Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 201 to 220 of 26,870
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Fishing boats; African woman

    Pan of land along canal, young children and men fishing- all are dressed in white with scarves/head wraps. Locals on fishing boats and at dock/shipyard. Palm trees are visible. MCU of a North African woman, scantily clad and wearing heavy face makeup and large earrings. She is seated by herself on a chair, near a doorway and speaking to the person behind the camera. Possibly a prostitute.

  2. Building the WWII defensive line; German aircraft

    Reel 1, Siegfried Line elevators, rooms, tunnels, showers, toilets, telephone switchboards, electric power generators, antitank guns in its arsenals, munitions dumps, artillery. antiaircraft guns, and searchlights. Troops with listening devices. Messerschmidt planes take off from an airfield.

  3. Oral history interview with Hedda Evans

  4. Dachau at liberation; delousing; identifying German captors; religious ceremony

    Courtyard with series of buildings, Dachau concentration camp. One building has SS sign on it (possibly SS barracks). VS of camp at Dachau, including inmates sitting by fires cooking. Steam in FG. Shot of liberated inmates pans to bodies, stacked like cork wood. A sequence of shots of corpses. Inmates in striped uniforms unloading bread from truck. Cleaning out large cabin. Carrying corpse. VS of liberated inmates being deloused. Considerable coverage of this activity. Two young inmates in striped suits strolling through camp. Inmates pulling food truck. Shot of crematorium, flame is visibl...

  5. US military victory over Germany

    Newsreel footage surrounding the events involving the US and Allied defeat of Germany in WWII. Intertitles read as follows: US troops battle toward Rhine in mighty final offensive! Cologne, Germany's fourth city, falls to US First Army! Americans capture vital Remagen Bridge in amazing surprise maneuver. US Engineers bridge Rhine with pontoons! Allied air might shatters vital remains of Nazi communications! British and Canadian forces cross Rhine to capture Ruhr! Vast airborne force lands to widen beachhead! New rocket weapons destroy remaining fortifications to speed progress of Allied Arm...

  6. 1934 Reichsparteitag, Nuremberg

    Reel 9: VS, Hitler, Himmler and Lutze walk down long aisle between columns of troops gathered in Nuremberg stadium. Ceremonies at Nuremberg showing Hitler and thousands of soldiers; a great number of flags are carried and flown. SS troops goose-stepping. CU, Himmler. CU, Victor Lutze introduces Hitler to audience at Nuremberg stadium. CU, MS, Hitler delivers forceful speech to huge crowd of stormtroopers, Gestapo and other political organization members in stadium. Flag bearers present arms. Hitler pledges each flag bearer to the Nazi flag. CU, large gun is fired in salute to ceremony. VS, ...

  7. Generals and medal ceremony; GIs resting at campsite

    Shot of bombed out cathedral. Twilight shot panning down from bombed out cathedral across bombed out village. Men from camera unit in FG. Shot in bivouac area. General Bernard Montgomery walks into CU. Two-star general reading something from paper. Men walk up, salute Montgomery and medal is pinned on, shakes hands. Another name is called out, another man walks up. Underlit shot of three star general and other officers, two of whom are wearing khaki peaked caps with red band. Two three-star generals talking to Montgomery, one in center appears to be Omar Bradley in helmet. Gen. George Patto...

  8. Soldiers relax at the French Riviera

    In color, the coast of the French Riviera comes into view from the plane. Street scenes on the Riviera. Murray poses in front of the beach. People sunbathing on rock beaches. “Positively no whistling or stamping allowed.” Various shots of the Riviera from different perspectives. American flag waving. Murray on a boat. More coastline scenes on the beach. Murray in a canoe. Street and beach scenes of civilians. Grass. Planes take off. View from mid-flight on the return to Pilsen.

  9. Records relating to the Committee for Refugee Education "Progress Reports" from the Committee for Refugee Education, 1940-1942 and 1949

    Contains Committee for Refugee Education "Progress Report" for 1940, 1941, 1942, and 1949. The reports include information about the Committee for Refugee Education and its work; statistics on students participating in English training courses offered by the Committee; teaching methods used by Committee instructors; and other agencies, including the American Committee for Christian German Refugees and the Jewish Welfare Board, that cooperated with the CRE.

  10. US soldiers resting at campsite

    Underexposed sequence of men with mess kits, standing around waiting. Cleaning mess kits, various CUs. Campsite activity continues. Lieutenant passing out lifesavers, cigarettes, opening mail, etc. Men digging hole or trench, clowning around. Jeep has sign that reads: "Messenger - do not delay." Hands something to people in tent and drives off. Various shots of camp. Moffat and others cooking on fire and eating. Shot from INT of truck and reverse angle of men loading in. VS of men walking around and eating from mess kits. VS of muddy ground. Dark haired GI with round, steel-rimmed glasses. ...

