Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,881 to 1,900 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. George E. Rothlisberg collection

    Photographs taken shortly after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp in April 1945 by United States Army Signal Corps photographer George E. Rothlisberg. Also includes a small amount of photographs taken after the liberation of Bergen-Belsen and Dachau, including German prisoners-of-war.

  2. Oral history interview with Julian Better

  3. Central Postal Directoriate II 374-6 II Oberpostdirektion II

    Selected records of the Oberpostdirektion (Central Postal Directorate) relating to the post and land traffic supervision in Hamburg. Contains files from the various fields: Central Organization and Administration, Procurement and Household, Personnel, Post -, telecommunications, sea and ship mail, sea and coastal radio. Includes national Socialist Press advertisements, instructions and regulations, membership of the NSDAP, registers of postal servants as members of SA and (Waffen-) SS, files relating to treatment of Jewish senders and addressees, and exclusion of Jews from the postal newspa...

  4. 1948 JDC Country Directors’ Conference

    The second JDC Country Directors’ Conference (April 5-11, 1948) in Paris. Attendees from the United States, nineteen European countries, North Africa, Cyprus, and the Middle East met to analyze relief, resettlement, and reconstruction operations for some 1,000,000 Holocaust survivors in Europe. Among those present were Dr. Joseph Schwartz, Chairman of the European Executive Council for JDC; JDC official and US Army Brigadier General Morris Troper; Laura Margolis, Country Director for France; Edward Warburg, JDC Chairman; Rabbi Jonah D. Wise, National Chairman of UJA; and Moses A. Leavitt, J...

  5. Archives of the Army History Directorate of the Hellenic Ministry of National Defense

    The collection contains records related to the military service of Greek Jews in the Greek Army during the Greco-Italian war (1940-1941). It includes lists names of the Greek army's conscripts, lists of the officers and soldiers, lists of fallen and those who received military awards for the services during the war, correspondence related to transfer and promotion of the military personnel. Also contains records related to postwar period, trials of the German war criminals, requests of moral remunerations, and the Status of the Constitution of the Evzones in Athens with reference to Hebrew ...

  6. RZ 106 Office of German Under Secretary of State Luther 1939-1943 RZ 106 Unterstaatssekretär Luther 1939-1943

    Records of the office of Under Secretary of State, Martin Franz Julius Luther (December 16, 1895-May 13, 1945) concerning diplomatic relations between Germany and foreign countries.

  7. Erika Behr and Rudolf Faller collection

    The Erika Behr and Rudolf Faller collection consists of documents relating to Behr family in pre-war Germany and their immigration to the United States. Documents relating to Bernhard Behr and Fanny Behr include a photograph of Bernhard Behr’s birth certificate, 1874; Fanny Levin’s birth certificate, January 19, 1884; their marriage certificate, February 27, 1908; and a death certificate of Bernhard Behr, March 8, 1933. Documents relating to their daughter Erika Behr include a vaccination certificate, September 12, 1921; fencing and swimming sports certificates, 1934-1936; a school certific...

  8. Badge

    Palestinian Brigade badge traded to American serviceman David Richer, by a Palestinian Jewish soldier.

  9. Collection of the Union Général des Israélites de France (UGIF) (22 P 3065-3078)

    Consits of an alphabetical card file listing names of Jews deported from France.. The collection was reconstituted from dispersed documents in individual name files used to support claims in the SHD Archives in Caen. Originally, it was a card file transmitted to the French Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs after WW II to provide information on deported Jewish victims. Since the documents in the individual files are no longer in use to back individual claims by survivors or their heirs against the Nazi regime or the Vichy government, it was decided that the Union Général des Israélites de France...

  10. Ben and Sylvia Chase collection

    Photographs and documents documenting the experiences of Ben and Sylvia Chase (donor's parents) and their families.

  11. Schiffer family in Hungary

    Excursions and leisure time for the Schiffer family, including the locations (in reverse order) of Hűvösvölgy (park-like suburb in Buda hills), Kevely Nyereg, Janoshegy (tallest mountain in Buda), Margit Island, the Tatra mountains, and Zabar (a village where a Berkes cousin had a farm). According to the label, shots include friends: the Berkes family, the Brody family, Laci Fodor, and Jancsi Straus, among others. (00:14) Cousin Andris Berkes rides horse in pasture in Zabar showing off his riding skills. (02:23) Family gathers outdoors at a table at a restaurant in Margit Island, posing and...

  12. Sonja Speyer Echt papers

    The collection documents the pre-war, wartime, and post-war experiences of Sonja Speyer Echt, originally of Guxhagen, Germany, including her childhood in Guxhagen, immigration to the United States in February 1938 on a Kindertransport, and her efforts to receive restitution from Germany. Included is her German passport, a copy of her birth certificate, a wartime postcard from her family in Guxhagen, genealogy notes, One Thousand Children reunion materials, restitution claims, and photographs. The photographs include depictions of Sonja, her sister Rita, Berta, and family tombstones.

  13. 774 Army Tank Battalion photo album

    Contains a photo album bearing the cover title "1946 Bad Aibling," bearing the insignia of the 774 Army Tank Battalion. Album is empty with the exception of loose pages with photos depicting reproduced photos of the Dachau concentration camp after liberation.

  14. Famous performers visit Italian rest homes, 1948

    Silent black and white footage from a JDC morale-boosting tour of famous performers to DP camps, convalescent homes, and hachsharot (vocational training collectives for those planning to settle in Israel) in Italy. 01:00:03 EXT path lined with hedges and trees at an Italian rest home for refugees from Romania and Poland (repatriated from Russia after the Holocaust en route to Palestine) - possible locations include Preventorio anti-tubercolotico, the children’s convalescent home at Monte Mario, Grottaferrata Rehabilitation Center and ORT Vocational Training Center (outside Rome), and DP cam...

  15. Nass family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Max and Florett Nass, their son Werner, and Florett’s parents Manfred and Helene Goldmeir. Included are biographical materials, immigration paperwork, wartime correspondence to Max in New York from his father Abraham Nass in Regensburg, Germany, and photographs. Biographical material includes identification papers, birth and marriage certificates, German passports, a clipping regarding Straubing, a Goldmeier family history, vaccination certificate, and a German driver’s license. Immigration papers include Affidavits of Support, appli...