Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 221 to 240 of 26,870
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. American military at Nordhausen; Eisenhower lands in Frankfurt; soldiers on leave in England

    Reel 14: (1945) Concentration camp in Nordhausen, Germany; Ike, Frankfurt; Air trip to England; Cambridge American soldiers board military planes in a field. Sign, "Leave Flight Officers." Ansco (film) logo. At Nordhausen concentration camp, soldiers inspect rocket debris. [Fedeli reports visiting the contentration camp at 'Buchenwald' near Weimar, Germany in late April 1945.] Brief LS of camp buildings along road. Pan of liberated camp and environs from a moving vehicle. Dozens of large containers of ammunition stacked side by side in fields, behind a sign: "Tor II." Displaced families pus...

  2. Liberated Jews in Kairouan, Tunisia

    (from previous reel) Wounded soldier, destroyed German tanks (one has the name “Paula” painted on it), and German prisoners of war resting in a field. 00:58 (Entry into Kairouan). A group of people pose for the camera, smiling and making the “V” sign. Most of them have Star of David badges on their clothes. A man and a woman (she wears a white pith helmet) in the center of the group appear to be better dressed than the others. The man holds a dog on a chain leash. British soldiers and young men wearing star badges pose next to a jeep. WS of a street with locals and a couple of British soldi...

  3. Testimony film on display in the USHMM Permanent Exhibition

    2.15 Testimony (with and without subtitles) Testimony film of interviews with Holocaust survivors shown on the second floor of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust". Includes oral histories with the following witnesses: Frank Bleichman Sam Goldberg Emanuel Tanay Tina Strobos Chudson (Tineke Buchter) Agnes Adachi Helen Waterford Norbert Wollheim Leo Bretholz Paulette Fink Stefa Kupfer (Sarah M. Kupfer) Abe Malnik Cecilie Klein-Pollak Agi Rubin (Agate Rubin) Lilly Malnik Gerda Weissman Klein Ruth Webber Bella Tovey Bart Stern Shony Braun (Al...

  4. St. Lo in ruins; German prisoners

    Opens with shot of sign that reads: "St. Lo." LS of city in ruins. Series of shots of remnants of buildings. GI directing traffic at sight of Ortslazarett Red Cross. Sign reads: "St. Lo Bridge repaired by 148th Engineer Battalion 4th August 1944. Equipment furnished by 631st Engineer Light Equipment Company." Remnants of cathedral at St. Lo. Army vehicles including Red Cross trucks driving down road in front of bombed out buildings. Water filled craters in FG. Jeep goes by named "Hocus Pocus Focus." Men around their pup tents in a soccer field surrounded by barbed wire. Shot of machine gun ...

  5. Oral history interview with Zvi Culski

  6. Functions of V-1

    SUMMARY: This is a three reel composite technical information film on the operation and launching of the FZG-76 (V- 1). Reel 2. SEQ, Complete function of the air mileage unit and veeder counter. CU, Fuse, lines and miniature blisters. CU, Trailing antenna being pulled out. CU, Underside of rocket showing the movement of the flaps. Organization chart showing the flow of parts and rockets from the manufacturer to the field. Rocket in assembled condition standing and being wheeled across field. VS, Launcher ramp, firing tube, firing tube breech, damper and diffuser vanes. Man adjusting trip ca...

  7. Rhine river scenes: Koblenz; Kaub; castles

    Very high arched bridge. Large edifice/church. City scenes. Hotel Porta Nigra. 01:02:16 Ruin with rounded arches, about 4 stories high. KOBLENZ: WS of city. Pan of river and cityscape. Hills on other side. Orange tile roofs. HAS of ruined ampitheater(?). Double-spired church, pans, some fast. 01:03:27 Slopes and vineyards along the Rhein. Good high angle pan of long lines of vines; vineyards; houses, shops. 01:03:47 Oxen and cart on road. Famous historic sight on the Rhine: Pfalzgrafenstein. 01:05:26 Pillar with place name: KAUB (Kaub is below Koblenz & Boppard). Family with car on ferr...

  8. Oral history interview with Greta Fischer

  9. Levy family on SS Rotterdam returning to US

    "SS Rotterdam" ship at sea. The travelers took this boat back to New York (July 20-29, 1927). The family boards the boat. Emilie Jane in her father's arms. Robert and Sally, August and Hartman, and Robert and Carl play shuffleboard. Emilie Jane plays with a small sandbox on the ship deck. Robert, August, and Dora Hartman lounge in deck chairs. Emilie plays. Robert plays shuffleboard. Clara Levy reads a book. August converses with another passenger. Robert hugs his little sister, Emilie. Lou and Dora Hartman. CU, Sally Hartman reading. Passengers on deck. Emilie Jane poses inside the life pr...

