Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 581 to 600 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Records relating to Jews and Roma in Berlin Oberfinanzdirektion case files of Roma in Berlin

    Includes approximately 250 case files created by the Oberfinanzdirektion of Berlin concerning the evacuation of Roma in Berlin and the confiscation of their personal property. After comparing the individual case files to the name list, the accessioning archivist discovered that 20 files are missing from the collection. The missing files are: Buchler, Josef; Frolian, Peter; Haustein, Adolf; Haustein, Else; Haustein, Paul; Haustein, Rudolf; Keck, Max; Maatz, Oswald; Meinhardt, Adam; Petermann, Heini; Peterman, Hildegard; Peterman, Josef; Pohl, Hermann; Rebstock, Rosa; Rose, Karoline; Schmidt,...

  2. London under German aerial bombardment

    British produced film documents a typical night in London under the German aerial bombardment. Citizens go home in the evening rush hour, police and air raid wardens man their posts, and Londoners bed down in public air raid shelters. At 8:30 p.m. the bombing raid begins. Searchlight and antiaircraft units are active. Bombs fall and firemen fight fires while people sleep in shelter. At 6 a.m. the ""all clear"" sounds. King George and Queen Elizabeth inspect damage. Workers rake up debris and extinguish smoldering fires as London goes to work as usual. Stresses London's determination to figh...

  3. Excerpts from private film collections: American soldiers encounter Nazi atrocities at liberation

    The Nazi concentration camps shocked the battle-hardened young men and women in the US military who encountered them in 1945. American soldiers and nurses shot these amateur films using handheld cameras. Eyewitness Films is now on display at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as part of the special exhibition, American Witnesses. The video is a curated selection of private film footage from the Museum's Spielberg Film Archive, which collects, preserves, and provides access to important eyewitness documentation of World War II and the Holocaust. There is graphic content that may not...

  4. Excerpts from private film collections of liberating Nazi concentration camps and life in DP camps

    Films by American soldiers who first entered Nazi prison camps in the spring of 1945, and survivors rebuilding lives in DP camps. (19:49 minutes) Part Three of a three-part video series representing the Holocaust experience with the rich and very personal imagery found in the Museum’s private film collections. Such vivid cultural documents is at once familiar, intimate, and individual, and captures everyday subjects which are quite similar to how people experience life today-- like holidays, birthdays, vacations, or leisure activities. Created solely of amateur films or home movies from ove...

  5. Kim Fellner Collection

    Photographs and documents related to donor's parents, Rudi Fellner and Anita Heufeld Fellner. Includes photographs of the SS Pentcho, and documents related to the Fellner family in Ferramonti internment camp and Windemere children's home.

  6. Dirge -- Lionel Semiatin

    Dirge from sonata for violin and piano Passacaglia from string quartet #2

  7. I Believe

    3 grooved discs inside a disc jacket. "I Believe" A Collection of Songs by Emma Schaver (soprano) in Yiddish and Hebrew. Repertoire performed by Schaver during her UNNRA-sponsored tour of Jewish DP camps in occupied Germany. Disc contents include: Disc 1 Side A: Kaddish Disc 1 Side B: Ani Maamin Disc 2 Side A: Partisan Song (Zog nit keynmol) Disc 2 Side B: Yugend Hymn Disc 3 Side A: Es Brent Disc 3 Side B: Eyns, tsvey, dray

  8. Treblinke

    Arnold Friedman performs "Treblinke" ["Treblinke dort"], the song probably created in the Warsaw ghetto, in the original Yiddish and in his own English translation. Piano accompaniment by Laura Paglin.

  9. Habibi | Im hupalnu

    Side A: Habibi (Hebrew Tango). Music: E. Egan, text: S. Fisher; published 1945. Side B: Im hupalnu - a Hebrew song that references the refugee ships Struma and Patria. Music, Menashe Baharav, text: Ya'akov Orland; published 1946. [disc label on this side is misprinted with the song title, Madagascar] Piano (both sides): Jascha Galperin. RCA Victor recording.

