Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,001 to 2,020 of 26,870
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Nechama Safira photograph

    Contains a photographic postcard, with inscription on verso, of Nechama Paleszek Safira, who survived the Holocaust and then immigrated to Israel (Palestine) in 1947. Nechama was born in 1915 in Kowel.

  2. British Pathé Gazette -- Lord Runciman arrives in Prague to help settle differences

    Various shots show British politician Lord Walter Runciman arriving in Prague by train, accompanied by Lady Runciman and his staff. A large crowd waits at the railway station to welcome him. Commentator explains Lord Runciman is here to try to solve the differences between the Czechs and the Sudetan Germans. Lord and Lady Runciman are seen getting into their car, followed by numerous photographers, and arriving at their hotel or residence.

  3. Municipal National Committee of Velké Meziříčí Městský národní výbor Velké Meziříčí

    Records pertaining to the post-war restitution of Jewish property.

  4. Larisch family papers

    The Larisch family papers include biographical materials, correspondence, and photographs documenting the Larisch family from Vienna, Austria, their time in England and India during the Holocaust, and their immigration to the United States after World War II. Biographical materials document Kurt Larisch, his wife Ramah, his parents Moritz and Dora, and his daughter Linda. They include identification papers, birth and marriage certificates, and immigration records. Correspondence includes a 1920 letter from Kurt to his grandmother; a 1941 letter from Ernst Polaček in Derventa, Bosnia to Mori...

  5. Hilert family collection

    The Hilert family collection consists of documents, correspondence, and identification cards pertaining to the Hilert family and their postwar time experience in the Stuttgart West displaced persons camp (DP camp) in Germany and their immigration to the United States. The collection contains an affidavit from Avrom Hiller and Senator Harry Byrd and smallpox vaccination certificates. The documents pertain to Rabbi Samuel Hilert, Rose (Rosa, Raizel) Gutkind Hilert, and their son, Moses Baruch Hilert (Michael, Mike).

  6. Selected records of the World ORT Archive (WOA), London

    Records of the World ORT (formerly World ORT Union), its governing bodies and associate organizations world-wide. The archive include minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, fund-raising and PR, research and development, administrative and financial records (1920s-1950s). Also included are pamphlets and bulletins from various countries; reports, correspondence, and photos of the Berlin ORT school transferred to Leeds (1939-1943), private papers of former students and teachers of ORT; as well as the Shapiro Collection: consisting of materials collected on ORT's history by the American ...

  7. Pete Pease photograph collection

    The Pete Pease photograph collection consists of approximately 40 photographs showing the Buchenwald concentration camp shortly after its liberation in 1945. The photographs depict the corpses of victims, the interior of various barracks and camp buildings, the crematorium, gallows, the burial of victims, liberating soldiers, and camp survivors. Many of the photographs were taken by the US Army Signal Corps.

  8. Rosenkrantz family collection

    Contains approximately 40 letters written by Aharon (Arnold) Rosenkrantz and his brother David (Dovid) Rosenkrantz to their parents, Josef and Pesia, in Vienna in 1938-1939, as well as a postcard of the ship Patria, in which one of the brothers, possibly both, boarded. Includes envelopes, with stamps removed. The collection also includes two letters by a brother from a Jewish summer camp in southern Austria in 1936, diary entries from Aaron from 1947, notebooks containing stories and poems written by Aaron, as well as birth certificates and his school and his physics and science studies not...

  9. Judenrat in Nowy Sącz Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Nowy Sącz (Syg. 261)

    Records of the Judenrat in Nowy Sącz, Poland. Consists of a portrait photograph of Boruch Roth (Born June 24, 1874). The photograph was taken before deportation (according to the note in Polish on the verso of the photo.

  10. Wasserman family photographs

    Contains three prewar photographs of members of the donor's family in Joniškėlis, Lithuania. Includes one photo dated December 1935 which bears the inscription "Grandma Muzla & Joselsons/All killed except Chaim - upper center." Photos are inscribed in English and Yiddish.

  11. Nazi photographs

    Contains two photographs: one dated December 1943 depicting several corpses lined up in a forest, covered with broken branches; and the second (undated) of German soldiers burying caskets in a large grave during a funeral.

