Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 401 to 420 of 26,870
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Horse show

    “Filmováno komorou Ciné Kodak OSM Na Panchro-Filmu Ciné Kodak OSM” A group of men on horseback entering a riding rink. 5 men sitting on a balcony, two of them are wearing Czechoslovak military uniforms, and while the person to the left of them seems to be a major politician (possibly president Benes?). Another group of horseback riders enter the rink, with two white horses leading. Two white horses are also in the rear of the group, and they in turn are followed by six men on what appear to be miniature cars. The horseback riders and the tractor riders line up in the center of the rink. The...

  2. Private film by Hiram Bingham from the Feuchtwanger papers

    Short color film by U.S. Vice Consul Hiram Bingham, Jr. in France. Includes Sanary-sur-Mer, the concentration camp at Sanary, the U.S. consular office at Château Pastré, Lion Feuchtwanger and Golo Mann in the garden at Bingham's residence in Marseille, and gulls over Mediterranean.

  3. Refugees at Fort Ontario in Oswego, NY

    16mm film. Title card: "The National Refugee Service: A Constituent Agency of the United Jewish Appeal presents" Title card: "Over the Rainbow Bridge" Title card: "William S. Gailmor Narrator" Relates the story of one thousand Jewish refugees who were brought to the United States under special orders from President Roosevelt in 1944. Once in America, they were transported to the Fort Ontario Emergency Refugee Shelter in Oswego, New York. At the fort, the refugees led somewhat peaceful lives but were unable to travel beyond its boundaries. They remained in the shelter for about a year and a ...

  4. Jewish refugees in Manila; Plaza Santa Cruz businesses

    The Rauscher and Eisner families in Manila. Pan, Manila harbor. Large ship arrives with passengers by the railing, waving. (01:11) Hanna Eisner sits in a small chair in a garden of their home in Manila, waving at the camera. She runs over to a water pump, washes her hands and drinks. Hanna plays with relatives who fled from Nazism, including mother Irma, uncle Walter, and grandmother Clementine. They dance, play with a guitar, and pose for the camera. (3:47) Leo Schnurmacher, the Honorary Consul of Czechoslovakia in Manila, Philippines, plays with his grand-niece Hanna. They hold hands. (04...

  5. Laemmle family in Stuttgart; returning to New York

    Laemmle family gathers on the balcony of their apartment in Stuttgart, which the family was forced to handover to the Nazis a few months after this film was recorded. Including shots of the grandmother of Kurt, Hermine, and Alyse. Alyse leans in to shake hands with Hermine, and kiss her. Kurt stands between the two of them. Kurt's parents, Siegfried and Alice talk to each other. The family, including Kurt's brother, Max, and his wife, Bobbie, and young son, Robert, stand behind Hermine, smiling at the camera. From left to right: Siegfried, Kurt, Hermine, Alyse, and Alice. Pan left and right...

  6. Jewish life in Radom, 1936

    Jewish life and the synagogue in Radom, Poland in 1936, filmed by an unknown cameraperson. The film was produced by the Radom Society/Club and includes Manny (Mendel) Sztainberg and his uncles, Jacob and Stanley. Added musical track, not original to the silent film, and captions. Well-dressed people walking in street, summer. 01:16 Radom Synagogue. Exterior views. Congregants in courtyard. Men in prayer shawls. 03:25 View from window to street. Teenage girls and boys leaving synagogue. 04:05 Families leaving and walking on street. 04:20 Family walking in street with crowd. Husband, wife and...

  7. Oral history interview with William Bogus

  8. 6th Nazi Party Congress at Nuremberg

    Reel 11: VS, German army parading in goose-step through streets of Nuremberg. Civilians saluting passing troops. MS, Hitler, standing in car, reviews goose-stepping troops. Himmler stands directly in front of car and reviews passing SS troops. MS, General Von Bloomburg saluting as troops surrounding him give Nazi salute. CU, illuminated German eagle. Dramatic scenes, follow shots, Hitler, followed by Hess and staff, walks the full length of auditorium crowded with troops and civilians. Long procession of soldiers, each carrying a banner representing a different province, marches down the ai...

  9. Air raid precaution exercise in stadium

    8mm Gevaert Cine-film. Grainy scenes of activities inside a stadium in Holland. Camera focuses on people and medical vehicles parked on the grounds of the stadium. One tent and a flag bearing a cross, presumably indicating a medical station. People are visible sitting in the stands. Men (and at least one woman) stand near vehicles that appear to be ambulances, with stretchers laid out near them. WS of the field and people in the stands. Firehoses are sprayed up into the air.

