Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 341 to 360 of 26,870
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. DPs boarding truck

    Displaced persons getting onto truck, boy with a guitar being lifted onto truck, female servicewoman nearby. Children on truck waving goodbye to camera. Side view of truck.

  2. FDR delivers war message; Kuhn addresses crowd at Madison Square Garden; Japanese troops

    Reel 1. Bombing of Pearl Harbor and the resultant damage. President Franklin Roosevelt delivers his war message to Congress. Wendell Willkie speaks for one world. German American Bund meets in Madison Square Garden for a "Pro-American Rally" on February 20, 1939; Fritz Kuhn addresses the crowd. Laborers fight at various strikes. Japanese troops invade Manchuria and China. Ambassador Shigemitsu.

  3. Liberation of Nordhausen; Red Cross; V2 rockets

    Shot of stretchers containing emaciated corpses, name "Orlich" and number written on body. Stevens and Moffat talking through window to inmate in striped coat. Inmates in striped coats talking to Stevens and others. Panning shot of camp buildings - Dora in Nordhausen. Bare trees in BG. VS of camp. Small sign reads: "Holzverwertung." Inmate in striped uniform with red cross walks past sign. CU of ambulances and Red Cross tent. Series of Red Cross tents at side of an airfield by ambulances (LoC cataloger's handwritten annotations indicate that this footage is not from Nordhausen, but from ano...

  4. Americans visit Europe in 1938

    Ralph Voigt recorded his family's travel to Europe in 1938, likely in celebration of Ralph's graduation from high school, Title- EUROPE 1938. Couple, probably Elmer and Nellie Voigt, at desk with pamphlet ‘How to See Europe’. The Americans are well-dressed and packing nice clothes. 1:02 Moving train. Ship smokestacks. Map of Europe with the travel itinerary: Havre, Paris, Versailles, Basel, Lucerne, Berne, Zurich, Como, Florence, Siena, Rome, Naples, Venice, Budapest, Vienna, Salzburg, Munich, Mittenwald, Nuremberg, Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, Kolberg, London, and Bath. 2:07 Title- FRANCE and...

  5. Refugees, liberation, and an illegal ship (some staged)

    This footage contains a number of scenes from a fiction (staged) film, with Hebrew subtitles, that indicate the year as 1946 to 1948. There are also a number of scenes in concentration camps (staged or liberation: unable to confirm at time of record entry), scenes on boats, people fleeing, being captured, etc. 04:00:36 Shots from behind, crowds marching in streets with suitcases. Smaller group of men and women in forests, a child is helped up a snowy hill. Women helped aboard a boat (presumably to safety). LS of boat, crowded conditions. Boat moving, man with binoculars, hair blowing in the...

  6. Business travel in Mindanao

    Walter Rauscher travels to Mindanao as the Manila representative for Levy & Blum, Inc.

  7. Nazi speeches and music

    The eight recordings include: -Hitlerjugend: Eine Dokumentation ueber Jugenderziehung im Dritten Reich von Horst Siebecke -Macht ohne Moral: Eine Dokumentatoin ueber Heinrich Himmler und die SS -Triumph of the Will: A Sound Documentary of the 1933 Party Day, Marches, Speeches, Ceremonies -Joseph Goebbels: das Dritte Reich und seine Propaganda -Hitler's Inferno in words, in music 1932-1945 -Hitler’s Inferno vol. 2: Marches, Songs, and Speeches Nazi Germany - WWII -Deutschland im Zweiten Weltkrieg [Germany in the Second World War] -Deutschland aus der Asche: Originalaufnahmen aus den Jahren 1...

  8. Bergen-Belsen

    Contains information about the establishment of health care facilities after liberation, the activities of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft as leaders in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp, and the closing of the camp in 1950.

  9. American military moves through Germany

    Reel 13: (1945) Germany; Air trip to England; Remagen Street scenes, soldiers marching, gathering in the road amongst crowds of civilians. Church. Planes landing in a field, soldiers conversing next to trucks in the airfield (possibly, the Frankfurt airstrip). Soldiers at leisure outside a home (temporary HQ?), play with a small dog, open a metal trunk, and wave to the camera from trucks. Nice CUs of men. Street scenes and views from moving vehicle. In town, soldiers talk with civilians and children, and hang a sign, "534 QM GP". They pose for the camera. Two soldiers in front of the home p...

