Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,861 to 2,880 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. "Aus dem Rechenschaftsbericht des W. Praesidenten in der geschlossenen Sitzung vom 16.10.1939."

    Printed report from the B'nai B'rith, Tel Aviv, titled "Aus dem Rechenschaftsbericht des W. Praesidenten in der geschlossenen Sitzung vom 16.10.1939."

  2. Commission for War Refugees Commissie voor Oorlogsvluchtelingen

    The archive consists of minutes and other documents of the Commission meetings related to the organization, and coordination and reception of refugees in the particular provinces in the Netherlands.

  3. The Oldest People Didn't Jaywalk WWII Public Utilities Commission broadside

    Broadside, "If you Hoard - Make it Bonds!" and "The Oldest People Didn't Jaywalk" on the other side.

  4. Commission to File a Declaration of the Death of Missing Persons Commissie tot het Doen van Aangifte van Overlijden van Vermisten (Cie). Aangifte Overlijden Vermisten

    Correspondence, reports, circulars concerning the methods of work and details of deportations, witness statements, reports of death of missing (most Jewish persons), and various documentation about the German concentration camps. In addition to a "Central Register of Deeds of Death of Missing Persons", there are further registered accesses and card systems. The VP files (Missing Persons) are located in the archive Justice/Missing Persons (Archive Inventory: Accreted records consist of individual cards indicating the names of missing persons, with a note on possible repatriatio...

  5. Tile fragment

    Tile fragment with a partial image of a Star of David found by Valerie Wilpon on March 26, 2017, in the area of Warsaw where the Jewish ghetto was established in German occupied Poland during World War II.

  6. David Weyl diaries

    The collection consists of three diaries kept by David Weyl, originally of Erkelenz, Germany, documenting his Holocaust experiences after fleeing Germany to the Netherlands in 1939. The diaries chronicle his deportations to the Westerbork and Theresienstadt concentration camps and span 1942-December 1945. They also include notes on family history and addresses.

  7. Balas family photographs

    Collection of small individual photographs cut from contact sheet with portraits of members of donor’s family who died in the Holocaust.

  8. Schmelczer family collection

    Collection of correspondence, written between members of the Schmelczer family in the Strasshof concentration camp, as well as from family friends after liberation; dated 1944-1946; in Hungarian.

  9. Collection of proclamations of Jewish organizations Zbiór odezw organizacji żydowskich (Sygn. 1313)

    Proclamations and occasional leaflets of the various Jewish organization in pre-World War II Poland: Komitet Centralny Młodzieży Poale-Sjon Lewica, Komitet Wyborczy Żydowskiego Bloku Narodowego, Nowa Organizacja Sjonistyczna, Organizacja Sjonistów-Rewizjonistów w Lublinie, and Związek Żydowskiej Socjalistycznej Młodzieży Robotniczej "Frajhajt"-"Wolność." Included are also circular papers and training materials of the "Frajhajt."

  10. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Memel Konsulat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Kłajpedzie 1939 (Sygn. 471)

    Political reports, correspondence,and circulars related to Jewish property and reparations in Germany, German political relations with Poland; Lithuanian and German relations, and the withdrawal of Polish citizenship for Jews residing in Germany.

  11. Collection of Marian Godziszewski concerning crime in Wawer Zbiory Mariana Godziszewskiego dotyczące zbrodni wawerskiej (Sygn.1583)

    Materials related to the Wawer Massacre on December 27, 1939. Archives were collected by Marian Godziszewski, whose father was murdered in Wawer Massacre. The collection includes, among other materials, extracts from the trial of Max Daume accused of crimes (copies of court files), outlines of articles, exhumation descriptions, lists of executed people, including Jews, lists of people who were murdered in the first months of the war near Wawer, surveys of families of victims of Wawer massacre, correspondence with publishing houses, backstage of the book about the Wawer crime, parts of the a...

  12. Lichtenstein and Tisch families photographs

    Consists primarily of postwar photographs of the Tisch and Lichtenstein family members and friends. Many of the photographs are associated with Jozef and Mania (née Tisch) Lichtenstein's stay in the Eschwege DP camp. Included is also photograph of Mania's rescuer Janina Zawadzka.

  13. Ruth Mueller papers

    The Ruth Mueller papers include biographical material, a diary, correspondence, and photographs relating to the pre-war, wartime, and post-war experiences of Ruth Mueller and her family, originally of Frankfurt, Germany. Biographical material includes a birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, and driver’s license for Paul, Ruth’s father, as well as a copy of a death certificate for Maria, Ruth’s mother. The diary is written in German and was started by Ruth in 1930. In the diary Ruth writes about escaping Germany, her voyage to the United States, and adjusting to life in...

  14. Oral history interview with Freuda Bark

  15. Kürti and Vamos family collection

    Contains documents related to the wartime experiences of Susanne Vamos (née Kürti) and her parents, Ilona Kürti (née Fuchs) and Julius Kürti and other family members. Also includes documents from Endre Vamos as well as reparations related papers.

  16. Polish Press Agency "Polpress" Polska Agencja Prasowa "Polpress" (Sygn.1926)

    Selected records of the Polska Agencja Prasowa "Polpress", a government press agency set up in Moscow on March 10, 1944, by the communist Polish Patriots Union. Included in the collection are regulations, orders, circulars, registers of service messages, newsletters in Polish and other languages: e.g. Biuletyn Wewnętrzny XI, 1944, Biuletyn Młodzieżowy, Vi-VII, 1945, Centralny Serwis Artykułowy nr 11(VII0, 1945, Biuletyn Polski (Oddział Moskiewski), 1944-1945, Biuletyn: English Release (Yew York), 1944-1945; Biuletyn Felietonowy, 1945, Biuletyn Krajowy i Zagraniczny, 1945, Polish Facts and F...

  17. Prayer book

    Shavuot Mahzor, published in 1884, that belonged to Martha Bermann Loeb.

  18. Star of David badge worn in Romania

    Worn by Anuta Kling Rappaport Mendelovici in Botoşani-Suceava, Romania during the Holocaust.

  19. Salomon Garfinkel collection

    Contains letters and photographs concerning a family in Poland who wrote to their brother Solomon (Sam) Garfinkel in the United States. Letters dated 1940s.