  11. RAF airfield; US military advances

    Stevens and Moffat walking toward camera and then to what is apparently RAF airfield being briefed by British or Canadian officer next to fighter plane. Stevens climbs into cockpit of fighter (Hawker Sea Fury), officer explaining it. Panning shot of bombed out hangars and other buildings, smoke in distance. Shot of four men at jeep, bombs to side, jeep drives off. Stevens and others in helmets with weapons filming troops advancing in trucks. VS of camouflage tanks coming toward camera and passing (according to handwritten notes in the LOC original cataloger's notes, this depicts the beginni...

  12. Nuremberg Trials special exhibition plasma screen

    Monitor exhibited as part of "Nuremberg Trials: What is Justice?" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Wexner Learning Center from November 2005 to present.

  13. Belgian Bulge Offensive 1944; Malmedy massacre

    Bureau of Public Relations Film no. 1155. (War Department) U.S. motorized infantry rolls into a French town; civilians cheer. U.S. dead and injured are removed by stretcher from a battlefield; tanks, and infantry advance. German film shows officers, including von Runstedt, studying maps; Volksturm, armed with panzerfausts, marching; German tanks and infantry, covered by fog, moving through a snowy forest; a V-1 bomb exploding on an Allied position; camouflaged German tanks advancing; the use of flamethrowers; an Allied motor convoy in flames near Malmedy, Belgium; and U.S. POWs in the town....

  14. American soldiers return home

    Soldiers line up on a dock and board a ship. The ship from afar. A parting view of the dock. Smoke stacks on board the ship. Murray and fellow soldiers at the deck’s railing. A soldier shows off his American money. Ocean shots. Scenes of soldier life on the ship: playing cards, smoking cigarettes, reading, laughing, sleeping, getting sick over the side of the boat. Murray poses for the camera. More ocean shots. Shot of buildings on the coastline. A smaller rowboat by the side of the ship. Soldiers jump off this boat and swim in the ocean. More coastline shots. “The End.”

  15. Nuremberg courtroom; Palace of Justice; Alan Brooke

    (Paris 346) Nuremberg Trials. US Army officer makes statement to court. Civilian reads statement to court. Correspondents listen to statement; clerks, interpreters record remarks. EXTs of the Palace of Justice where Nuremberg trials are held. MS, British guards in front of entrance. CU, sign on Palace of Justice in English and German: "No Loitering" [Verboten]. Local children peer into gated opening. CU, pass for Raymond D. Addario to enter the Palace of Justice on November 10, 1945. Street scenes. Soldiers' and civilians' passes are checked beofre entering courthouse. 05:35 Field Marshal S...

  16. American military parade; seaside town; GIs swimming

    Military parade, men in summer uniforms with pith helmets. Band marching, apparently American troops. There is color guard with five American flags and a reviewing stand. Egyptian buildings with turrets, a mosque. Stevens walks from Fortress toward camera. Roadside shot- Stevens in summer helmet with local boys. Seaside shots of town, beautiful ruins on seaside. Hillside caves. Stevens and officer in FG in front of old buildings. Underexposed shot of Stevens, Mellor and two other men in bathing suits swimming.

  17. Homosexuals in Nazi Germany

    Documentary film about the gay survivors of Nazi Germany, including interviews with three gay survivors. As many as 15,000 homosexuals were sent to concentration camps, targeted by the Nazis as subversives. The "A" -- which stood for "Arschficker" [Assfucker] -- refers to a symbol that pre-dated the pink triangle which gay prisoners were forced to wear. *** Copies available with and without English subtitles ***

  18. Post-liberation photographs of Bergen-Belsen

    Consists of photocopies of photographs taken during April and May of 1945 of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly after liberation by the 2nd British Army. Included are photos of camp survivors, burial of dead prisoners by the SS guards of the camp, the burning of several barracks by the British, and several groups of women in the camp.

  19. Mikhoels performs a Yiddish play in Moscow

    HAS, LS set, production, actors in costume performing a play, likely for the Moscow State Yiddish Theater. 01:02:22 CU, Solomon (Shloyme) Mikhoels in makeup and costume on stage. 01:03:20 Actors on stage.

  20. Contemporary interview; Nazi power in Bulgaria ceases

    Reel 4 Village in Bulgaria. Contemporary footage of man singing a song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar while walking through a small town (the song is performed other times over the duration of the film). Contemporary footage - interview in home of elderly couple, woman reads from letter. Orthodox priest. Nazi women marching, band. Gathering in Sofia. Familiar scene of swastika blowing up. Contemporary scenes of anniversary event/conference. Contemporary footage of man singing the song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar again. End credits in Bulgarian.