Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 621 to 640 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. German invasion eastwards; Soviet POWs

    Soundtrack starts with fanfare for Eastern Front reports on Deutsche Wochenshau issues. Map, narrator: “gegen die Barbarei”. Attack, night and day. "Zollamt" Border barrier removed. Tearing down high wooden fencing. 01:02:15 KAUNUS Advance toward Kovno. 01:02:20 LIETOVOS RESPUBLIKA “Litauische Grenze” [Lithuanian border] Sharpshooters defending. House to house fighting. Flamethrowers. Burning building. German soldiers with flamethrower. Medics carry stretcher. First prisoners. Dazed men taken from building. 01:04:01 “Gefangene Bolschewisten” [Bolshevik prisoners] Crossing pontoon bridge. Bi...

  2. Ralph Bellamy reads books

    Ralph Bellamy in autobiographical account talks about need to read books--as a way to learn and not make future wars--he decided to become an actor through library experiences--from Pocket Books in 1945--good shots of barber pole and barber shop, books in library, pioneers crossing the plains, etc.

  3. Oral history interview with David Cohen

  4. Czech family life and holidays in prewar Europe

    Popeye cartoon (brief). 00:15 A Czech Jewish family -- Karel Hartmann, his wife Edita, and their two sons Jan and Jiri (later George) -- vacations. "1935 Woerthersee" Austria, swimming in the lake. The boys jump off a diving board into the water and swim and clown around with their father. Jiri and Jan walk together and with their mother down a lane. A castle (?) is visible in the distance. In the town, the boys pose with their father in front of a fountain. One of the boys takes pictures with a camera around his neck. The family stands on a dock in front of a seaplane. 03:33 Feeding pigeon...

  5. Oral history interview with Edith Hartog Mayer

  6. Nazi Party Day rally, Nuremberg, 1936

    Amateur footage of the Nazi Party Day rally in Nuremberg in 1936 (clip 2). Uniformed Nazis march along a street carrying flags. 00:05 Nazi man (Heinrich Himmler?) in the middle of the frame. Scenes in a train station. Uniformed men mill around and look at the camera. POV switches to aboard a train looking out a window at the passing countryside. 01:49 In Nuremberg, lots of uniformed men on the grounds of the Nuremberg Castle. Two SA men pose for the camera with two women. Crowds of people in the street, banners hanging out of windows. LS of the two men and women from the previous shot givin...

  7. DP tent city and rally

    Tent city and displaced persons in Landsberg, Germany. Families, children, baby, elder crying. Pan feet (mostly barefoot). Toilet training a baby. More of the displaced families. Laundry. Teenage Hebrew scouts sitting on grass. Boy getting water from a military jeep. Standing in line for food with buckets, eating, soup distribution. Pan food lines. Man dragging child in cardboard box. Feeding child soup. Elderly woman eating bread. Waiting to talk to commanding officers in tent marked "Kommanding Officer". Man standing on chair in courtyard, above crowd of DPs arriving at camp with luggage....

  8. First film documentary of the events of D-day

    A compilation of the first four days of the D-Day assault prepared by SHAEF [Supreme Headquarter Allied Expeditionary Forces] Public Relations Division for the civilian and military leadership. This film report was compiled within days of the invasion on June 11, 1944. Both John Ford's Field Photographic Branch (OSS) and George Steven's Special Coverage Unit were assigned to filming this combat camera footage of the invasion.

  9. Video documenting the tenth anniversary event at USHMM

    A video production documenting the USHMM event called "An American Mosaic" on April 29, 2003. The 15 minute film includes Sara Bloomfield, Ted Koppel, Police Chief Charles Ramsey, a firefighter whose son was killed on 9/11, teachers, survivors, and students.

  10. Recordings from the Zurawski Polish Music Collection

    Recordings from the Zurawski Polish Music Collection. Consists of 16 tracks of mostly Jewish-themed Polish-American popular songs, recorded on 78rpm discs during the 1920s-30s, primarily in the Chicago area.

  11. From the Heart of a People

    Songs by Emma Schaver (soprano) in Yiddish and Hebrew. A selection of songs Schaver learned while touring DP camps in 1946. Includes: 1) Nigun; 2) Tsvei vaise tauben; 3) Drei yingelech; 4) Raisele; 5) Kinneret; 6) The Song of Songs; 7) Songs of the ghetto: 8) Ani Maamin; 9) Sleep, My Child; 10) Es brennt; 11) The March of Death; 12) Zog nit az du geist dem letzten veg.

