Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 541 to 560 of 22,191
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Italian
Language of Description: Slovak
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Anti-US Propaganda Broadcast from Berlin

    April 8, 1943 broadcast by Robert Henry Best, an American journalist who issued anti-US propaganda broadcasts from Berlin.

  2. Illich family activities in 1936

    Family activities in the year 1936. Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. The Illich boys play-act for the camera and take a walk through a park in April 1936 with their grandfather, Fritz Regenstreif. CUs of the spring blossoms and the boys getting into a car. A religious procession for communion on May 21, 1936. The twins are part of the ceremony, parade in the square in front of the Maria Treu Piarist Church, and gather with classmates for a group photograph. Ellen (Maexie), Ivan, Sascha, and Micha depart by foot and car. They speak with a priest and plant a tree on...

  3. Yiddish sound recordings from the Medem Library

    Yiddish sound recordings from the collection of the Medem Library, Paris. Selections include Holocaust-related music recorded in postwar France and prewar repertoire largely recorded in Poland. Track lists attached.

  4. 5 revised video programs about the Holocaust: exiles, propaganda, Roma, the others, and collaborators

    Audiovisual monitors shown in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Permanent Exhibition called "The Holocaust" (according to exhibition number). These five monitors were revised in 1993: 1. Fourth floor (4.29a) - To Safety/Exiles 2. Fourth floor (4.13) - Propaganda 3. Fourth floor (4.24a) - Roma 4. Fourth floor (4.24b) - Others 5. Third floor (3.15) - Collaborators (Mobile Killing Squads - Einsatzgruppen)

  5. Records relating to the Committee for Refugee Education

    Includes essay written by refugee students studying English in a program provided by the Committee for Refugee Education after World War II. The essays describe experiences of new life in the United States, memories of persecution and imprisonment in concentration camps, and liberation. Also included are samples of teaching materials used in the English lessons and a 18 December 1949 letter written by one of the English instructors.

  6. Sightseeing in Paris

    In Paris, Lou Hartman with August Levy standing at an outdoor café. The family converses and takes a walk. 01:20:47 The Palace at Fontainebleau. Statue in the square near the Fontainebleau. 01:21:37 The family tours the Palace of Versailles. Robert Levy at a café table. 01:22:00 Family aboard "Rubber-neck Buses" for tourists to see the sights. Place de la Concorde with automobile traffic. 01:22:31 LS, Eiffel Tower (visited on May 30, 1927). Military men on horseback in street. CU, decorated French war veteran (according to diary, he was 98 years old and fought under Napoleon). MS, Bois de B...

  7. Hospital for former Jewish prisoners; medical care

    St. Ottilien Hospital for Jewish Former Political Prisoners near Landsberg, Germany. Pan of hospital. Shots of doctors and patients: in beds, during examinations, surgery. Patients walking the hospital grounds. Labor: sewing, making uniforms. Bris ceremony (circumcision).

  8. German Naval Light Forces

    Amateur footage shot by the Nazi party official, Regierungsbezirkdirektor of Arnsberg (director of the administrative district Arnsberg). German Navy forces leave unknown German port. Ships from the dock. Navy ships head out to sea with sailors visible on deck. Vessels are identified in the IWM catalog record as minesweepers and Raumboote. One ship sails slowly past the camera (filmed from another ship); men on deck salute. Civilians, including a woman, stand on the dock and talk to men in Navy uniform. Different types of ships, many of them with numbers painted on their bows (75, 96, 122, ...

  9. Constructing the Siegfried Line

    German film on the construction of the Siegfried Line. Reel 1, views of various German cities and maps the site of the fortifications. Dr. Todt studies plans, officers survey the land, and draftsmen draw plans. An animated chart depicts the Todt engineering organization. The ground is cleared, steel is made in mills, and railroads move supplies to the site. Workers arrive, march to the site, live in barracks, eat and construct and camouflage forts. Reel 2, Hitler, Todt, and staff arrive to inspect construction. Antitank obstructions and trenches, barbed wire entanglements, and the French an...

  10. Hungarian Press House; men speaking; Horthy at live performance

    Special Film Theatre Edition of Hungarian Newsreel / Híradó Filmszínház Különkiadása 54. “A MAGYAR SAJTÓ ÜNNEPE” [The Celebration of the Hungarian Press]. MS, building completely covered in ivy. A guard stands at the front gate and a person walks by the sidewalk. Sign with the Hungarian coat of arms: “A MAGYAR SAJTÓ HÁZA ORSZÁGOS MAGYAR SAJTÖKAMARA MAGYAR UJSÁGIRÓK EGYESÜLETE PÁTRIA KLUBJA, MAGYAR HIRLAPIRÓK ORSZÁGOS NYUGDIJINTÉZETE UJSÁGIRÓK SZANATORIUM EGYESÜLETE”. This is the Hungarian Press House. INT a man in a suit reads from a piece of paper. MS, audience, large group of men. The man...