  12. Robert E. Work collection

    The collection contains 2 letters by Joseph and Magda Goebbels written from the Führerbunker in Berlin, dated April 28, 1945, addressed to Harald Quandt, son of Magda Goebbels (held in a Allied POW camp); and an interrogation report of Hanna Reitsch, Hitler's personal pilot, written by Robert E. Work, Captain, Air Corps Chief Interrogator, dated November 1, 1945. The interrogation report gives background on how Hanna Reitsch received the letters, German transcriptions, English translations, and Reitsch's evaluations of their content. Also included is a copy photograph portrait of Robert E. ...

  13. Jewish Committee in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Komitet Żydowski w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim (Sygn. 359)

    This collection includes circulars of the Jewish Committee in Kielce, correspondence (including correspondance with local Polish authorities), a list of Jews from Ostrowiec living in Bergen-Belsen, memebers of the Jewish committee in Munich (Germany), minutes of meetings, numerous documents related to the recovery of property lost during the war, in addition to medical certificates, statistical data of the Jewish population in Ostrowiec.

  14. Shlomo Gorner collection

    Contains papers that belonged to Shlomo Gorner, who immigrated to Palestine in 1925, and in 1927 was called to Bulgaria as a Hebrew teacher. Gorner remained in Bulgaria for 19 years until 1945. The collection includes documents from his time in Bulgaria, some with Jewish and Zionist contact, and a postcard addressed to him that was sent from the Łódź Ghetto in 1940 from A. Michelson. Collection also includes photographs, and Jewish newspapers or newspaper clippings from Bulgaria in the 1930s.

  15. Colman and Jean Steuer papers

    The collection documents the pre-war and post-war experiences of Colman and Jean Steuer, originally of Sosnowiec, Poland. Documents include identification papers, including one from the Feldafing DP camp; immigration and naturalization papers; change of name affidavits; restitution paperwork; and tickets from the United Nations General Assembly, 28-29 November 1947. Photographs primarily consist of pre-war family photographs.

  16. Zarnicer family collection

    Document issued on behalf of Esther Zarnicer [donor’s maternal grandmother], living in Camp de Gurs [Ilôt L Baraque 14], granting permission for her daughter, Ruth, to be removed from Camp de Gurs for the purpose of immigration to the United States of America. Dated 21 November 1941 and signed by “Ester” and stamped by the camp director. Includes a photograph of Ruth’s parents, Esther and Robert Zarnicer [who died in 1932]. Ruth and her her brother Hugo were placed in the Chabannes children's home before later going into hiding under false names. Esther was deported and killed.

  17. Archive of the Jewish Community in Trebic Archiv Židovské obce Třebíč

    Municipal register books of Jews living in Třebíč (German: Trebitsch) with notes, from the Nazi occupation period, pertaining to individual arrests, revocations of citizenship, deportations and transports to concentration camps.

  18. Bianca Perlmutter papers

    The Bianca Perlmutter papers include two journals, a postcard, and a national registration identification card relating to Bianca Perlmutter wartime experiences in Poland and her postwar life in England. The journals, written by Bianca from 1945-1946, include entries and poems recounting her experiences in the Warsaw ghetto, hiding in a convent, in a DP camp in Niederlangen, and her postwar life in England. The collection also includes a postcard from Stanislav Popowski, a non-Jewish neighbor who saved Bianca by hiding her in a convent.

  19. Senat der Freien Stadt Danzig Selected records of the Senate of the Free City Gdańsk Senat Wolnego Miasta Gdańska (Sygn. 260)

    Selected records of the Senate of the Free City Gdańsk (Senat Wolnego Miasta Gdańska): correspondence related to expulsion of Polish citizens, unlawful arrests and closures of Polish companies, notes about German attacks on Poles and Jews, German newspaper clippings, reports, telegrams, lists of the personnel of the Senate of the Free City Gdańsk, and lists of inhabitants of Gdańsk, petitions of the Association of Jewish Academics, various regulations, correspondence with the Jewish community (Synagogen Gemeinde) related to discrimination and atrocities against Jews (Germans ransacked the s...