  10. Bergen-Belsen related records

    The records relate to the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, displaced persons, the Belsen memorial, and Jewish emigration to the Palestine after the Holocaust.

  11. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin Transport lists of Jews to Auschwitz

    Consists of a copy of a transport list containing the names and addresses of Jews and Roma deported from Berlin to Auschwitz on 05 May 1943.

  12. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin List of concentration camps and sub-camps, 1977

    Contains a copy of an alphabetical list of concentration camps and sub-camps published in the "Bundesgesetzblatt" in Sep 1977.

  13. 257th German Infantry in Galicia region

    Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. In the region of Galicja (near the border of Poland and the Ukraine), German officers from the 257th Infantry round Jewish civilians wearing white armbands into forced labor divisions in the town center. Galicja had a large Jewish population (about 800,000) living relatively peacefully amongst the larger Ukrainian and Polish populations in the 1930s. The women of Galicja buy and sell vegetables and other goods in the market. HAS of the crowded marketplace. Jewi...

  14. Makeshift military airport

    Men moving off in twilight silhouetted against sunset. Group of men kneeling in twilight. Officer in combat gear reading orders. American flag on left shoulder, men in this unit appear to be paratroopers. Planes have names such as "Windy City," "Bobbie Ellen 3," "Dinky," "Philadelphia Express." This is a portable metal runway. VS of men under wings of plane. LS, pan of plane landing. Jeep towing small artillery pieces. LS of many planes and/or gliders in BG of very flat area. DC3 taxiing for takeoff, towing glider, apparently with paratroopers. Series of shots of DC3s pulling gliders into a...

  15. Russians meet Americans at Torgau; dancing

    Color film coverage of Americans linking up with Russians on the Elbe River in April 1945. Boat comes toward shore, lands. Foreign officer (possibly French Naval officer) in dark blue uniform is greeted. Mounted Russian soldiers with sabers. Horses loaded on pontoon ferry boat. Women seated on tractors. Stevens and Captain walk to the river, meet Russians. Shot of Stevens, on Russian side of river. Russian officer walking with a cane. Stevens, cameraman holding tripod talking with Russians. CUs of Russian army officers and soldiers. Americans and Russians looking at money. Stevens and Russi...

  16. GIs at Camp Boston

    Back at Camp Boston. Murray poses in a field. Soldiers show off their injuries after a football game. One day pass to Reims. Details of the Reims Cathedral. A GI cafe. Fuzzy shots of train cars. Scenes of the countryside from a passing train. Soldiers smoke cigarettes and explore an abandoned German railway gun. Trucks enter the USA Calais Staging Area. Panoramic shots of the camp, including tents. Soldiers pose in a group shot with a dog. Soldiers pack their things and board box cars.

  17. Postwar Antwerp

    Misc. film, no. 1286. Reel 1 shows views of Antwerp, its street railways, harbor and dock area, war ruins, burning German vehicles, German POWs, truck convoys, and a V-1 bomb in flight. Planes bomb the city. People cheer as allied tanks enter the city and war material is unloaded from ships.

  18. Antisemitism film on display in the USHMM Permanent Exhibition

    4.22 Antisemitism. Antisemitism film with archival photographs, footage, and interviews shown on the fourth floor of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust". This is the original (1993) version without captions. USHMM made revisions to the Antisemitism film in May 1995 and again in 2000 - for access, refer to the USHMM Institutional Archives.

  19. Driving tour of postwar divided Berlin; Russian women

    Blue sign indicates: "Berlin" straight ahead, "Potsdam" to the right, another sign reads: "Entering US Berlin District." Shot of newly constructed monument with tank on top. (The Soviets were quick to build monuments to remind their fellow Allies and the conquered Germans that Soviet troops were the first to enter Berlin. The first Soviet tank to advance through the city was placed on this memorial plinth, seen in this footage, still under construction.) VS of a parade area, with pictures of Truman, Stalin, Eisenhower, traffic moving along in FG. Stevens stops jeep in front of large mural o...

  20. Illich family activities in 1937

    Family activities in the year 1937. Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. Grandpa Fritz and the Illich boys are in costume performing a play for Three Kings Day in January 1937. Train. Ivan and Ellen (Maexie) walk along the mountain path. Good CUs of Maexie and Ivan with two photographic cameras. Ice sport (curling?). Three boys walking in the snow under "Kurhaus Semmering" sign. Fritz plays and hikes with his grandsons at the resort in the snow. Views of the mountainside from an open carriage ride, close shots of Ivan, Sascha, and Micha. Visiting the Prater amusement ...