Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,961 to 1,980 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Jewish refugees leave Germany for Marseilles, 1948

    Platform in train station in Germany. Jewish refugees and officials and a truck in front of the passenger railcars. CU women and children waving and looking out of a train car: “PWA Reserve Zug 72” written on the side. CU refugees wave out of the open door of a train car. Door with sign: “nicht öffnen bevor der zug balt.” 01:08:10 A few men direct trucks. A truck is loaded with luggage and people. Second truck from the back, being loaded with luggage and people, License Plates: “Marseille B de R.A” and “5988 C n 5”. Trucks full of people driving down a road on a rocky, snowy hillside, heade...

  2. David Title papers

    The collection documents David Title’s involvement with United Apter Relief, a charitable organization that operated from 1942-1952 and provided financial relief and assistance to Jewish immigrants from Opatów, Poland residing in New York, Toronto, Montreal, Palestine, and displaced persons camps. The collection primarily consists of David’s organizational files, which include case files, financial documents, correspondence, notes, newsletters, and a notebook. The case files are interfiled with other materials and include letters, photographs, and documents related to individuals the organi...

  3. Association of Jewish merchants in Wilno (Vilnius, Lithuania) (Fond 338)

    The collection contains a complete set of records of the Association of Jewish Merchants in Wilno (Vilnius, Lithuania), 1919-1940. The collection includes minutes of the meetings of the association, bylaws, applications of the members, membership lists, annual activities and financial reports and books, records and verdicts of the Arbitrary Court, lists of shop owners, and financial records of the mutual aid committee. In addition also includes various correspondence with Jewish organizations and communities in Poland and members of the association, local municipal authorities, Ministry of ...

  4. Oral history interview with Hilde Back

  5. Selected records of the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts from the State Archive in Banská Bystrica

    Consists of selected records from 15 collections concerning the persecution of Jews in Slovakia (1945-1948) and pertaining the trials and investigations of Slovaks and former Hlinka guard members tried in the court in the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts for collaborating with the German security forces. Contains files on the aryanization, deportation of Jews from Banská Bystrica in 1942, hiding of Jews, denunciation and detention of Jews, arrest of Communists, Jews and Roma, the ghetto in Lučenec, mass murder in Dolný Turček, guards in Auschwitz and Buchenwald, impris...

  6. UNRRA selected records AG-018-017 : Denmark Mission

    Consists of monthly reports, statistics, financial records and correspondence relating to assistance to displaced persons, repatriation cases, tracing of war victims, and welfare activities of the Danish Red Cross and other voluntary agencies.

  7. Police Headquarters Munich Polizeidirektion München

    Case files of miscellaneous police matters and criminal investigations. includes numerous cases concerning the persecution, expulsion and registration of Jews during the Nazi period as well as relevant post-war cases, such as de-Nazification proceedings, police investigations of reported Nazi crimes, and investigations of neo-Nazi activities. Relevant examples include: police matters concerning Jews seeking to emigrate during the 1930s, including the issuance, renewal and confiscation of passports (examples: electronic folder 002, reel 02MUA 2000000142, file 11474; file 11478, and file 1147...

  8. Gerald Beigel collection

    Two identification cards issued to Gerald Beigel in Germany in 1946. One identifies him as a former prisoner of Auschwitz, the other as a former political prisoner of Dachau.

  9. Report of Fritz Linnenbuerger

    The thirteen page report was written by Dr. Fritz (Fred) Linnenbuerger (1873-1967) and chronicles his trip to Germany in the late summer of 1939. Linnenbuerger, a resident of Ashley, North Dakota, had immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1896. In 1939 Linnenbuerger was among nearly 70 German-Americans who had been invited to tour Germany by the German Teacher's Association. Among other tours and meetings the group was brought to view the Buchenwald concentration camp. This encounter is documented in the report and was included in a November 1939 article of the Dakota Freie Presse...

  10. La guerra 1939-1940 en mapas

    The "La guerra 1939-1940 en mapas" (The war 1939-1940 on maps) edited by the Giselher Wirsing. It consists of maps and reports explaining German success strategy in the WWII campaign.

  11. Miksa Eisikovits's Hasidic Jewish folk music collection from Maramures

    Photocopy of Miksa Eisikovits's (Max Eisikovits) Hasidic Jewish folk music collection from Máramaros (Maramures, Romania) documented in 1938-39. The collection consists of four school music sheet booklets with handwritten scores, annotations, and phonetic, liturgic Hebrew and Yiddish texts. Included are four additional sheets. Miska collected 160 songs during his research in Máramaros, but was unable to capture lyrics for all of them. The collection has been published as "És a halottak újra énekelnek ..." : Eiskovits Miksa Máramarosi haszid zsidó zenei gyűjtéses (1938-1939) / szerkesztette ...

  12. Charles Cohen collection

    Consists of documents collected by Sgt. Charles Cohen, a member of the United States Army during World War II. Includes a two-page narrative Sgt. Cohen wrote on May 4, 1945 in Germany after witnessing Jewish religious services and the reaction of local Germans to these services. Also includes a mass-produced copy entitled "War-Crime Trials; Nurnberg, Germany, November 20, 1945--" introducing the reader to the Nuremberg war crimes trial and the defendants, as well as a translated copy of testimony given by Hermann Goering about gifts he gave to Major Paul Kubala of the United States Seventh ...

  13. Oral testimony of William Fertig

  14. Edgar R. Hoffman photograph collection

    Consists of four photographs depicting scenes associated with the discovery of the Gardelegen Massacre by U.S. forces in April 1945. The photographs belonged to Edgar R. Hoffmann, a Technician Fifth Grade who served with the 464th Ordnance Evacuation Company. Hoffmann was in service in Europe between May 1944 and November 1945. Original inscriptions are included on the reverse of three of the four photographs.

  15. Postcard commemorating the 20th anniversary of a Jewish family’s emigration from Austria

    Postcard commissioned in 1958 commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Aliyah of a group of German Jews arranged by the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary organization in Palestine, with the assistance of leaders of the Revisionist Organization in Vienna. On March 13, 1938, Germany annexed Austria and created new legislation that restricted Jewish life. The postcard depicts the route a group of Austrian Jews took to escape the country. The journey began in the town of Arnoldstein, located on the border of Austria and Italy. The town was a frequent waypoint for German and Austrian Jews attemptin...