  12. Partizaner Lid | Hatikwa

    RCA Victor / Radio Leon P 819-A/B. Possibly recorded in early 1950s. Enrique Wilner (baritone). Orchestra "Los Astros." Director Harry Glasberg. Side A: Partizaner Lid (Himno de los Guerrilleros). Also known as "Zog nit keynmol az du geyst dem letstn veg" Music: Dmitri and Daniel Pokrass; text: Hirsh Glik. Side B: Hatikwa (Himno Israelita). Hatikvah is a 19th-century Jewish poem and the national anthem of Israel. Music: S. Cohen; text: N.H. Imber.

  13. Czech Jewish family on holiday

    The Hartmann boys and their parents, Karel and Edita, and two other adults ski down a gentle slope. The boys appear younger than in earlier family films (Film IDs 4330 and 4331). Swimming, jumping into a lake.

  14. German newsreel excerpts: Gen. Franco; Mussolini; Winter Aid; British air raids

    Reel 1, Part 1, General Franco and German officials visit the Alcazar in Seville, and review Moorish guards, Part 2, Mussolini decorates Italian airmen and reviews troops in Rome. Part 3, crowds, including children, attend a military, exhibit in Vienna. Contributions for "winter aid" are collected. Part 4, Flemish musicians perform in a Berlin cabaret. Part 5, a wedding is performed in Le Meuse, France. Part 6, factory workers attend a concert performed by the Berlin Philharmonic. Part 7, cultural and religious monuments in Lubeck, Germany, rubbled by British air raids.

  15. Roman Vishniac recordings

    Audio recordings of Roman Vishniac speeches, 1960s-1970s. 1. Lecture "Stetl [sic] for Children" recorded in Albany NY 18 Feb 1972 (cassette tape) 2. Recollections of Vishniac's meeting in 1930s Vienna with psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich and Reich's wife, recorded in 29 June 1975 (two sides, cassette tape). 3. Schaker's [...] Voice done by Avorio[...] (reel) 4. Bronx high school May 4, 1965 Enigma of Evolution (reel)

  16. The Bed family visits Capri and Rome, 1939

    Meijer, Kaatje, Elly (Jetje) and John Bed on vacation. In color, flowers, a house, and the ocean, from high up in the hills of Capri. Jetje, John, Kaatje, and an unidentified little girl hold grapefruits. Capri town square with lots of people. Jetje and John walk toward the camera playing recorders. John on a dock wearing blue shorts, tie and beanie with his camera case around his neck. More scenes of flowers, landscapes. 04:19 In Rome (black and white), landmarks, including the Forum, the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Vatican, the Trevi Fountain. 07:45 Dark shots of a column of people march...

  17. Prewar Jewish life in Alsace

    The Levy family took a final trip back to Ingwiller from Baden-Baden by automobile. Cross via a pontoon bridge - the bridge was taken apart and reassembled for the car to cross. Bridge at Strasbourg. 01:28:30 Group shot of the entire Levy family together in Ingwiller. Carl waves to camera. Cart and wagon in town, villagers walk past shops on cobbled streets in Ingwiller. Men, including Henry Meis on extreme left, looking up at a stork on the house where August Levy was born in Hochfelden.

  18. Landing craft; cameramen; on beach

    MS and CU of Stevens wearing helmet and life vest on landing craft. Building on shore, sign reads: "Bernieres." This is the train station in Bernières-sur-Mer, France. Over Stevens' shoulder shooting out to landing craft. Good coverage of men on the beach, landing crafts, bombed out house, etc. Sign reads: "Route Interdit Vers s'Aubin." Stevens with camera unit setting up, shooting tank with what appear to be Australian or Canadian troops. Sign in German reads: "Danger Mine Field." Cameraman labeling film roll and getting film out of camera box. Two men talking in front of movie poster. Ste...

  19. 20th Anniversary of the Presidential Commission on the Holocaust

    Compilation of footage and interviews documenting the Presidential Commission on the Holocaust, which was responsible for the creation of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and celebrating its 20th anniversary in the year 2000. Production was screened during a Museum public program. Elie Wiesel leads the Presidential Commission as they travel to Auschwitz, Treblinka, Warsaw, and other locations in Poland. Among those participating: Miles Lerman, Chris Lerman, Sigmund Strochlitz, Benjamin Meed, Yaffa Eliach, Michael Berenbaum, Kitty Dukakis, Raul Hilberg. Their report is presented ...

  20. Nazi Party Day rally, Nuremberg, 1936

    Amateur footage of the Nazi Party Day rally in Nuremberg in 1936 (clip 2). Uniformed men greet each other by shaking hands and giving Hitler salutes. According to the IWM record, SS leader Karl Wolff appears in this group (probably the man in the black uniform at 00:20). Ceremony on a parade ground or field with Hitler Youth and BDM. Hitler Youth stand at attention in rows, play drums, and raise a big swastika banner on a flagpole. Boys at attention holding trumpets and shouting or singing. HJ boys play drums and trumpets. 03:59 Indoor location. Man speaking at a podium to Hitler Youth in t...