Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 781 to 800 of 816
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
Holding Institution: Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
  1. Leo B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leo B., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 1921, the middle of three children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; attending Jewish school; participating in Agudat, intending to emigrate to Palestine; preparing for that in Darmstadt; his brother's emigration to Palestine; burning of the synagogue on Kristallnacht; emigrating with his mother, father, and sister to Amsterdam; incarceration with his father in refugee camps; transfer by himself to Deventer, Eindhoven, then Westerbork; finding his father there; arrival of many Jews after German occupation; organi...

  2. Mary L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mary L., who was born in Zagreb, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (now Croatia) in 1910. She recalls the beginning of World War I; her father's military service; living in Vienna from 1916 to 1918; the family's move to Berlin in 1926; working for an insurance company; Hitler's ascent to power; losing her job due to anti-Jewish laws; the anti-Jewish boycott in April 1933; returning to Zagreb; studying English in Britain in 1935; marriage to a Catholic; German invasion in April 1941; moving to the United States Consulate where her husband worked; anti-Jewish measures; denuncia...

  3. Anne B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anne B., who was born in Rexingen, Germany in 1931, the elder of two children. She recounts her mother confining them to their home on Kristallnacht; viewing the destroyed synagogue the next day; expulsion from school; her father's arrest; his return from Dachau four weeks later; expulsion from their home in 1939; a German woman who helped them obtain food; living with her grandparents; her father obtaining documents for him and her mother to emigrate to the United States; her mother's arrest in 1940; her release, conditional upon her leaving Germany within four days;...

  4. Joseph H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph H., who was born in Boryslav, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1921, the youngest of three children. He recounts his brother's death before his own birth; his family's orthodoxy; attending cheder; participating in Zionist groups; brief German invasion; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; hiding his family during Ukrainian anti-Jewish violence and killings; ghettoization; hiding his parents during round-ups (he and his sister had jobs which exempted them from deportation); his later deportation to Janowska; escape with assistance from the camp underground; ...

  5. Janka C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Janka C., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1920, the older of two sisters. She recounts her family's move to Vienna in 1921; their assimilated lifestyle; attending public school; anti-Jewish harassment; the Anschluss; immediately deciding to emigrate to Belgium; traveling to Cologne; living with a Jewish family for several months; arrest when attempting to illegally enter Belgium; imprisonment in Aachen; release a week later; entering Belgium on her third attempt, with assistance from a man she had met in prison; arriving in Antwerp via Liège and Brussels in Oct...

  6. Shlomo S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shlomo S., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1924. He recalls his mother's severe illness; being raised in Chernyshevskoye by his father and grandmother; his family's Zionisim; attending German primary school until 1934; leaving due to antisemitism; studying with private tutors; attending a Hebrew gymnasium in Kaunas beginning in 1936; Soviet occupation; arrival of Jewish refugees from Poland; German invasion in June 1941; a non-Jewish woman hiding them during a mass killing by Lithuanians; his grandfather being killed; ghettoization; his mother and grandmother being...

  7. Uziel L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Uziel L., who was born in Z?uromin, Poland in 1916, the youngest of three children. He recalls his family's affluence; his father's leadership role in the Jewish community; attending Jewish and public schools; moving with his family to ?o?dz? in 1929; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; his sisters' emigration to Palestine in 1934 and 1935; training as a textile engineer; supporting his parents; his leadership role in No?ar ha-Tsiyoni; enlistment in the Polish military in 1938; attending officers' training school; German invasion; capture; imprisonment in Stalag II A; ...

  8. Elazar S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elazar S., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1924, the elder of two children. He recalls his sister's birth in 1931; attending private Hebrew schools; antisemitic harassment; his father's communal leadership role, including in Zionist organizations; attending a Zionist congress with him in Switzerland in 1935; assisting German-Jewish refugees; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father briefly fleeing; his arrest a week after his return; notification of his death in December 1940; Mr. S. receiving assistance from his Polish nanny; his mot...

  9. Jack K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack K., who was born in Poland in 1920, the oldest of three brothers. He recounts his family moving to Trier in 1925; attending school; antisemitism beginning in 1932; moving to Barcelona, then Palma de Mallorca; moving to Marseille, then Paris in 1936 due to the Spanish Civil War; participating in Betar; organizing illegal emigration to Palestine; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; deportation with his father and brothers to Pithiviers in May 1941; his mother's visit; transfer to Auschwitz/Birkenau in June 1942; obtaining a privileged office position because...

  10. Oswald R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Oswald R., who was born in a Polish village near Żywiec in 1922, the older of two brothers. He recalls learning German; attending a local school; cordial relations with non-Jews; being sent to live with an aunt in Bielsko-Biała to attend a better school; graduating from high school; moving with his family to Żywiec; participating in Akiba; fleeing toward Kraków during the German invasion; his parents returning home (he never saw them again), but sending him and his brother away from German-occupied areas; finding an Akiba group in Lʹviv; his assignment smuggling ot...