  10. Kurt Frederick interview

    Radio interview with New Mexico Symphony conductor Kurt Frederick broadcast on November 19, 1979 over KHFM (Albuquerque, NM). Mr. Frederick discusses his Viennese upbringing, flight from Europe and subsequent career in the United States (58:46). Brief introduction by Mrs. Gladys Frederick.

  11. Avreml Marwijer | Katariniach

    Yiddish performance of "Avreml Marwijer" (A Side) and "Katariniach" (B Side). Yiddish transcription: "Katarinyakh" ; "Avreml der marvikher" or "Aveiml Marwijer." Elwira Boczkowska with accompaniment of orchestra directed by Simon Tenovsky N° 1331. Songwriter credit for Avreml Marwijer: Mordecai Gebirtig. Published: Buenos Aires, 1950.

  12. USHMM Tribute to Harvey "Bud" Meyerhoff

    AV production shown at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Memorial Tribute to Harvey "Bud" Meyerhoff during the 2007 annual Days of Remembrance ceremonies.

  13. Company sports day; German advance to Ukraine

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 14: Company sports day continues in Pettau, Slovenia. Regimental football (rugby) championships. Soldiers lightly dressed. 01:55 Practice crossing of the River Drau by rowing boats. 02...

  14. The Boy With The Fiddle | Don't Destroy The World

    a) "The Boy With The Fiddle," Holocaust-themed song by Hefer & Argov, performed by Aric Lavie, from 1971 Broadway musical "To Live Another Summer, To Pass Another Winter"; b) "Don't Destroy The World," by Hefer-Guri-Seltzer (same credit details as above).

  15. Soldiers on leave in Paris

    Three day pass to Paris. Les Invalides, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, a bridge over the Seine, bouquinistes, more shots of the Seine, Notre Dame again, the Louvre, the Tuileries, the obelisk at Place de la Concorde, Grand Palais, Haussmann-style buildings, Champs Elysées, Arc de Triomphe and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Opera Garnier, Place Vendôme, Rue de Rivoli, Trocadero, the Eiffel Tower, a woman with baguettes, Hotel Bayard (American Red Cross HQ), street scenes of civilians and soldiers.

  16. Oral history interview with David Saltman and Curtis Whiteway

  17. German Army South advances in Ukraine

    Pan of the Ukrainian landscape with a Christian cemetery and camp below it. Two German soldiers tour the area. Railroad tracks. 00:09:55 Quick shot of a band playing in an open market. 00:09:57 Destroyed Allied fighter plane. German trucks move out of camp through muddy roads. 00:10:23 CUs of German officers talking. One smiles at camera from a truck. Destroyed and muddy motorcycle towed by a van. 00:10:46 Soldiers eat. Tanks. 00:11:00 A woman carrying a baby examines destroyed fighter plane. Ukrainian fields and a low-flying plane. German soldiers kill a cow. End of reel. Landscape. Train ...

  18. US liberates French towns

    Shots of WWI cannon. Stevens in overcoat walks out of woods to vehicles. They talk with French civilian. Hamilton in shallow trench. Pan of graveyard with sea of white crosses. "Here rests in honor, glory, and American soldier known but to God" (sign on cross). American flag flying over cemetery. Fresh cross says "James D. Brokow." Another cross says "Helmut W. Fesoa." These are recently dug graves with soil on top. Another cross "Jim Shaw." Stevens and two men with still cameras exit from church holding book, apparently register of Americans buried there. Book open, with swastika in front,...

  19. Oral history interview with David Saltman

  20. 257th German Infantry in Krakow region

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. German officers pacing along a dirt road, likely just outside of Krakow. 10:00:15 A German officer and a soldier smoke near a stone quarry in Krzeszowice, Poland (25 km outside of Krakow). Officers walk in front of Wawel, an architectural compound and center of Christianity in Krakow that overlooks the Vistula River. A row of bronze statues surround the perimeter of a church. Soldiers and officers of the 257th Infantry and some civilian...