Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,521 to 5,540 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Robert Marchik collection

    Consist of approximately 16 photographs taken of the Gardelegen atrocity by Robert Marchik, a member of the United States Army. The photographs depict the burial of corpses and of the Gardelegen cemetery.

  2. Veidlinger family collection

    Consists of seven photographs of the Weidlinger (now Veidlinger) family, originally of Hungary. Includes wartime photographs of the family, including images in which the members are wearing Magen David (Stars of David). Also includes Andor (Andrew) Weidlinger's Red Cross identity card in Hungary, dated October 10, 1944; the card was altered into a Russian identity card in 1945. The family received Salvadorean citizenship papers via George Mantello.

  3. Brüsseler Treuhandgesellschaft collection from the National Archives of Belgium

    Contains records of the Brusseler Treuhandgesellschaft. This organization was founded by the German occupiers in October 1940 as an "anonymous corporation" that seized control of enemy goods, including bank accounts and real estate. These documents provide an account of how the Jews residing in Belgium were looted by the German regime.

  4. Selected records from the Archivo di Stato Torino

    Contains records relating to the racial laws and their implementation in Turin, Italy. Includes a census of Jews of Turin from 1938-1943, and other records relating to internment in concentration camps, and arrests of Jews. Also includes lists of Italian workers in Germany between 1940-1945 and lists of concentration camps.

  5. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Gironde in Bordeaux

    This collection contains selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Gironde assembled for use in the trial of the former Secretary General of the department of the Gironde, Maurice Papon, for complicity in crimes against humanity. This is a new collection created after the judicial authorities no longer needed the documents and returned them to the Archives, although in some cases, the photocopies were returned, because the originals were retained. Several series of records are included in this collection: Series 44 W 1-63, containing a register of all Jews in the département (a...

  6. "Memoirs of my Life"

    Consists of a photocopy of one typed memoir, 65 pages, entitled "Memoirs of my Life" by Louis Suskin. In the memoir, Suskin describes his childhood in Belgium and the Netherlands, his apprenticeship in the diamond trade in Antwerp, his marriage to Sonia Schwerner and his family's escape from Belgium to southern France in 1940 and their immigration to Cuba, experiences in Cuba during the war years, their life in New York following the war, Suskin's return to Belgium to adopt his niece, Raymonde, the growth of the Suskins two children, the family's immigration to Israel and return to New York...

  7. Oral history interview with Isaac Stain

  8. Pre-war manuscripts of masters theses Prace magisterskie napisane przed 1939 rokiem (Sygn.117)

    Contains 64 masters theses submitted in the 1930s at the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Jewish Studies on subjects connected with Jewish history, culture and religion. Professor Majer Bałaban (1877-1942 in Warsaw getto) was a tutor to most of them, along with professors: Stanisław Arnold (1895-1973), Mojżesz Schorr (1874-1941), Bronisław Gubrynowicz (1870-1933), Jan Korwin- Kochanowski (1869-1949), Józef Ujejski i Stefan Czarnowski. Several professors and most of the students, authors of these works, were killed in the Holocaust.

  9. Jewish Community in Lódź. Card files of community members Gmina Żydowska w Łodzi. Karty ewidencyjne członków (Sygn.135)

    Contains card files of the pre-war Jewish community in Łódź (approximately 1,200). The cards contain the following data: address (current and previous), surname, first name, father’s name, date of inhabiting the community, occupation, date of birth, and marital status.

  10. Records of German authorities Zbiór dokumentów niemieckich władz okupacyjnych (Sygn. 233)

    Contians records relating to the activities of central authorities and institutions of the Third Reich, mainly general orders or ordinances directed mainly at Jews as well as statistics and reports; records relating to the activity of regional authorities in the General Government, Upper and Lower Silesia, the Warthegau, as well as the offices of authorities and institutions of individual local towns and cities; personal documents relating to the settlement of child care, property and the consistency of marriages with the Nuremberg Law, including school certificates, parent-teacher correspo...

