Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 3 of 3
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Finnish
Language of Description: Multiple
Country: North Macedonia
Holding Institution: Државен Архив на Република Македонија—Oдделение Штип
  1. Isak Sion: Participation of the Jews from Stip in the National Liberation Movement from Štip

    • Исак Сион: Учеството на Евреите од Штип во НОД
    • Isak Sion: Ucestvoto na Evreite od Stip vo NOD

    The content of the testimony by Isak Sion is composed by the following topics: • The Jewish community in Stip before World War II: the structure of the Stip Jewish community consisted of of 550 people, the profession of the Jews in Stip and the good relations between Macedonians and the Jews in Stip • The occupation of Macedonia from Bulgaria and the anti-Semitic laws for the Jews from Stip in April 1941 • The difficult economic situation of the Jews from Stip • Group of Jews from Stip, members of the Communist Party in Stip (from 1941-1942): Isak Sion, Pepo Juda Levi, Haim Juda Levi, Avram...

  2. 1945 List of War Damages of the Jews from Štip

    • Список на Ратни штети на штипските Евреи од 1945
    • Spisok na Ratni steti na stipskite Evrei od 1945

    The war damages that the German and Bulgarian occupiers caused over the Jews in Štip, are regarded as shared damages caused by the Germany and Bulgaria, because they jointly participated in the robbery and destruction of the Jewish property, until the physical elimination of the Jews in Štip in 1943 in Treblinka. According to the letter of the Jewish Community in Skopje, number 997/1 of December 31st, 1945, the Commission of the Government of Macedonia was informed that the total damage to the Jews is estimated to 2.000.000 dinars, according to the number of destroyed houses, goods and cash...

  3. 1942/1943 School book from the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Štip”

    • Училишна книга од 1942/1943 од средното училиште „Славчо Стојменски“ во Штип
    • Ucilisna kniga 1942/1943 od srednoto uciliste "Slavco Stojmenski" vo Štip
    • Државен Архив на Република Македонија—Oдделение Штип
    • 1942/1943 School book from the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Štip”
    • English, Macedonian
    • 1942-1943
    • 1942/1943 School book from the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Štip” is an archival file within the Fund for primary and secondary schools in Štip and Štip district placed in the Department Štip. The School book is handwritten and it includes all the students enrolled in the high school “Slavčo Stojmenski in Stip” in 1942/43.