussolini bids farewell to Italian volunteers in Verona. The volunteers parade down the street in motorcycles and othe...

  15. Edward E. Harriman report

    Contains a report written by Edward E. Harriman (donor’s paternal uncle by marriage) after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp, accompanied by pasted-in photographs, describing the conditions in the camp. The report was released by the military censor on June 14, 1945.

  16. Flemish Nationalist meeting in Brussels

    Flemish nationalist meeting in Brussels. Uniformed members of the Vlaamsch Nationaal Verbond (Flemish National Union; VNV) march into an indoor stadium. Some of the men play drums. Hendrik Elias, head of the VNV, enters the stadium accompanied by German officers and VNV members. Shots of the crowded stadium and a banner reading "Winterhulp." Elias stands at the podium. Good CUs of some of the audience members, many of whom wear uniforms. A couple of women wear nurse uniforms. The audience applauds.

  17. German invasion of Norway

    German planes fly over the mountains of Norway. Planes land at Fornebu airbase outside Oslo and German soldiers unload weapons. A German soldier stands next to a sign, "Fliegerhorst- Kdtr. Oslo Fornebu". The narration explains that a British plane has been shot down while smoke rises from a tree-covered area beyond the runway. Bf 109s pass low overhead in squadron formation. German soldiers performing various activities, including a German soldier talking on a field telephone and aiming guns toward the sky. Good shots of German sailors on the deck of a ship. Swastika painted on the foredeck...

  18. Badge with a Polish eagle on a castle worn by a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps

    Uniform patch with a Polish eagle on a red castle issued to Dr. Edmund Lusthaus when he served in the 2nd Polish Corps from 1941-1945. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and seventeen days later, the Soviet Army invaded from the east. Lusthaus was captured and taken to a camp for Polish prisoners of war in Novosibirsk, Siberia, where he served as a physician. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Polish POWs were released to join the fighting. Lusthaus joined the volunteer Polish Army of the East, known as Anders Army. In August 1942, the unit left Soviet territory and be...

  19. Invasion of Yugoslavia

    R. 2 of 4 Volksdeutsch help German Pioniere (equivalent to the Army Corps of Engineers) lay boards to serve as a new bridge where one was destroyed. The civilians and the Pionere share water and food. A column of German soldiers passes a column of Serbian POWs walking in the opposite direction down the road. Good CUs of POWs, who gaze at the camera with hostile expressions. Among the POWs is a group of Serbian soldiers who wear black uniforms (perhaps officers). Shot of a crowd of POWs and German soldiers, including at least one officer. April 8, 1941: General von Weichs, Generaloberst of t...

  20. The Gans and Schmidek families collection

    Collection of correspondence (including post cards), a certificate issued by the British Red Cross, and family photographs documenting the experiences of the Gans and Schmidek families in Hungary and Palestine before and during the Holocaust