Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,481 to 2,500 of 26,870
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Max Borg correspondence

    Contains a letter, 3 pages, typed, addressed to Mr. Seder in Worcester, MA from Max Borg in Paris, France. In the letter, Mr. Borg thanks Mr. Seder for his kindness and asks for monthly food parcels. He goes on to write about his family's history, businesses in Danzig, finances, the fate of his family, his whereabouts and experiences during WWII

  2. Laiser Ajchenrand papers Nachlass Lajser Ajchenrand (1911-1985)

    Private papers of Lajser Ajchenrand (1911-1985), a Holocaust survivor and author. The collection consists of personal documents, photos, press articles, the vernissage in the Archiv für Zeitgeschichte (AfZ), Switzerland, correspondence with Max Brod, Marc Chagall, Max Frisch, Hermann Hesse, Abraham Karpinovitch, Jo Mihaly, Carl Seelig, Nelly Sachs, Abraham Sutzkever, et al., poems various texts and reviews relating to Holocaust experiences and his intelectual life and literary work.

  3. Rhine River tour; Württemberg

    “GERMANY” "THE RHINE” Dark shots from from a boat on the Rhine River of the surrounding area. Castle on the hill. Trees. Smokestacks of boats on the water. The castle wall on the edge of a hill. Waterfront. Smaller castle on a terraced hill. “HALL IN WUERTEMBURG” Schwäbisch Hall, a town in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Steep stairs lead up to St. Michael’s Church. Houses line the slanted road. Nazi flag. St. Michael’s Church. Young girl approaches the camera, joined by a young boy and mother.

  4. Prefettura di Napoli, Gabinetto, II versamento Selected records from State Archives in Naples

    Selected records concerning the discrimination and persecution of Jews in the community of Naples, Italy. Including records related to Jewish refugees, discrimination as a result of racial laws, census of Jews (1938-1943), mixed marriages and marriages to foreigners, and personal files of Jews from the Police Headquarters in Naples. Finding aids include two large databases that contain hundreds of names of Italian Jews from the Naples region.

  5. Archives of the Association of Immigrants from Czechoslovakia (J125)

    Working files of the Association of Immigrants from Czechoslovakia, located in Israel.

  6. Karl Fleissig collection

    Collection documenting the experiences of Karl Fleissig [donor's father] during the Holocaust. Karl Fleissig was a Jewish man from Vienna who married Josefine, a Catholic woman. He was arrested and eventually deported to the Warsaw ghetto, and then to Auschwitz where he was killed. The collection includes postcards he wrote while imprisoned in Vienna, and two death certificates which falsely stated that Karl Fleissig died of sepsis in Warsaw.

  7. Lawrence Ferraro Collection

    Contains photographs taken by the donor's uncle, Lawrence Ferraro, shortly after the liberation of Dachau.

  8. Provincial Office in Stanislawow Urząd Wojewódzki w Stanisławowie (Sygn.1186)

    Administration reports regarding the regional security, social and political movements, professional associations, communist organizations, and general activities of national minorities, Ukrainians, Jews and Germans.

  9. Jewish Women's Association Zürich Archive Israelitischer Frauenverein Zürich Archiv

    Records of the Israeli Women's Association (Israelitische Frauenverein Zürich, IFZ): Statutes, minutes of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly, minutes of the meetings of the Children's home in Heiden, reference files handwritten by the association's presidents: Berty Guggenheim-Wyler, Sonja Weintraub, Myrthe Dreyfuss, correspondence and people dossiers relating to the care for children’s home, refugees, the poor, child and youth welfare, debt recovery of the Kinderheims Wartheim in Heiden, newspaper and magazine articles on the IFZ and Kinderheim Wartheim, photos, and delivery n...

  10. Municipal Office in Bardejov Mestský úrad v Bardejove

    Records pertaining to anti-Jewish regulations and decrees, the persecution of Jews, Jewish forced laborers, and the Aryanization of Jewish property in the town of Bardejov in Slovakia. Also includes lists of Jews and Roma, and statistical reports on the number of Roma living in and around Bardejov.

