Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,401 to 2,420 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Selected records of the County Repatriation Office. Provincial Branch in Warsaw Powiatowy Urząd Repatriacyjny. Oddział Wojewódzki w Warszawie (Sygn. 556) : Wybrane materialy

    Correspondence and other documents relating to searching for families in Warsaw district, and bringing repatriate families from the USSR to Poland. Includes also compensation cases.

  2. Helga Freeman McNair photographs

    Consists of two loose album pages of photographs depicting Germany in the immediate postwar period, including scenes of Buchenwald shortly after liberation, German prisoners of war, and civilians.

  3. Gauselbstverwaltung der Reichsgaus Daniz-Westpreusen Namiestnik Rzeszy Okręgu Gdańsk-Prusy Zachodnie (Sygn. 263)

    Selected records of the office of the Governor of the Reich of the Gdańsk-West Prussia District (Namiestnik Rzeszy Okręgu Gdańsk-Prusy Zachodnie: Gauselbstverwaltung der Reichsgaus Daniz-Westpreuse). Consist of internal regulations and orders, correspondence, lists of cities and districts with Polish and new German names, and the organizational chart of the office of the Governor of the Reich of the Gdańsk-West Prussia District.

  4. Judenrat in Piotrków Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Piotrków (Sygn. 263)

    Records of the Judenrat in Piotrków. Consists of Polish identity card and German Registration Card for Jews (Meldekarte für Juden) issued for Jojne Chaskiel Tarkowski vel Tarko in 1942.

  5. Selected records from collections of the Neamt branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains records from the Mayorship of the town of Piatra Neamț (Reels 1-7), including correspondence relating to elections within the Jewish community, subsidies for Jewish schools, revision of Romanian citizenship, and various requests relating to citizenship of Jews, lawsuit between the Jewish community and town relating to the exchange of land, goods and belongings of Iron Guard organization, expropriation of Jewish goods, anti-Jewish measures, confiscation of Iron Guard properties, lists of Jews for forced labor in Piatra Neamt, orders of the Ministry of Interior relating to awards for...

  6. Selected records of the County Starosty in Ostrów Mazowiecka Kreishauptmannschaft Ostrów Mazowiecka Starostwo Powiatowe w Ostrowie Mazowiecka (Sygn. 489) : Wybrane materialy

    Circulars and ordinances of authorities, official correspondence, reports on activities, quota reports, sending people to work, minutes of meetings, materials on the population policy of the occupant, censuses, lists of employees of the office of the starost, materials on the Polish resistance movement, reports of gendarmerie, interrogation of Jews in cases of illegal border crossing, correspondence with the Judenrat from Wegrów, matter of control of correspondence, daily orders, certificates, receipts, documentation related to the implementation of the antisemitic exhibition entitled "Jued...

  7. Ada Sereni collection

    Contains three reports by Ada Sireni, one of the heads of Mossad LeAliyah Bet in Italy, which supported illegal immigration of Jewish refugees to Palestine in the years immediately after the war. The reports concern ships used for the transfer of weapons.

  8. Selected records of the District Court in Gdynia [Provincial Committee of the Polish United Labor Party in Gdańsk] Sąd Okręgowy w Gdyni [Komitet Wojewódzki Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej w Gdańsku] (Sygn. 2384)

    Selected records of the of Sąd Okręgowy w Gdyni (District Court in Gdynia): Consist of a criminal cases against persons suspected of anti-state activity in Gdynia in the years 1937-1938. Only Jewish cases were selected: Izaak Lejbusz Glicenstein, Slalmon Steigerd, Fajwel Bittman, Brawerd Blond, Hersch - Nachman Pell, Bencjand Wassner, Aron Geldbard, Estera Zylbersztajn, Mojżesz Gorensztajn, Icek Ajzenberg, Mejer Pragerd, Froim Danziger, Chaim Klinger, Chaim Jarmuż.

  9. Gaumont British Newsreel (Reuters) -- SS Aorangi arrives in Sydney with Jewish refugees

    63 Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria arrive at Sydney harbor in the ship SS Aorangi.

  10. Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, Office for the State of Moravia situated in Brno Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren, Dienststelle für Land Mähren in Brünn (B 251)

    Administrative records of the Brno office of the Reich Protector for Bohemia and Moravia. Contains material on the persecution of the local Jewish population, anti-Jewish measures and decrees, Aryanizations and expropriations of Jewish properties and assets, arrests of Czech individuals, Germanization efforts, Czech collaborators and informants, Gestapo, reports on the various Landräte, German and Czech police and gendarmerie, schools, theatre and cultural events, forced labor, and other subject matters.