  10. Trip to Norway and Denmark on steamer

    Reel 8 of the private motion pictures of Eva Braun (Seized Enemy Records). B/W. German troops, trombone in FG. Nazi party leaders review German troops. Pinning medals onto uniforms. CU, medal featuring crown and Iron Cross. German boards plane, CQ, propellers. COLOR. Rugged scenery from ship, seagulls. This is likely the steamer (“Milwaukee”) that Eva Braun and her companions traveled on during a trip to Norway and Denmark. b/w - Fishing boat (short). Color - Scenes on and from deck of ship. Water surging from bow. “Hammerfest 1789” flag affixed to vehicle in the village of Hammerfest, Norw...

  11. Scrapbook

    Includes information about the work of Josef Rosensaft with the displaced persons of Bergen-Belsen, the final days and closing of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, compensation for Jews who were detained in the camp after liberation, and antisemitism experienced by Jews remaining in the British Zone after liberation.

  12. Public television feature on the USHMM

    WETA's program on the development and construction of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum broadcast on public television in 1993.

  13. Holocaust survivor stories

    Documentary about Jewish Holocaust survivors who lived in concentration camps and Nazi occupied territories and the American soldiers who liberated them, bearing witness to Adolf Hitler's murderous rampage.

  14. Victory in St. Lo; rubble; US military parade; German prisoners

    Long line of troops, camera mounted on jeep. Civilians wheeling belongings in wheel barrel. Excellent shot of cameraman shooting on tripod on jeep covering. Tanks through crowd down road. MPs walking with French civilians. Tracking shot, civilians waving. Hamilton, Stevens toasting with French civilians. Americans drinking with French civilians sitting on jeep. Stevens gives "V" sign. Stevens and other Americans by sea. A flurry of activity near hedgerow. Ambulance truck has overturned. Bill Hamilton trying to unbend a crushed helmet. Moving shot down bombed out road, many overturned trucks...

  15. William Perl papers records and photographs relating to illegal immigration of Jewish refugees to Palestine

    Contains copies of documents relating to William Perl's involvement in illegal immigration efforts for Jewish refugees from various European countries during the Holocaust.

  16. African-American troops; US infantry in Germany

    (LIB 390) "US Negro Troops, 969th Field Artillery, Luxembourg, 1 Nov 1944" (LIB 391) "Infantry Advancing, Hurtgen Forest Near Vossemack (?) Germany, 2 Nov 1944" 04:30 (LIB 392) "1104th Engineer Combat Group, Marienberg, Germany, 2 Nov 1944" Slates: "Uncovering Pill Box. 2 Nov 44. Raddatz"

  17. African-American troops in World War II

    "American Negro Troops, no locations or captions, Aug 1944"

  18. Street scenes; shops

    LS, pan, street scenes, shops, pedestrians, cars, city (Kiev?).

  19. Tokyo; lost airmen; Metz falls to Allies

    Release 134. Newsreel release date 22-Dec-44. "B-29’s Over Tokyo" "Sixth Army Advance On Leyte" "Plane in Full Flight Rescues Lost Airmen" 08:02 "Metz, Strasbourg, Belfort Fall to the Allies"

  20. Travel on the Aramis SS ship to Manila

    Walter Rauscher left for Manila from Marseille, France on February 3, 1939 aboard the Aramis SS ship. Street scene in Marseille under the Porte d'Aix Arc de Triomphe. Street scenes. Pan of the Cathedrale Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Marseille. Man reads the newspaper on a balcony overlooking the harbor and shipyard. Large boats on the water. People walk on the deck of the Aramis SS boat. (3:57) A young child faces the camera. People stand on the deck watching. Man dressed in a suit walks toward the camera smiling. (4:41) Walter Rauscher, the cameraman, walks towards the camera. (5:22) CUs of Wal...