  11. Lichta family papers

    The collection documents the postwar experiences of Holocaust survivors Itzhak and Judith LIchta in several displaced persons camps. Included are photographs and an album from Föhrenwald, Reichenhall, Bergen Belsen, and likely Milbersthofen-Am-Hart displaced persons camps; pre-war photographs of Itzhak’s family in Falenica, Poland and Judith’s family in Oszmiana, Poland (present day Ashmyany, Belarus); pre-war membership cards for a sports club Itzhak belonged to; and a Zionist Organization of London Shekel receipt.

  12. Commissioner of Police : Search Service (Group No. 1353)

    Lists of missing Jews, concentration camp prisoners, and various materials concerning concentration camps.

  13. Benno Elkan collection

    Contains a letter, dated March 2, 1935 to Benno Elkan, stating that he was unable to openly pursue an art career because he was Jewish; a stammbuch of Benno and Hedwig Elkan documenting their marriage and birth of their children, Ursula and Wolf; a letter to Wolf's son Matthew (donor) dated 1985; signature of Benno Elkan on scrap of paper; a photograph of Hedwig and Benno; and a document of change of residence to London.

  14. Sailing on ships Khedive Ismail and SS Normandie

    View of a foggy horizon from a boat. Deck of the boat, with umbrellas and tables. A lifebuoy reads the name of the ship: “Khedive Ismail, London.” A seagull flies by. More scenes from the boat deck. A safety drill with life jackets. Sam Elias wearing a beret, sitting on deck. Another ship passing. Sam Elias wearing a life preserver. Sam Elias smiling and waving at the camera near the railing. Sam Elias holding a lifebuoy that reads “Normandie Havre.” Sam Elias smoking and taking his jacket off, pretending to go for a swim, then putting his jacket back on. Passengers on the deck. Flags flyin...

  15. Day of German Art 1933; Hitler salutes crowds

    “TAG DER DEUTSCHEN KUNST.” In Munich, people ride bicycles. Outdoor area with seats, decorated with large swastikas behind the podium and Reichsadler on the wall at the center. Nazi soldiers form a wall in front of the crowd on the street. Men in uniform walk by. “HERR HITLER” Hitler’s motorcade, he stands in the passenger seat of a car, salutes crowd. “PARADE” Spectators heil as the parade moves. Men transport a model of the Reichsadler. Soldiers on horseback with large Nazi flags. Classical-style sculpture of a male torso is carried. More parade floats and costumes. “SEEING THE PARADE WIT...

  16. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish : Embassy in London Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Londynie (Sygn.503)

    Reports, publications, press releases, correspondence, press clippings notes related to national minorities in European countries and Russia, emigration polices, Jewish affairs and political parties before WWII, international preparation of postwar political and economic reconstruction of Europe and Poland, UNRRA planning for mission in Poland, investigation of Nazi crimes, compensation for victims of German atrocities, activities of Jewish socio-political organizations and emigration to Palestine.

  17. Heimstatt AW photograph

    Contains a photograph, mounted on card stock, depicting barracks on the outskirts of an unidentified city, possibly Cologne, attributed to Elly Hirschberg. The sign at the entry gate reads, "Heimstatt AW."

  18. Selected records from Tauragė County Branch Archives in Lithuania related to restitution of the Jewish property after WWII

    Records of the various county agencies (the State Notary Office, County Executive Council, People's Court, etc., related to the restitution and inheritance of the individual and communal Jewish property located in Tauragė County, and civil criminal cases of the Peoples Court of Tauragė and Jurbarkas districts in Lithuania after World War II.

  19. Bernat family photographs

    Consists of photographs of Andre Bernat and Magda (née Szemere) Bernat and their son Istvan (Stephen) while the family was living in a displaced persons camp in Bamberg, Germany. Included is a photo of the Bernats at the time of their wedding in 1946 as well as photos of the Bernats among friends and family. Among surviving relatives depicted are Andre's sister, Ibolya Weiss (later Violet White), and Magda's grandmother Julia Kainer Neufeld.

  20. Certificate from Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Occupied Zone in Germany

    Contains a certificate presented by the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Occupied Zone in Germany to Judge Lowental, the Jewish Affairs Advisor of the Commander of the Army, December 25, 1947, reading in part: "To our friend Judge Lowental, the Jewish Affairs Advisor of the Commander of the Army of the American occupied zone of Germany. A gift given as a symbol of friendship and gratitude for his fertile and devoted work for She'erit Ha'Pletah in Germany..." Signed by the members of the committee, including David Trager, President of the Central Committee of Liberated Jew...