Archival Descriptions

One item found
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Slovak
Country: North Macedonia
Holding Institution: Архив—Македонска Академија на Науките и Уметностите
  1. Fund Aleksandar Matkovski

    • Фонд Александар Матковски
    • Fond Aleksandar Matkovski

    The Fund Aleksandar Matkovski is consisted of rich material in regards to various historical periods of the region of Macedonia. Within this archival material, in separate three boxes, there are various documents referring to the history of the Jews on the Balkans, starting from ancient times, the period of the Ottoman Empire and the Second World War. In that context, the archive material contains important material about the history of the Jews from Macedonia, before the Holocaust, during the Holocaust and the tragedy of the Macedonian Jews after 1943. Aleksandar Matkovski's material for t...