  11. The Naimark Family Collection of Letters Kolekcja listów rodziny Naimark (Sygn. 236)

    This collection contains 62 letters written to Dawid Naimark and his cousins: D. Solarz, A. Naimark and Rabbi A. Kronenberg in New York City from his relatives and acquaintances in Poland and other countries starting on November 2, 1938 through October 1941. Most of the letters written to Dawid Naimark were from his siblings and other relatives in Poland. Before the war, the family lived in Warsaw, Miedzeszyn and Góra Kalwaria. Part of the family remained in Warsaw during the war; one brother and one sister fled to Białystok and one brother escaped to Grodno. The letters were written in Yid...

  12. Collection of applications of the Stalag II B in Hammerstein prisoners of war to the USSR Embassy in Berlin for the Soviet citizenship Zbiór podań jeńców Stalagu II B w Hammerstein do ambasady ZSRR w Berlinie o nadanie obywatelstwa sowieckiego (Sygn. 250)

    Contains 230 applications created by the Jewish soldiers of the Polish Army, kept by Germans as prisoners of war in Hammerstein (located in Czarne, the Province of Pomerania, Poland). Jewish soldiers directed requests to the Soviet Union Embassy in Berlin for the Soviet citizenship which would lead to get a chance to return home to their families. These applications contain prisoner's biographical information, their fate during the war, as well as some letters from the applicants’ families, which had not reached their recipients.

  13. Collection of maps and plans Zbiór planów i map (Sygn. 245)

    This collection contains 201 maps and plans (some of them in several copies) from very different provenances and dates of origin, some are undated. The maps of the period prior to 1939 mostly include plans of the following towns: Biała, Częstochowa, and Otwock. The largest and most valuable parts of the collection consist of plans and maps of 1939-1945, including: 1. Plans of ghettos, e.g. Baranowicze, Białystok, Częstochowa, Kielce, Kowale, Kraków, Łódź, Sosnowiec, Warsaw. 2. Plans of concentration camps and labor camps, e.g. Bełżec, Chełmno, Sobibór, Treblinka, Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birke...

  14. Photographs from Siedlce Fotografie z Siedlec (Sygn. 266)

    Contains various photographs (the size of a passport photo) submitted with applications for identity cards to the Jewish Council in Siedlce. The applications have probably not survived. Only some of the photographs contain name on the reverse side. Identification of the individuals on the photographs is mostly impossible to determine.

  15. Photographs from Radom Fotografie z Radomia (Sygn. 265)

    Contains various photographs (the size of passport photos) submitted with applications for identity cards to the Jewish Councils in Radom (Judenrat). The office of the Jewish Councils in Radom was created on November 28, 1939, mainly to execute the German administrative regulations concerning the Jewish people. In February 1941, the Council started to issue the identification cards to the Jews, as ordered by the German authorities. A part of these photographs survived in the archives of the Żydowski Instytut Historyczny in Warsaw, Poland. The identification of people on the photographs is s...

  16. Salo Fiszgrund collection Spuścizna Salo Fiszgrunda (Sygn. 331)

    Contains papers of Salo Fiszgrund (1893-1971), a Bund activist in Krakὀw in the1920s. Includes correspondence with Szymon Zachariasz, testimonies relating to the trial of Lieber Gotlob, in which Salo Fiszgrund was a witness, newspaper clippings, an issue of a „Biuletyn Komisji Historycznej przy Komitecie Centralnym Bundu” (“Bulletin of the Historical Commission at the Central Committee of Bund”) of 1946, as well as fragments of notes other publications.

  17. Provincial Jewish Committee in Warsaw Wojewódzki Komitet Żydowski w Warszawie (Sygn. 352)

    Contains the records of the Provincial Jewish Committee in Warsaw (Wojewódzki Komitet Żydowski w Warszawie, WKŻ), which was established in September 1944 and was subordinated to the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce, CKŻP). Records consist of correspondence, organizational files, testimonies, statistics, personal files from the staff, financial records relating to matters of the survivors of the Holocaust.

  18. Spuścizna rodziny Halpersonów (Sygn.363)

    This collection consists of 164 letters written by Janina Halperson (later Ludawska) from 1939-1942, and various family photographs. The Halperson family lived in Warsaw; Janina left for Stockholm in August 1939 for a language course and stayed there until the end of the war. Her family was in the Warsaw ghetto during that time. Her parents, brother and his wife and distant relatives wrote post cards and letters to her and sent photos. Part of the photographs Janina Halperson took with her in 1939; another part was sent in the letters or she regained them after the war. The first letter was...