  11. Border between Pilsen and Prague; railcars

    Aerial view of Pilsen. Murray posing for the camera. Russian border checkpoint between Pilsen and Prague. Scenes from Prague, including St. Vitus Cathedral and the Hebrew clock at the Jewish Town Hall. Prague Castle. Soldiers on a boxcar with “Dachau” painted on the outside. They line up and board boxcars.

  12. Refugees

    Magyar Híradó 950. Intertitle reads “LENGYEL MENEKÜLTEK érkeztek a Kárpátok hágóin Magyarországra. M.F.I- HORVÁTH.” The Hungarian landscape from a moving train. Two soldiers ride bikes along the road, and the second one waves. The train moves quickly past buildings. In the yards are various soldiers and multiple horses attached to carts. A large number of horse drawn carts all together on the side of the road. A man sits in a cart pulled by two horses, multiple others trailing behind him. A man in uniform sits on top a pile of items in a horse-drawn cart, looking at the camera as he rolls p...

  13. GIs swimming; Brenner Pass

    VS of Stevens and others in unit dressed in German hats. Shots on bridge over river. Old chateau or apartment building bombed out. Appears to be mausoleum with caskets with swastikas on them. GIs swimming in cold river. Men sitting by campfire. Stevens and others swimming. Stevens and others by jeep overlooking lake. This may be Berchtesgaden. VS of lake. Small two-engine German fighter in field. Village square with sign that reads: "Brenner Pass." Shot of main street of town, CU of sign that reads: "Brenner." Men of unit in street. Barricade reads: "All vehicles stop here." Sign with snow-...

  14. German newsreel excerpts: German munitions trains; American POWs; V-1 bombs

    Reel 2, Part 1, camouflaged German munitions trains move up near Caen after the Normandy invasion. German antiaircraft fires at Allied planes over Caen. Devastation in the city. German troops assist civilians. Tanks, motorcycles, infantry, and artillery move up. Antitank guns cripple U.S. Sherman tanks. U.S. POWs are marched to the rear. Part 2, Hamburg, Germany, in flames after an Allied air raid. Searchers probe into debris; dead and wounded are removed. Corpses are laid out in a huge hall. V-1 bombs are launched.

  15. Festival in Bayreuth; House of German Art in Munich

    “Ufa Schmalfilm Magazin” / UFA film logo / “Nr. 43” “Beute im Werte von hunderten von Millionen Mark.” Rows and rows of small carts in a field, some covered. A pile of soldiers helmets. Aerial view of a city. Smokestacks. Nazi officers walk alongside piles of weapon parts. INT weaponry facility. Men pour water from a metal cylinder. Steel rods. Neatly stacked rows of German bombs. 01:01:43 Intertitle, “Friedliche Leben in Deutschland.” Bayreuth Festspielhaus. People walk under banners that read, “Herzlich Willkommen in Bayreuth,” and “Suheee! Deutschland bist Du!” Nazi flags. More people wa...

  16. Life in DP camps in Germany

    A documentary film about the life of the Jewish people in the DP camps in Germany. Children boarding trains. Supplies. UNRRA. Men kissing. Loading displaced women and luggage onto flatbed trucks. MS, baby lifted onto truck. More shots of DPs boarding truck, loading luggage. CU, boy with guitar and other children, waving goodbye as trucks depart. In Landsberg, women with babies and carriages in the park, children playing. Man speaking to crowd, davening. Religious ceremony. Hebrew memorial sign reading "150,000." Pan, men at meeting, sitting at table. Man delivering speech, reading. Crowd lo...

  17. Goebbels in Danzig; German battleships

    (1) Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels waves to crowd at rally in Danzig. Street traffic and German banners adorning city. (2) Japanese infantry and navy attack Chinese town; infantry takes city. (3) German battleships, cruisers and speedboats perform maneuvers; Adolf Hitler launches battleship Bismarck.

  18. Oral history interview with Lev Malach and Riva Malach

  19. Croatian fascists

    Pan and CU of posters supportive of the fascist government of the Independent State of Croatia (NHD). One gives the dates 1941 and 1945. MS, Bust and portraits of NHD leader and Ustasa founder leader Ante Pavelic. Men in uniform (Ustasa and German) sit at the base of a statue. Pan down from a clock tower to a busy street scene in Zagreb, including German soldiers and many civilians. Poster showing an antisemitic cartoon (an oversized Jewish caricature standing over a smaller Croat family). Part of the text reads Smrt fasizmu (death to fascism) and Sloboda Narodu (freedom to the people). Str...

  20. Oral history interviews by Vivian Tucker