Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,261 to 23,280 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. David A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David A., who was born in Krosno, Poland in 1928 and moved to Chorzo?w in 1930. He describes his happy, traditional but not orthodox, home. He discusses the German occupation; the rounding up of Jews; removal to the Krosno and Rzeszo?w ghettos in 1940; his experiences as a slave laborer before deportation to P?aszo?w in 1940; slave labor, living conditions and mass killings at P?aszo?w; a move to Sachsenhausen in 1943; and work in a munitions factory until its bombing and liberation by the United States in 1945. He describes his postwar experiences in Berlin; his retu...

  2. Lisa R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lisa R., who was born in Nowogro?dek, Poland (presently Navahrudak, Belarus) in 1930, one of four children. She recounts her family's affluence; attending private school and summer camp; Soviet occupation; German invasion in July 1941; a mass killing of fifty Jews; a round-up for a mass shooting that included her sister in December 1941; ghettoization; forced labor; her mother receiving bread from their former maid; a mass shooting in May 1943 that included her mother; a group, including her brother, digging an escape tunnel; her brother leading the group out of the t...

  3. Leo K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leo K., who was born in Rzeszo?w, Poland in 1913. He recounts his parents moving to the Hague, Netherlands when he was six months old; moving to Antwerp when he was about thirteen; returning to the Hague with his mother and siblings; working as a furrier; military induction in 1937; being changed to reserve status; German invasion in May 1940; his son's birth in August; forming a resistance unit; anti-Jewish restrictions; round-ups; a non-Jewish colleague offering a hiding place in his home; several police interrogations; clandestinely moving to his friend's attic; st...

  4. William R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of William R., who was born in Arizona in 1918. He recounts liberating Mauthausen as a member of the United States Army 11th Armored Division; his shock at seeing thousands of starved and sick prisoners; the pervasive stench; prisoners dying after liberation because they could not digest food; buildings that appeared to be shower rooms but were gas chambers; and hundreds of corpses. He describes an American general who had himself sprayed with DDT so prisoners would allow themselves to be treated for lice to stem the typhus epidemic and the policy of the United States Ar...

  5. Priska S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Priska S., who was born in Šahy, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1922. She recounts her parents' divorce; her mother moving to Budapest; remaining with her father; his death in 1937; becoming part of his sister's family; attending school; one cousin's emigration to England in 1937; Hungarian occupation in 1938; her other cousin's draft into a slave labor battalion; going to Budapest for professional training; frequently coming home to Šahy; German invasion in 1944; ghettoization; being beaten by those seeking valuables; deportation in May to Auschwitz/Birkena...

  6. Liuboʹv A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Liuboʹv A., who was born in Slonim, Poland (presently Belarus) in approximately 1921. She recalls attending a Jewish school; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; marriage; her son's birth; Soviet occupation; German invasion; her husband's murder in a mass killing in July 1941; moving to her aunt's home with her son and parents; her son's death from illness; moving in with a friend; viewing a second mass killing from hiding in November; learning her parents and other relatives had been killed; losing her will to live; wandering the streets in a daze; being taken in by he...

  7. Edward H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edward H., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1928. He recalls expulsion from school in 1938 due to anti-Jewish laws; his father's nine-day incarceration in Sachsenhausen after Kristallnacht; leaving by ship for Cuba in April 1939; returning upon hearing of the St. Louis; departure for Shanghai on August 20; the ship returning to Bremerhaven due to the war; his father and brother smuggling themselves to Antwerp; remaining in Cologne with his mother; their illegal journey to Antwerp; his father's and brother's incarceration as enemy aliens; his mother's death; his brot...

  8. Solomon H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Solomon H., who was born in Wielun?, Poland in 1913. He recounts the deaths of his father and brother; a sister and brother emigrating to France; marriage in 1938; German invasion; fleeing; being shot; transfer to Tomaszo?w Mazowiecki, then ?o?dz?; reunion with his wife; returning home; ghettoization; having his wife smuggled to the Cze?stochowa ghetto when she became pregnant (their son did not survive long); escaping to join her during the ghetto's liquidation; assignment to HASAG-Pelzery; a privileged position as a foreman; arrival of Jews from ?o?dz?; communicatin...

  9. Eva P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva P., who was born in Danzig in 1929. She remembers an affluent childhood prior to 1938; anti-Jewish regulations forcing her father to cease practicing medicine; Hitler's visit to Danzig; having to attend Jewish school; her father's brief arrest in winter 1939; leaving for Marseille on July 27 with her parents; embarking by ship for Shanghai; during a stop in Hong Kong, her father's brief internment as a "German enemy" by the British; his release due to intervention by the local Jewish community; continuing to Shanghai; attending a British school; replacement of the...

  10. Eric S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eric S., who was born in Gymnich, Germany, in 1915. Mr. S. recalls childhood in a small Catholic town; going to Cologne in 1930 to learn office skills; being forced by Nazis to leave his position with a Jewish company in Frankfurt; returning home to help in the family tannery; pillaging of the business during Kristallnacht; incarceration with his two brothers; transport to Dachau; their release because they had documents to leave Germany; emigration with his brothers to Kenya (his parents remained and perished); and arrival in Mombasa. He tells of a Jewish organizatio...

