Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,381 to 26,400 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Finnish
Country: United States
  1. Saul T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Saul T., who was born in Huklivo, Czechoslovakia (now Guklivyy, Ukraine) in 1925, one of eight children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; attending a Jewish school; absence of antisemitism; Hungarian occupation; awareness that Jews were being killed in Poland; his family's forced labor conscription in Transnistria in 1941 because they were not Hungarian citizens; their return to Guklivyy in 1944; transfer to a brick factory in April; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from his family (he never saw his parents and eldest sister again); receiving food from ...

  2. Juraj M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Juraj M., who was born in Darda, Yugoslavia (presently Croatia) in 1920. He recalls moving to Žilina in 1928; celebrating religious holidays; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; attending school in Rajec and a Jewish school in Žilina; working at a drugstore in Martin beginning in 1935; anti-Jewish laws after Slovak independence in 1939; his and his father's exemptions from deportations due to their jobs; his sister's deportation in March 1942 (he never saw her again); release when he and his father were rounded up due to their jobs; his parents' disappearance in Sept...

  3. Rayzla R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rayzla R., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1920. She describes her family's move to Paris; their poverty; participating in left-wing organizations; formation of values resulting from her scout experiences; active membership in the Resistance beginning in 1940 (FTP and MOI); arrest on May 9, 1942 after denunciation by a spy in the group; imprisonment; being tried and sentenced to forced labor; transport to a prison in Anrath; transfer to prison in Lu?beck six months later, then to a Siemens factory in Silesia, with twenty others; refusing to make weapons; punishment ...

  4. Sol E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sol E., who was born in Nyi?rba?tor, Hungary in 1928. He recalls attending religious school and yeshiva; anti-Semitic incidents; weekly forced labor from 1940 through 1944; German occupation; transfer to the Simapuszta ghetto for two months; deportation to Birkenau; praying in the train with his father, whom he never saw again; transfer to Auschwitz, then Monowitz; religious observances; the death march to Gleiwitz in January 1945; a friend saving him from execution; transport to Buchenwald; Czechs throwing food into the train; becoming more hopeful upon learning his ...

  5. Ernest F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ernest F., who was born in Mako?, Hungary in 1923. He recounts his family's strong sense of Hungarian patriotism and identity; anti-Jewish laws; antisemitism beginning in 1938; attending law school in Cluj beginning in 1941; German occupation in 1944; returning home; ghettoization; being drafted into a Hungarian forced labor battalion in June; digging trenches for the German army in the Carpathian area; random beatings and executions; being overrun by Soviet troops in Uzh?h?orod on October 27; capture by Soviets as an axis prisoner of war; escaping; traveling to Mako?...

  6. Hilda S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hilda S., who was born in Bochum, Germany in 1923. She recalls expulsion from public school in 1933; attending Jewish school; assistance from a German neighbor on Kristallnacht; her father's arrest; fleeing to Bergen aan Zee in December 1938; living in a Jewish orphanage in Amsterdam; returning to emigrate with her parents from Hamburg on the St. Louis; being denied entry to Cuba; returning to Holland in June 1939; living with her parents in a refugee camp in Heijplaat; attending school in Amsterdam; transfer with her parents to Westerbork; evacuation to the countrysi...

  7. Rita W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rita W., who was born in Mukachevo, Czechoslovakia in 1924. Mrs. W. recalls living in a Czech colony in the Carpathian mountains with very few Jews; high school membership in a Zionist organization; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish measures; her father assisting Polish refugees; his arrest and return six months later; his stories of Hungarian brutality; ghettoization in April 1944 for four weeks; and deportation to Auschwitz. She recounts her arrival to an unknown place, but sensing danger; one sister giving her baby to their mother (that sister survived); another si...

  8. David F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David F., who was born in a town in Poland (presently Ukraine) near Rivne. He recounts his family's comfortable life; attending private school; Soviet occupation in 1939; liquidation of his family's business; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization; escaping a year later with his immediate and extended family to a forest the night before the ghetto was liquidated; building bunkers; escaping a Ukrainian police attack a month later; separation from the others; wandering for three days; assistance from local farmers; finding his family; building more bunkers; Ukrainian po...

  9. Chaim E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chaim E., who was born in Brudzew, a small town in Poland near the German border in 1916 and moved to ?o?dz? at the age of five. He describes antisemitism in the Polish army; his capture as a POW by the Germans; his release and return home; and his transport, with his father and stepmother, to Sobibo?r in 1942. He recounts conditions and treatment in the camp; his work sorting the possessions of the inmates, which gave him the opportunity for sabotage; and his involvement in the uprising of Sobibo?r, which allowed him to escape with his future wife Selma into the near...

