Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 481 to 500 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Compilation for Representations of the 'Other' at West Chester University

    Compilation of Nazi propaganda films in the SSFVA collection shown during a presentation given by Raye Farr at the Representations of the 'Other' conference at West Chester University in Pennsylvania in March 2007. Kaufmann nicht Haendler [Merchant, not Peddler], 1933/1936: Story #3294, Film ID #2504A. To 01:02:37 Juden, Laeuse, Wanzen [Jews, Lice, Bugs], 1941: Story #3295, Film ID #2504A. To 01:04:55 Kampf dem Fleckfieber [Fighting Typhus], 1942: Story #3297-3300, Film ID #2504A. To 01:06:32 Warsaw Ghetto, 1942: Film ID #2270. To 01:22:41

  2. Oral history interview with Eugene Messer

  3. 4 video programs about the Holocaust: war crimes trials

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Nuremberg Trials #1 Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Nuremberg Trials #2 Second floor (2.08) - The Killers: Eichmann Trial Second floor (2.08) - Other Trials

  4. Vishniac family in the snow

    Luta Bagg Vishniac (first wife of Roman Vishniac, mother of Mara and Wolf Vishniac) wearing a thick winter coat in the snow, pulling a sled (the other women in the background and waving cannot be identified - possibly the children's nanny or Luta's sisters). Luta sledding down the hill, facing the camera. Roman Vishniac sledding down the hill, he tosses up his hat and playfully catches it, facing the camera.

  5. Illich family visits Bad Gastein, 1937

    Out of focus in the center of the frame for a few seconds. The boys sit on a wooden fence in the country surrounding an unknown teenager. CUs, Grandfather Fritz (Pucki) at an outdoor café, then Sascha. At the train station, the boys lean their heads out of the train window, waving to Pucki, Leithner, and Uncle Paul on the platform. Leithner follows the train as it departs. View of another station, the boys walk through it (filmed from a distance). Mountains, farms from the train window. A train pulls into the platform with Pucki, the boys greet him with hugs. The city of Bad Gastein, waterf...

  6. Hinzert camp in 1946; repatriation of victims' bodies to Luxembourg city

    Includes original French intertitles. Musical accompaniment and end titles added by Centre national de l'audiovisual Luxembourg in 2003. On March 9, 1946, the bodies of Luxembourgers who died at SS-Sonderlager Hinzert in 1942 were repatriated to Luxembourg city. Amateur filmmaker Alphonse Wirion accompanied the convoy to Hinzert and filmed the camp at length (what was left of it), including barracks, barbed wire fences, watchtowers, debris. Then he searched the woods around the camp, exhumed the bones and the bodies that were lined up in an empty shack. The filmmaker then follows the trucks...

  7. Oral history interview with Bertha Zuckerman

  8. Dohány Street Synagogue with Rabbi Jozsef Katona

    Mafirt Kronika 53. The façade of the synagogue on Dohány Street in Budapest, Hungary. Men process through an aisle between rows of men on either side. The faces of men in the synagogue. CU of two men. Rabbi Jozsef Katona performs a ceremony. Men sit and watch, some are in uniform. The rabbi addresses the temple-goers from a pulpit above. CU, the rabbi reveals a star of David on the part of the pulpit above him. The audience. The Parochet (curtain) is raised, revealing the doors of the Ark. The Ark doors are then opened, revealing the menorah and the Torah Scrolls inside. The menorah inside ...

  9. German advance toward Caucasus

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 16: Winter. German soldiers in village. Garmasch. Elderly Ukrainian peasant. Move to Latonovo, with patches of snow still lying. Destruction. Werchne Schiroky. In large town of Stalino...

  10. British family on holiday in Germany; SA marching band; Walchensee; Cologne

    KODAK. Title: Holiday in Germany August 1936. Title: Coblenz. Rhine Shipping Passing Through Bridge of Boats. Ships on the Rhine River. Lots of scratches on film. Title: Coblenz. German Outing Headed by Storm-Trooper Band. SA marching band and civilians march in a parade down a street in Coblenz, Germany. Title identifies Rothenburg as a picturesque medieval town. People walk, bike, and drive in the streets of Rothenburg. Swastika banners hang from several of the buildings. 02:29 Title: Exploring Dinkelsbuhl Marvelous Old Town Full of Color. Color street scenes, with swastika banners visibl...

  11. Illich family visits Salzburg

    The three Illich boys stand outside a car with their luggage. Boarding a Lufthansa bus. A Nazi plane ("TACA D-AJAT" and swastika) takes off from an airfield. On the river, large buildings, taking photographs at a bridge, swastika banners. City street scenes, INT of café. Salzburg train station. Shots of the countryside from a train. The twins walk through a field. Taking a boat tour of the lake, photographs, rowboat with all three boys. A large group of tourists walk through the village - swastika, Konditerei, small streets, marching band, boat. Shots from inside a cave. Mountains in the di...