  11. Paper Israeli flag

    Paper Israeli flag: gift from the Jewish Brigade to Belgian children. [Belgium?, ca. 1945].Single leaf, printed on both sides (hand-printed, not professional). Printed on one side are a Star of David between two light-blue stripes and the verse "The redeemed of the L-d shall return, and come with singing unto Zion" (Isiah, 51, 11). Printed on the other side are a Star of David between two light-blue stripes with the inscription "Gift from the Jewish Fighting Force [Jewish Brigade] to the children of Belgium."

  12. Col. Curtis L. Williams collection

    The collection consists of letters, reports, affidavits, memoranda and other documents compiled by Colonel Curtis L. Williams as a member of the Interrogation Division of Office US Chief of Counsel for the International Military Tribunal in Paris, France and Nuremberg, Germany, August-December 1945. The bulk of the documents regard German anti-partisan activities in Italy, including a massacre of 335 Italian men in Rome on 24 March 1944. Other reports include organizational charts, “The Kesselring file,” and “The development of the German Navy since 1933.” Interrogations, affidavits, report...

  13. Young family; holiday with friends; beach

    Baby Karin in her carriage, chewing on a teething ring. Mother Ethel tickles her and she smiles. Sister Oda leans on the side of the carriage. Men sing and march on a wooded road. A sixth man joins, smiling with a closed umbrella resting on his shoulder. They drink coffee and rehearse singing in a courtyard. A man conducts. They walk joyfully down a path, one twirls an open umbrella above his head. The men drink beer at a table by a waterway. People on a boat. They continue drinking. Children play in the sand and water at a manmade beach. "ENDE"

  14. Maurice Levitt collection

    Consists of a notebook and handwritten loose notebook pages written by Maurice Levitt, along with photographs taken at displaced persons camp. Levitt, a member of the United States military, worked for the Frankfurt Jewish GI Council, an organization of Jewish soldiers seeking to provide supplies and cultural activities for displaced persons. The handwritten pages document his experiences in 1946 and 1947, while the photographs show aid workers and displaced persons at the Babenhausen and Lindenfels DP camps, among others.

  15. Braun family papers

    The Braun family papers consist of material relating to Gyula, Erzsébet, and George Braun’s experiences during the war including time in forced labor camps. The collection includes a document notifying Gyula to report to Strasshof, food rations and accounting lists from his time in forced labor camps, and certificates attesting that Gyula’s treated those he was in charge of at the camps properly. The collection also includes correspondence from George’s cousin, Laszlo Kronstein, who was in hiding in Budapest, Erzsébet’s brother, Istvań Kronstein, who was in a forced labor camp, and postcard...

  16. Maximiliano Lipsitz (Menajem Mendl Bar Gitman) Archivo de Maximiliano Lipsitz (Menajem Mendl Bar Gitman)

    Records from the legal office of Mr. José Moskovits, a Holocaust survivor and attorney in Buenos Aires. This collection contains the personal documents and obituaries of Maximiliano Lipsitz (Menajem Mendl bar Gitma) published in the "Registro civil de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Familia." Buenos Aires, 1947. He was a Jewish survivor, a leader and activist in Jewish community in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He arrived to Argentina in 1947.

  17. Ministry of Interior Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych (Sygn. 9)

    Passports of Jews who emigrated to Palestine in 1938-1939 and lost their Polish citizenship [Files 1423-1490]. Their passports were returned to Poland by the Polish Consulate as invalid. Passports include personal data and photos, sometimes it is a photo of the whole family. The collection also contains official correspondence. Note: See also related materials located in the USHMM Archives: RG-15.133M: 2007.253. Kolekcja polskich paszportów żydowskich emigrantów do Palestyny zdeponowanych w polskim konsulacie w Haifie (Sygn.123): Collection of the Polish passports of the Jewish immigrant...

  18. Judenrat in Pabianice Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Pabianice (Sygn. 262)

    Records of the Judenrat in Pabianice. Consists of two labor cards with photographs issued for Jews by the Judenrat authorities in the Ghetto in Pabianice

  19. Oral history interview with Flora Sztulzaft

  20. Gershon Yelin papers

    The collection documents the pre-war and post-war experiences of Gershon Yelin, originally of the Free City of Danzig, including post-war family photographs documenting Gershon with his family in Austria and Israel, with friend Yehuda Nir in Vienna; Report card issued in May 1936 by the Jewish School in Danzig to "Gerson Jelen"; Declaration of Intention form for Gershon Yelin to become a citizen of the United States, June 6, 1962; Letter of support for Samuel Gelles who wishes to bring Dr. Gershon Yellin to the United States, April 16, 1962; Contract between Montefiore Hospital of New York ...