Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,581 to 2,600 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Pair of brown suede woman's shoes

    Pair of brown suede shoes with laces bought by Chana Scharf immediately after returning to Poland from Siberia.

  2. Collection of proclamations of Jewish organizations Zbiór odezw organizacji żydowskich (Sygn. 1313)

    Proclamations and occasional leaflets of the various Jewish organization in pre-World War II Poland: Komitet Centralny Młodzieży Poale-Sjon Lewica, Komitet Wyborczy Żydowskiego Bloku Narodowego, Nowa Organizacja Sjonistyczna, Organizacja Sjonistów-Rewizjonistów w Lublinie, and Związek Żydowskiej Socjalistycznej Młodzieży Robotniczej "Frajhajt"-"Wolność." Included are also circular papers and training materials of the "Frajhajt."

  3. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Memel Konsulat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Kłajpedzie 1939 (Sygn. 471)

    Political reports, correspondence,and circulars related to Jewish property and reparations in Germany, German political relations with Poland; Lithuanian and German relations, and the withdrawal of Polish citizenship for Jews residing in Germany.

  4. Collection of Marian Godziszewski concerning crime in Wawer Zbiory Mariana Godziszewskiego dotyczące zbrodni wawerskiej (Sygn.1583)

    Materials related to the Wawer Massacre on December 27, 1939. Archives were collected by Marian Godziszewski, whose father was murdered in Wawer Massacre. The collection includes, among other materials, extracts from the trial of Max Daume accused of crimes (copies of court files), outlines of articles, exhumation descriptions, lists of executed people, including Jews, lists of people who were murdered in the first months of the war near Wawer, surveys of families of victims of Wawer massacre, correspondence with publishing houses, backstage of the book about the Wawer crime, parts of the a...

  5. Haganah poster

    Poster issued by the Haganah; titled "It All Depends on You" in English and Hebrew with image of finger pointing at viewer and the Haganah shield in the upper left corner; caption in lower left corner "Haganah Poster No. 2"; published 1947

  6. Oral history interview with William Kornbluth and Edith Kornbluth

  7. Karter family collection

    Postcards and envelopes addressed to Gustaw Karter (donor's grandfather) and his daughter Ruth Karter (donor's mother) in Cincinnati, Ohio from various people in Tarnopol and Bielsko Biala, Poland in 1939 and 1940; and postwar letters from Tola Ueberfuhrer and Stella Feiler, displaced persons in Gliwice, Poland and Salzburg, Austria. Also includes envelopes, empty and postmarked, sent from Edmund Wasserberger, Anna May, and Erna and Edita Karter from Poland and the Czech Republic. One envelope returned to Sol Better addressed to Anna Karter in the Ukraine, dated 1940.

  8. Clogs

    Clogs: found in the liberated Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany by donor who was a member of the United States Army Ambulance Corps and was visiting Buchenwald after liberation. He found them in Buchenwald and sent them back to his family in New Jersey.

  9. Munich; Degenerate Art exhibition; Koenigsplatz; Deutsches Museum

    "GERMANY" "Lunch at Ettal" Beer hall in Ettal. Locals. The American family sits outdoors at cafe. "Munich" "American Express Co. Bavarians" Shops. People in Bavarian dress gathered outside the American Express store. "The Hofgarten" Outdoor cafe, waiter prepares meal. 01:02:32 "The Exhibition of Degenerated Art" INTs, Degenerate Art exhibit at the Archeological Institute in Munich in 1937 [ENTARTETE KUNST]. Modern artwork, sculptures, and paintings declared by the Nazis to be "degenerate" on gallery walls. Museum visitors. 01:03:34 "Haus der Deutschen Kunst | House of German Art" Building e...

  10. Veit Wyler papers Nachlass Dr. iur. Veit Wyler (1908-2002)

    Private papers of Veit Wyler (August 28, 1908 - October 18, 2002), attorney, Swiss refugee aid worker, Jewish community official, and Zionist delegate. The collection consists of photographs, certificates from schools, doctoral studies, military service records, records of his early activities as a lawyer, files of the federal prosecutor, documentation of his commitment to Jewish refugees and of the David Frankfurter trial, autobiographical writings and reports, private and business correspondence, honors, press articles, obituaries, a diary, poems, records of his family history, edited new...