  11. Michel W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michel W., who was born in Kalisz, Poland in 1926, the younger of two sons. He recounts his family's emigration to Antwerp in 1929; their move to Liège two years later; their orthodoxy; attending school; his bar mitzvah; working in his father's bakery; registering as Jews with the Nazis; deportation with his brother to Dannes-Camiers in August 1942; slave labor building military defenses; learning his mother had been deported and his father was in a tuberculosis sanitarium; brief transfer to Malines in October; escaping with his brother from a deportation train; assi...

  12. Lola L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lola L., who was born in approximately 1927. She recounts attending a Jewish public school in ?o?dz?; German invasion; her older brother's one-day seizure for forced labor; his escape to the Soviet zone (they never saw him again); ghettoization in 1940; forced factory labor; her father and mother dying of starvation; a round-up of children, including her four-year-old nephew; deportation with her sisters to Birkenau; selection with them for transfer to a slave labor camp; a death march to Bergen-Belsen; having to carry one sister to appell because she was so ill; esca...

  13. Walter K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter K., who was born in Peiskretscham, near Gleiwitz, Silesia, in 1924. He describes his experiences of antisemitism as a schoolboy in Germany; Kristallnacht, during which his father was sent to Buchenwald but later released; and the voyage of his family on the ill-fated ship St. Louis. He recounts his family's arrival in France, their separation, and his life in children's homes, first in Paris and later in central France. He also recalls hiding in a home for the developmentally disabled, helped by a priest, and with false papers. He explains that he joined the Fr...

  14. Tova G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tova G., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1929. She recounts German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization in 1940; forced labor in order to obtain rations; continuing their Shabbat observance; breaking her leg; her mother's death; deportations in 1942, including relatives; hiding, with help from an aunt, to avoid deportation; deportation to Auschwitz in 1944 with her father and siblings; separation from her family; a beating by a Kapo; transfer to Kiel six weeks later; slave labor in a factory; aid from an Italian POW; transfer to Theresiens...

  15. Ann E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ann E., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1924. She recounts her father's service in World War I (he was in a Russian POW camp for several years); not being admitted to public school because she was Jewish; the Anschluss; expulsion from private school; her father's imprisonment in Dachau on Kristallnacht; his release after six weeks due to his veteran's status; she and her sister being sent on a kindertransport to London in March 1939; living with a foster family in Bedford for over two years; her parents arriving later in 1939; visiting them; her father's incarcerat...

  16. Isidore K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isidore K., who was born in Zamość, Poland in 1934, an only child. He recalls staying in a cellar with his family during the German invasion on September 14, 1939; Soviet occupation on September 26; leaving with the Soviets when Zamość was returned to the Germans a few weeks later; living in Volodymyr-Volynsʹkyĭ through the winter; moving to Pinsk; deportation with his parents, grandparents, and other relatives to Siberia because they were not Soviet citizens; his father logging wood; moving fourteen months later to Ghijduwon; his grandmother's death en route; mo...

  17. Zuzana M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zuzana M., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovkia in 1929, the younger of two children. She recalls not knowing she was Jewish; her father's suicide in 1931; celebrating Christian holidays; her mother having them convert to Catholicism; attending a Catholic school; having to move to Nové Mesto nad Váhom due to anti-Jewish restrictions; relatives in Hungary arranging to have them smuggled there in spring 1942; being caught; her brother's deportation to Žilina (she never saw him again); returning to Bratislava with her mother; living apart for safety; her mother's...

  18. Reuven C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Reuven C., who was born in 1924 in Lakhva, Poland (presently Belarus), one of six children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; his father's poor health; his mother's strength; attending cheder; Soviet occupation in 1939; attending a Soviet school; cessation of most Jewish life; evacuation of one brother and one sister; German invasion; establishment of a Judenrat; his father's death; ghettoization; forced labor outside the ghetto; an unsuccessful escape attempt resulting in a severe beating; contacts with partisans; learning trenches were dug for a mass killing in Sep...

  19. Nathan S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nathan S., who was born in Li?u?boml?, Poland in 1929. He recalls vibrant Jewish life; attending Polish and Jewish schools; antisemitic harassment; German invasion in 1939; looting and killing of Jews by Ukrainians and Poles; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; mass murder of Jews by Ukrainian policemen; ghettoization; his father and brothers' privileged positions as skilled workers; constructing hiding places; escaping with his family to the countryside; hiding on a Polish farm; his father's and sister's arrest (he never saw them again); hiding with his ...

  20. Chester K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chester K., who enlisted in the United States Army in 1942; completed basic training in California; attended Officer Candidate School in North Carolina; served in Galveston, Texas; and completed his training in military intelligence. Mr. K. describes D-day; meeting General Patton; moving through France towards Germany; the Battle of the Bulge; entering Dachau on April 29, 1945, and later Allach, a subcamp of Dachau; his shock at seeing hundreds of corpses and the living conditions; attempts to help the survivors; speaking to them in Yiddish; their high death rate due ...