  10. Nazi propaganda film about the "problem of world Judaism"

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts.

  11. John Christopher Bechtler Collection compilation

    Compilation of preserved footage from the John Christopher Bechtler Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during Raye Farr's presentation for the Cinematography of the Holocaust conference in Germany in 2004. Scenes include home movie footage of Arthur Kannenberg (Hitler's house manager), Nazi officials, Goering and his special trains, and other rare sequences.

  12. Crowds at "Jewish" market

    Large group of Russians/Ukrainians gathered in front of church, tram filled with people, crowds. Closer shots of the crowd, walking over tram tracks with bundles. MS, men looking at gramophone for sale, flowers, jacket, boots at the "Jewish" market.

  13. Interviews with Holocaust witnesses, collaborators, and perpetrators

    A short video highlighting overseas interviews with witnesses, collaborators, and perpetrators created as part of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Oral History program. The 12 minute video combining excerpts of four interviews, three in Polish and one in Lithuanian with a convicted member of a killing squad, has had a wide and powerful impact. 1. Stefan Kucharek, Polish engine driver, shuttled deportation trains between the local railway station and the gate of Treblinka killing center, Poland 1943 2. Aleksandra Nizio and Wiktoria Salega, Polish sisters, as young girls witnesse...

  14. Oral history interview with Lilly Lynder-Luftman

  15. Illich family activities in 1941 to 1942 including forced sale of villa

    Family activities in the years 1941-1942. [There are no German titles.] Leader shows "Agfa 1942" and "Agfa 1941". (Color) Pan of the Vienna skyline at dusk. The boys saw a tree stump with the help of their driver Leithner. Good CUs. Fritz Regenstreif and nurse walk arm in arm down a cobblestone road [this is the last film of Fritz before dying a natural death in his house on May 8, 1941]. The boys continue sawing and Maexie appears for a brief moment. One of the twins awkwardly pushes lumber in a wheelbarrow. Aerial views of the villa grounds. 03:17:15 (B/W) Boxes and furniture are being lo...

  16. War damage

    Street scene. Large statue. Warm weather with many people in the streets. On the corner there is a demolished building and new billboards. Side street, damaged buildings. Women sell flowers in the square. Crowds. (1:19) Street vendors. Destroyed building facades and rubble. Locals walk and shop. (2:23) Sign: "Frankfurter Herbst-Messe". Other advertising. (2:31) Film ends.

  17. Illich family visits Bad Gastein, 1936

    More scenes of life and the family visit to Bad Gastein, beginning with a farmer and his boys shoveling hay into a wagon. The family eats at an outside restaurant. The boys walk along a path in the mountains with their grandfather Fritz (and a nanny/host?). Waterfall. The boys enjoy another meal outdoors. The family takes a carriage ride through the city, and into the mountains. The boys pick flowers and rocks for their grandfather, who rests on a boulder, and then they thank him with hugs. Countryside. Cows meander about on a country road, near village homes. The boys ride horses and walk ...

  18. Students graduate; parade with antisemitic float

    Magyar Híradó 221. Young male students stand on the steps in front of a building, looking out towards the camera. They are all nicely dressed in suits and hats. Camera pans left on young men in uniform carrying glass steins. A few men stand facing each other on the front steps of a building (the school). One man walks up the steps and opens the large doors at the entrance to the building. A young man walks out and two men in uniform walk up to him. One gives him a bouquet attached to a stand. An intertitle reads, “Kallag már a vén diák.” In rows of four, the students exit their school, rais...

  19. Oral history interview with Hedda Graab-Evans

  20. Wounded soldier; US ships at dock

    On board ship, flags flying in wind. Profile shot of troops looking toward shore. Overhead shot of wounded soldier in stretcher being loaded aboard. Men at side of ship watching this process. Choppy seas makes this difficult. VS covering this action. Six men and officers walking alongside railroad cars. Spectacular shot of massed ships at dock with American flags flying. VS of men, one identified as Capt. Holly Morse. Enlisted men and officers- MS, and CUs of them talking and looking out to sea. *According to LOC original cataloger's notes this footage may be prior to D-Day at embarkation p...