  11. Displaced persons camp at Funk Caserne and Dachau; ruins

    01:00:00 Sign: “Funk Caserne, Emigrant Assembly Center, Repatriation Center, Infiltree Center.” Soldier in front of a gate. Signs: “Deutsche Ungaren Rumanen Bulgaren Dürfen das Lager nicht betreten,” and “Übernachtungen von Gasten und Enzelnen durchreisenden im Lager sind nicht erlaubt.” Displaced men, women, children, one carries a funeral wreath. Men and women in uniform smile for camera. WS, ambulances, bombed out buildings in a city (Munich?), piles of rubble next to remains of buildings. A woman in uniform looks at the camera. Man with hat shakes her hand. VAR, several people waiting w...

  12. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate General in New York Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Nowym Jorku (Sygn.493)

    Selected records of Polish Consulate General in New York, reports, correspondence, press clippings, notes, consular letters, and minutes related to minorities in Poland and in foreign countries, mainly Polish Jews in the US, activities of Jewish organizations and their contacts with the Polish authorities, protests in USA against the persecution of Jews in Germany and Poland, reports on persecution of Poles in Germany, a report of the Polish Consulate General in Chicago, 1940 related to cooperation between Polish and Jewish immigrants in the USA, protest of Jewish organizations against anti...

  13. Izak and Rachel Herzhaft collection

    Contains photographs illustrating the experiences of Rachel Moskowitz, born in the small Carpathian town "Behutz" in Hungary/Czech area of Slovakia and Izak Herzhaft from Rutke, Poland (Galicia). Izak escaped and ended up in Budapest. Rachel moved to Budapest and both were on the Kasztner train in Bergen-Belsen then Switzerland, eventually moving to Palestine where they married.

  14. More Sweat...Less Talk...Makes Enemies Squawk WWII Public Utilities Commission broadside

    Broadside, "A Seal on Lips Helps Save Ships" on one side and "More Sweat...Less Talk...Makes Enemies Squawk" on the other side.

  15. Francisc Pap letter

    Letter written from Francisc Pap of Cluj-Napoca, Romania to Radu Ioanid, dated October 2, 2015. In the letter, Mr. Pap relates his experiences escaping deportation from Cluj and their survival in hiding.

  16. Neuman (Nenner) family collection

    Collection of documents of the Neumann (Nenner) family from their time in the Displaced Persons Camp in Lechfeld in Germany and their immigration to Palestine; dated 1940s-1950s. Includes a temporary exit pass from the artillery officers' course taking place in a military garrison, Bucharest, 1943; a civil marriage certificate, Bucharest, 1944; a recruitment certificate to "Va'ad leSherut Ha'Am" in Lechfeld Displaced Persons Camp; a birth certificate of a baby girl born in Ainring (Bavaria), 1947; an import form for merchandise imported by boat, railway, surface mail or by air for use in Is...

  17. Selected records of the City Jędrzejów Akta miasta Jędrzejowa (Sygn. 1657)

    Minutes of sessions of the town authorities, books of registers of permanent residents of Jędrzejów, documents related to tax and budget matters, and documentation of the occupation authorities of 1939-1945. The prevailing part of the collection includes materials of the construction department relating to construction or reconstruction licenses of estates, blue prints and designs of buildings, etc. Numerous documents refer to the Jewish inhabitants of Jędrzejów and provide details of daily life of the Jewish minority in the town during the interwar and wartime period. In 1939, Jędrzejów wa...

  18. Elsbeth Kasses papers Nachlass Elsbeth Kasses (1910-1992)

    Private papers of Elsbeth Kasser (1910-1992), a nurse and aid worker for refugees in the internment camp of Gurs and in other places. The collection consists of: photographs; certificates; medals; and correspondence, including various documents relating to childcare in the southern France, refugee rescue, the internment camp Gurs, the medical mission to Finland, and the Swiss assistance to war victims; documentation on occupational therapy in Zurich, former internees, former employees in rescue projects in Spain and Southern France, and on rescue in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland; Also in...

  19. Selected records of the Polish Red Cross Polski Czerwony Krzyż (Sygn. 284)

    Correspondence, reports, registers, bulletin, and photographs relating to the repatriation of Polish citizens, repatriation of Polish children, search for missing persons, and a return of files related to victims of crime in Katyń forest.

  20. Fonds Communauté israélite de Vichy (CMLV)

    Records of the Jewish Community of Vichy related to various activities of the Jewish community in France during and after the World War II. Records include correspondence with the General Union of Jews of France (Union générale des israélites de France, UGIF), lists of deportees, missing persons information and requests, a book of marriages of the French Central Consistory at the Vichy Synagogue, 1939-1943, the original bill of the Statutes of the Union of Israeli Cultural Associations of France and Algeria dated 1909; correspondence between the State police and the Chief Rabbi of France...