  12. Refugees crossing bridge

    Refugees carrying their children and belongings across a bridge. Stevens, in shorts holding machine gun, firing gun into river. Caravan of soldiers and refugees, seven abreast, walking across bridge carrying belongings followed by women and other refugees. Sign in Russian, with date reads: "May 30, 1945." Underneath Russian sign there is a sign that reads: "Friendship Bridge constructed by 250 Engineer Combat BN 1146 Engineer Combat Gp, US Army."

  13. Persecution of Jewish children

    This is a short FICTION film. Soundtrack is music and 'wild sound'- no narration, no dialogue. The film begins with one of Hitler’s anti-Jewish speeches and is followed by a German military march. An ambulance with a Red Cross sign enters a gate leading to what looks like a school-yard surrounded by barbed wire. As a group of children play in the yard, an SS man fills the gas tank and connects an exhaust pipe to the “ambulance.” In the next scene the children climb into the truck along with their guardian, while a point-of-view shot from inside the ambulance focuses on a group of birds outs...

  14. Infantry; roadblocks; First Army at Nordhausen

    LIB 5342 Tanks and Infantry Firing Near Tarnbach, Germany (?) April 9, 1945 LSs, smoke rises from shell hits in distant mountainous area. Short scene, trucks full of soldiers and a US tank passes through town. MCU, soldier fires rifle from behind tank. CU, officer of 87th Infantry Division speaks over field phone directing operations in wooded area while looking at a map. MSs, CUs, infantrymen of 345th Regiment, 87th Division and M-4 tanks of 743th Tank Battalion fire on German positions in wooded area. US infantrymen firing and taking new positions in wooded area. LIB 5452 Roadblocks Oster...

  15. 257th German Infantry in Galicia region

    Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. Quick, HAS, two Germans sit at a table. Peasant women with headscarves pose for the camera in a hilly landscape. Two girls walk past a large group of soldiers from the 257 Infantry. The men gather on a hillside. Views of Poles in the crowded marketplace. Jewish men and women wearing white armbands walk around the district, shop doors and windows display the Star of David in blue paint. An old man smokes and wanders by a destroyed building. The camera follows a ...

  16. Comic monologues

    Comic monologues (circa 1933) performed by famed Warsaw cabaret artist Bolesław Norski-Nożyca (1911-ca. 1943). Side A: Bridge Text: Antoni Słonimski Recitation: Bolesław Norski-Nożyca Syrena-Electro 3942 23136 (1933) Side B: Psiakrew! [Dammit!] Text: Julian Tuwim Recitation: Bolesław Norski-Nożyca Syrena-Electro 3942 23137 (1933)

  17. Liberation of Auschwitz

    "Filmdokumente" on the German concentration camps, made under Soviet auspices with narration in Russian. This film was taken by a Soviet military film crew upon liberating Auschwitz in January 1945. People in camp in winter with snow on the ground. CUs, prisoners behind wire (women and children). LSs, AVs, the camp covered with snow. Map of Auschwitz, plans for the crematorium. INT, women in rows of bunks. "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate. Barbed wire. INT, gas chamber. CUs women in the bunks. CUs albums of photographs (showing different nationalities). VS groups of survivors behind wires, worn fac...

  18. Kriegsberichterstattung: Von den Stellungen an der Narwa. Nach der Schlacht (version 1)

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Rudolf Becker, SS Standarte Kurt Eggers, 3. Kriegsberichter-Kompagnie. "From the positions at the Narwa After the battle." Dramatic description of the battlefield during the Battle of Narva. Becker describes a young Estonian soldier, looking across the river at the Soviet positions, and how this battle for him is all about Heimatboden [homeland]. Detailed description of engagement between the Soviets and the Germans that ends with the death of the Estonian soldier.

  19. Terezin recital

    "Terezin Recital" EP. Supraphon. In German and Czech. Side A: C2306. Ilse Weber (comp); Ich Wandere durch Theresienstadt; Wiegenlied. Side B: C2307. Pavel Hass (sic), Song to Old Chinese Text; Gideon Klein, Sonata for Piano Solo; Joseph Chaloupka, Bread.

  20. Kriegsberichterstattung: Von einem Gefangenenlager in Italien senden britische Kriegsgefangene Weihnachtsgrüße an ihre Familien

    Decelith Folie D. 8 discs. "From a prison camp in Italy, British prisoners of war send Christmas and New Years greetings to their families." Several South African soldiers speak in Afrikaans to their families. The narrator names, gives the home address, and mentions specific family members of each POW. The POWs say they are “fit and well” and send love and greetings to family and friends by name. Some names are unintelligible. One provides an address of 18 Ratcliffe Road, Yorkshire, Sheffield. Ralph Thompson Matthews calling his wife Vera Matthews, 143 Oxford Road, County West (?). Gunner T...