Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,741 to 1,760 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Presentation by Rhoda Kuflik

  2. Visiting London and Oxford

    “Aufnahmen. Walter Hausner.” “Mitglied des Klubs der Kino-Amateure Österreichs” Title: “Mit dem österreichisch-englischem Austauch-Komité nach London.” Women in hats, CUs. Ride on a ferry boat. Water, people on board, CUs. Title: “Stadtbilder” Buckingham Palace and other London buildings, street traffic. People congregate in a garden. Double-decker buses pass the Bank of England. Aerial views of the city. Shots from the top of an open-air bus. Parliament. Palace guards. Big Ben with scaffolding. A plane takes off. Planes in the hanger. City scenes. 01:04:36 Animals at the zoo: wolf, kangaro...

  3. UNRRA selected records AG-018-018 : Dodecanese Islands Mission

    Consists of the UNRRA Central Registry Files and Subject Files relating to relief and rehabilitation, welfare inquires, and displaced persons and refugees on the Dodecanese and Rhodes area.

  4. Postwar Jewish Community Vienna collection

    Records relating to the Jewish community Vienna in the immediate postwar period, including telephone and address books; electoral registers; correspondence with international organizations and individuals; case files; reports; questionnaires; financial records, and lists of survivors relating to searches for individuals, restitution, care of Jews, missing persons, Jewish refugees and DPs.

  5. Performers at convalescent homes and DP camps in Italy

    Soprano Marguerite Kozenn and pianist and composer Julius Chaje shake hands with two men in front of a gate at a rest home or DP camp in Italy with the sign “AMERICAN JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE.” Kozenn and Chaje tour the terrace with a large fountain and several small statues. CU of a statue of a cherub. Kozenn, Chaje, and the two men walking down a set of steps in a garden. INT, CU hands playing piano. Chaje plays piano, then stands up, bowing to the camera. Chaje plays piano accompaniment as Kozenn sings for the audience of refugees. Chaje and Kozenn talk to several young refugees in t...

  6. Oral history interview with Genia Litwin

  7. Herbert C. Whelchel collection

    Contains loose pages of a photo album depicting images of postwar damage to a German city and images related to a war crimes trial at Dachau, as well as an "Elisted Man's Identification Card," a list of humorous euphemisms used in filing or referring documents, and a service record document related to Herbert Whelchel's military service during WWII and in a subsequent war crimes trial.

  8. Charles Paul Kogel collection

    The Charles Paul Kogel papers include biographical materials and photographs documenting Charles Kogel from Antwerp, Belgium; his prewar, wartime, and postwar experiences in Belgium; his wartime alias in France; and his immigration to the United States in 1952 with his second wife, Sara Kahan, and their son Henry. Biographical materials include military papers, a 1942 letter on behalf of the King of Belgium, false French papers in the name of "Andre Ravaux," Charles and Sara's wedding booklet, a certificate awarding Charles a war medal, a Belgian passport, an American naturalization certifi...

  9. Textile factory, family, daily life in Jihlava; horse race in Austria

    Title: “Iglau August 1931 und 1932” WH logo. Swimming. Citrus trees, kitten. 01:01:13 Elderly man in doorway of family factory in Jihlava [Iglau], Czechoslovakia. “August 1933” Weekly market in Jihlava. Large group of Hausner family members pose for camera, including Ferdinand, his wife Wilhelmina, sister Julie, son Franz, and father Salomon with cane. 01:04:43 LS, factory. 01:05:07 “Prag” Statue on the Charles Bridge, CUs of Wilhelmina. Street scenes with traffic and shops, cobbled streets. Tower with clock in the distance. Street sign for “Karlovy Vary” and shop “Stoklasa” with pedestrian...

  10. Harry Oberyant collection

    Collection of letters from 1943-1945 documenting the experiences of Harry Oberyant, who served in the US Army during WWII.

  11. Oral history interview with Peter Kadar

  12. Oral history interview with Hanna Dahlgren

  13. Advertisement for Pető lottery shop

    Hungarian titles throughout. Lottery prize winners selected. INTs, men seated at a table, talking. “A huzás vezetője engedélyt ad a huzás megkezdésére.” Man in a suit removes tag from a wheel. “Összekeverik a szerencsekerékben levő számokat.” Spinning wheel. “Kezdődik…A húzásnál két árvalány segédkezik.” Two girls make the pulls and pass the papers to the men at the table. “Minden számot és nyereményt hangosan kikiáltanak.” Men review the notes and prepare to announce the winners. Seated crowd. “A napilapok tudósítói lázasan úják a 'gyorslistát'.” Women (newspaper correspondents) record the...