  11. Catharina K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Catharina K., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1929. She recounts that her father was a widower with two children when he married her mother; their diamond business; being spoiled until the war; their assimilated lifestyle and large extended family; attending a French public school; German invasion; fleeing to Ostend, Paris, Roaillan, then Lisbon; their emigration to Jakarta a few months later to join her half-brother; living in Bandung; her father and brother starting a diamond business; attending a Christian school; Japanese invasion; confiscation of their posses...

  12. Simone C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Simone C., who was born in Magdeburg, Germany in 1922. She recalls fleeing to Paris in 1933 when the Gestapo came to arrest her father and brother; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; her older brother's emigration to Palestine in 1934; German invasion; her father volunteering for the French military; fleeing with her mother and younger brother to Toulouse; their return to Paris; her internment in the Ve?lodrome d'Hiver, then Gurs; her mother and brother moving to be near her; a guard allowing her to visit them; not returning; living in Pe?rigueux with her family (her ...

  13. Jan W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jan W., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1920. He recounts attending school; his parents' divorce; his father's remarriage; moving to Prague with his mother; attending gymnasium; volunteering for the army; German occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; his grandmother bribing officials so he could join his father in Yugoslavia; futile attempts to obtain emigration visas in Zagreb; his father and stepmother committing suicide in front of him rather than living under German occupation; fleeing to Italian-occupied Ljubljana, then Trieste; assistance from a Slovak baker;...

  14. Israel R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel R., who was born in Rzeszów, Poland in 1926, the younger of two brothers. He recounts his family's 1929 emigration to Antwerp to join relatives; their orthodoxy; attending Agudat Israel on weekends; the births of two younger siblings; attending a commercial school in Berchem; German invasion; fleeing with his family to Brussels via Ostende, then to De Panne and Adinkerke, intending to leave for France; not being able to cross the border because they were Polish citizens; traveling to Eeko, Bruges, then Ghent; working in Brussels; anti-Jewish restrictions; visi...

  15. Lilli S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilli S., who was born in Zehlendorf, Germany in 1913, the youngest of three children. She recounts being raised as a Christian (her parents were Jewish); her father's service in World War I; his status as a doctor; living briefly with grandparents in Dresden; her mother's death when she was six; her father's remarriage to a non-Jew; studying agriculture; antisemitic harassment; surveillance of her father's clinic by Nazi troops in 1933; his suicide; emigrating to France; attending the University of Toulouse; marriage to a Lithuanian Jew in 1935; moving to Paris; freq...

  16. Fredrich H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fredrich H., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1919. He recalls participating in a socialist youth group; his sister's marriage to a non-Jew; pervasive antisemitism; the Anschluss; a futile attempt to smuggle himself to Czechoslovakia; obtaining a visa for Luxembourg; being refused entry; brief imprisonment in Germany; release on the condition he leave Germany; smuggling himself to Luxembourg; his parents joining him; moving to Brussels with his parents, sister, and her husband; arranging emigration to the Dominican Republic; German invasion preventing their departur...

  17. Fredka M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fredka M., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland, in approximately 1921, one of two sisters. She recounts her family's affluence; attending public school; participating in No?ar ha-Tsiyoni; skiing in Zakopane; working with Moshe Merin (future head of the Judenrat) to assist refugees from Germany; German invasion; her father fleeing east; fleeing with her mother, sister, and aunt; returning when overtaken by German troops; her father's return; working for the Judenrat, then in the Jewish hospital; organizing educational activities and food for children; traveling to Os?wie...

  18. Edith C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith C., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1928, one of two children. She recounts her family's poverty; their orthodoxy; moving to Genoa in 1937; initiation of anti-Jewish "racial" laws after the German-Italian alliance; traveling to Nice illegally via Ventimiglia; obtaining political asylum in April 1939; assistance from a refugee committee; attending school; her father's incarceration as an enemy alien after the outbreak of war; German invasion; his release; his and her brother's incarceration in Gurs, then Rivesaltes; her brother's escape; hiding him on a nearby...

  19. Michael I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael I., who was born in 1917, one of seven children. He recalls his family's business in Warsaw and Falencia; attending yeshiva until age fourteen; participating in Akiba; becoming head of the Otwock branch; antisemitic violence; living on training farms (hachsharah) in Be?chato?w and Siemiatycze; German invasion; fleeing to Ostro?e?ka, then ?omz?a; returning to his family in Otwock; fleeing to Soviet-occupied territory; traveling to Vilnius via Bia?ystok and Hrodna; working at a hachsharah in Garliava; living in Kaunas; German invasion; fleeing to Ukmerge?; posin...

  20. Eli C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eli C., who was born in Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1917. He recounts participating in Blau-Weiss; working at a Zionist summer camp with Teddy Kollek; his brother's emigration to Palestine in 1934; attending university; antisemitic harassment; Anschluss; warnings from their non-Jewish landlord of German raids; moving to Zurich, then Geneva; arrest in September 1939; expulsion from Basel to a Gestapo prison in Lörrach; transfer from prison to prison en route to Sachsenhausen; forced labor in a brick factory; beatings, hunger, and lack of sanitation; public ex...