Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 861 to 880 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: French
Country: United States
  1. Okresný úrad vo Vranove nad Topľou District Office in Vranov nad Topľou

    Contains documents of the District Office in Vranov nad Topľou which was the regional state administration body. Besides documents about various social and economic issues, this fond features records on the persecution of the Jews living in the territory of the district of Vranov nad Topľou in 1938-1945. It includes documents on the appointment of governmental trustees of Jewish-owned properties and businesses, records on the dismissal of Jews from public service, and essential documents on the registration of Jews in preparation for their deportation from Slovakia in 1942 such as the only ...

  2. Gurs Machzor

    Gurs Machzor of Jacob Rothschild, Gurs 1941, 6 pages

  3. Suchostaw Association gatherings in New York

    Suchostaw Landsmanshaften association events in New York City filmed by Nathan Okon, including a welcome-home dance for service men after World War II. Film ID 4594 - Suchostower Association, Part I Film ID 4595 - Suchostower Association, Part II (color) Film ID 4596 - Suchostower Association, Part III (30th Anniversary) Film ID 4597 - Suchostower Association, 1941-1946 (color) Film ID 4598 - Suchostower Association, 1942-1946

  4. Jüdisches Zentralarchiv des Burgenlandes (Jewish Central Archive of the Burgenland)

    Records of seven former Jewish communities of the Austrian state of the Burgenland, which were disbanded after the annexation of Austria to Nazi Germany. The material consists of official correspondence, protocols of Jewish community board meetings, marriage, birth and death records, decrees, Jewish community records, school records, tax records, military records, records pertaining to Jewish organizations and officials, and other documentation.

  5. Paul Fairbrook collection

    The collection primarily consists of copies of documents related to Paul Fairbrook’s WWII military service as a “Ritchie Boy” who received military intelligence training at Camp Albert C. Ritchie, and member of the MIRS (Military Intelligence Research Section). Documents include clippings, military paperwork, memos, reports, captured German documents, and poems. Also included are two bound reports: one contains copies of documents regarding Fairbrook’s military career, and the other is a copy of a government report regarding the history and activities of MIRS.

  6. Edward E. Harriman report

    Edward E. Harriman's report after the liberation of Dachau (includes tipped in photos); also a photo of Harriman in uniform and another of him in a suit and tie (inscribed to the donor's grandmother).

  7. Olga Nadich Galerstein collection

    Souvenir program from presentation of We Will Never Die at the Hollywood Bowl on July 21, 1943 which belonged to Olga Nadich Galerstein (1922-1985). At the time she was studying acting at the Actors Laboratory Theatre in Hollywood, headed by Roman Bohnen (1901-1949), who was in the cast of the production.

  8. Walter Materna war diaries and personal documents

    The Walter Materna war diaries and personal documents includes Materna’s World War I diaries (four volumes); World War II and immediate post-war diaries, including inserted World War II photographs (volumes 1-3, 5-10, 13-17); and World War II and immediate post-war documents such as leaflets, telegrams, and personal documents. Materna’s World War II diaries describe events in Poland (Generalgouvernement), Ukraine (Kharkiv, Berdychiv, Donetsk, Dnipro), and Russia (Voronezh, Livny). The diaries include numerous antisemitic statements and descriptions of local Jewish populations by Materna, in...

  9. Prefettura di Pesaro Prefecture of Pesaro

    Selected records concerning the discrimination and persecution of foreign and Italian Jews in the prefecture of Pesaro, including the 1938 census and lists of foreigners, and foreign Jews in the Pesaro region. Consist of Police Headquarters monthly reports relating to political situation of the region, the visit of Duce in the province, miscellaneous records related to racial problems, assessment of race practices, list of the Jews,1939, office expenses 1939-1940, investigation files; various correspondence and circulars relating to evacuees and distraction due to Allied bombing, etc.; pres...

  10. Leonard Golub collection

    The collection consists of a letter with envelope written by Simon Wiesenthal to Leonard Golub, December 2, 1977. The letter was a response by Wiesenthal to Golub, a high school student who wrote to him as part of a research project for a course entitled “Ethnicity and the Jews.” The letter is on the letterhead of the Documentation Centre of the Association of Jewish Victims of the Nazi Regime (Dokumentationszentrum des Bundes Judischer Verfolgter des Naziregimes).

  11. Spieler family papers

    Papers and photographs of the Spieler family, including pre-war family documents and the military papers of Arthur Spieler who was trained at Camp Ritchie in the US.

  12. Gross and Lichtman Papers

    The Gross and Lichtman Papers include World War II Food Ration Books issued to the family of Emerick Gross and a letter to Emerick and Violette Gross from their nephew Leon Lichtman, who served in the 120th Evacuation Unit after the liberation of Buchenwald.

  13. Liberation photographs from Mauthausen

    Liberation photographs from Mauthausen. Donor's father was present post-liberation.

  14. Hohenberg and Gottschalk families papers

    Consists of approximately 150 items of correspondence pertaining to the experiences of the extended Hohenberg and Gottschalk families of Helmarshausen, Germany, Haifa, and the United States. The correspondence ranges in date from the 1940s to the 1950s.

  15. Mittelbau forced labor camp scrip, 1 Reichsmark note

  16. Visiting Panevesz and Kovno

    Home movie coverage of a trip to Poland taken by Walter Wiener in 1934. Scenes cover the farewell in New York, on board the ship, arriving in England, touring through France, greeting family members in Panevesz, Poland, a synagogue sponsored by Americans, the market, meeting relatives in Kovno, Lithuania, and returning to the United States. The film includes Yiddish intertitles.

  17. Oral history interview with Peter Rein

  18. Unidentified home movies: Palestine and North Africa

    Home movies probably shot in 1934 of Palestine and North Africa. Scenes may include street scenes, a synagogue interior, and rural Palestine.