  10. Sara P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara P., who was born in Lublin, Poland in 1939. Much of what she recounts was told to her by her mother. She tells of German invasion; her father's and grandfather's arrest (they never returned); her mother escaping to the forest with her; living with a Polish woman for several months, then another family; entering Budzyń; staying with other children while her mother went to slave labor; their transfer to Majdanek; a public execution; a German officer giving her extra food; separation from her mother; truck transport; liberation by Soviet troops; being taken to a R...

  11. Eftihia N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eftihia N., who was born in Io?annina, Greece. She recalls Jewish institutions and traditions; attending a French speaking, Jewish school through eighth grade; bombing during the Italian invasion; fleeing with her parents and brothers to Athens; returning to Io?annina when the bombing ceased; returning to Athens after German invasion in 1943; her father placing her and one brother with a non-Jewish business associate; not registering as Jews as required by the Germans; rare visits from their father; moving to another home with the rest of their family; deciding not to...

  12. Michèle G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michèle G., who was born in Domfront, France in 1939, the youngest of three children. She recounts that her family lived in Paris; her father's military draft prior to her birth; her family traveling to Domfront, thinking war was imminent, thus her birth there; their return to Paris; learning her father was a prisoner of war; his return in 1941; evacuation with her siblings by the Croix-Rouge française in March 1942; staying with family friends, then placement with a Catholic family with seven children in Isserpent; her brother's placement elsewhere that summer; ful...

  13. Erich K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erich K., who was born into an observant family in Moravia. Mr. K. describes his happy childhood; the German occupation in 1939; his arrest, three months later, by the Gestapo for helping people cross the border; and his work in the camps of Dachau (1940), Neuengamme (1941), and Auschwitz (1942-1944) as a locksmith and plumber. He relates witnessing medical experimentation and other atrocities and his gradual desensitization; explains how he managed to survive, and help others, including his wife and son, to survive, even though he was labelled a "Geheimnistra?ger", i...

  14. Hela S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hela S., who was born in Be?dzin, Poland, in 1911, into an Orthodox family of twelve children. Mrs. S. describes extreme antisemitism during her childhood; her close friendship with a non-Jew; her education and marriage; mass murders during the German occupation; the deportation of the Jewish men of Be?dzin; and her and her family's internment in the Srodula ghetto. She tells of her slave labor in Gleiwitz; the death march to Ravensbru?ck; and her liberation by the Russians. Postwar experiences include her return to Be?dzin; her travels in search of family members; an...

  15. Judy and Michael K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judy K., an American-born child of Holocaust survivors, and her husband Michael. Mrs. K. remembers feeling different from other Jewish children as she was growing up and the strong tie which she felt to her mother. She describes her and her husband's recent trip to Poland, which was prompted by her need to see her parents' original home, to learn about the Holocaust, and to find her own way of dealing with it. She tells of her visits to Warsaw and Majdanek, where she had imaginary conversations with her maternal grandmother, who perished in Majdanek, and of her visit ...

  16. Gertrud K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gertrud K., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1923. Mrs. K. recalls a comfortable life; strong Jewish identity; watching mass demonstrations when the Germans marched in; the plundering of her father's business two days later; ransacking of their home; and public humiliation of her father. She remembers Kristallnacht; her father and one brother's arrest; her other brother hiding; several weeks later her father's letter from Dachau; receiving permission to leave on a Kindertransport to Scotland; reluctance to leave with her father in prison; and begging a Gestapo offic...

  17. Samuel A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel A., who was born in Paris, France in 1925 to a family of seven children. He recalls close relations with neighbors in a building housing only Jews; German invasion; arrest with his family on September 23, 1942; their incarceration in Drancy; separation from his family, when he and one brother were removed from a deportation train (he never saw them again); slave labor constructing roads in Cosel; their transfer to Blechhammer; assistance from Lageraltester Karl Demerer; hospitalization which resulted in transfer to another camp; recovering from typhus with assi...

  18. Andrew B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Andrew B., who was born in Bushtyna, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1930. He recalls his family's long history in the town; Hungarian occupation; his bar mitzvah; Hungarians ransacking Jewish homes; the police chief's wife helping them; forced relocation to Kushnytsya; ghettoization in Ma?te?szalka; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in summer 1944; separation from his mother and grandfather upon arrival (they perished), then from his father and brother; avoiding many selections; forced labor; liquidation of the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager); remaining with a cous...

  19. Stanley B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stanley B., who was born in Os?wie?cim, Poland in 1923. He recounts antisemitic incidents after Hitler came to power in 1933; an apprenticeship as a jeweler in Bielitz; German invasion; his mother's and siblings' unsuccessful attempt to flee; anti-Jewish laws; construction of Auschwitz concentration camp; Himmler's visit to Os?wie?cim; visiting his family in Sosnowiec before they were deported (he never saw them again); transfer to Blechhammer; working as an electrician; doing some jewelry work for camp officials in exchange for food; escaping during evacuation from a...