Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 141 to 160 of 163
Language of Description: English
Country: Moldova
  1. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Leova Mixed Gymnasium from Cahul district: the requests of the pupils to be accepted to gymnasium; the requests of parents and pupils for children being accepted into gymnasium; record books on the salaries paid to teachers

  2. Lăpușna District Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    • Camera de comerţ şi industrie a judeţului Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянская уездная палата торговли и промышленности
    • Lapushnianskaya uezdnaya palata torgovli i promyshlennosti

    The lists of traders and industry owners from Bessarabia who had the right to elect the Chamber; the lists of traders and industry owners form Chişinău; same for Orhei; informations about the people invloved in commerce

  3. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Cahul High Commercial School: the requests of the pupils for waiving school fees and the issuing of certificates of education; the requests of parents to accept their children in school and the issuing of certificates of education

  4. Bălți Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Bălţi
    • Бельцкая городская примария
    • Bel'tskaya gorodskaya primariya

    Minutes of the Provisional Council of the City Hall. Lists of factories, workers and owners of printing houses in Bălți. Municipality statement toward the city's population to contribute to get out of the crisis in 1929. The status of Jewish community in Bălți. The personal file of the architect, Etti-Rosa Stfer and the civil servant, Tishler Moishe. Lists of financial agents, owners of bakeries and agricultural land with grape-vine from Bălți.

  5. Bessarabian Directorate of Education and Cults

    • Directoratul învăţămîntului şi cultelor din Basarabia şi instituţiile subordonate lui
    • Бессарабский директориат просвещения и культов
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat prosveshcheniya i kul'tov

    Files of the Cahul boy’s gymnasium “Ion Voievod”: correspondence with Leova private gymnasium “Tarbut” regarding the permission of the pupils to take exams; the requests of pupils from Leova Jewish private school “Tarbut” to be allowed to the exams

  6. Chişinău Regional Administrative General Inspectorate

    • Inspectoratul general administrativ regional Chişinău
    • Кишиневский областной генеральный административный инспекторат
    • Kishinevskiy oblastnoy general'nyy administrativnyy inspektorat

    Correspondence with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania about the Communists working at the Soroca City Hall et al.

  7. Orhei Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Orhei
    • Оргеевская городская примария
    • Orgeyevskaya gorodskaya primariya

    City Hall orders on strengthening the air defense of the city; correspondence about the repair of institutions and enterprises; correspondence about supplying the population with food; list of hospital employees; lists of air defense personnel and brigades; the case of name changing by the Orhei citizens; financial reports of enterprises of the surrounding cities, statistics on the number of population in villages; lists of families mobilized into the Romanian army, etc.

  8. Directorate of the Transnistrian Civil Governor

    • Directoratul Guvernǎmîntului Civil al Transnistriei
    • Главное управление гражданского губернаторства Транснистрия
    • Glavnoye upravleniye grazhdanskogo gubernatorstva Transnistriya

    Orders and resolutions of the civil governor on the registration of Komsomol and Communist activists who remained in the occupied territory in 1941-1943; orders of civil governorship on the inventory of property

  9. Tighina Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Tighina
    • Тигинская городская примария
    • Tiginskaya gorodskaya primariya

    Monograph 'City of Tigina' dated 1939; census of the city’s population by districts and streets; personal files and lists of employees at the city hall, correspondence about mobilization of transport; checking those employees who remained in Bessarabia under the Soviet power; inventory of property transferred to the state from departed persons, etc.

  10. 51st Police Group of the 1st Corps of the Romanian Army

    • Compania de poliţie nr. 51 a Corpului 1 armată
    • 51-я полицейская группа 1-го корпуса румынской армии
    • 51-ya politseiskaya gruppa 1-go korpusa rumynskoi armii

    Orders regarding confiscation of apartments and material warehouses for the German army; list of persons for whom the apartments were confiscated; informational reports on the moral and political mood of the population and the economic situation of the villages; lists of prisoners in the camps

  11. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Soroca Mixed Jewish Progymnasium # 1: personal files of the pupil Rashkovskii Boris

  12. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Pîrlița Mixed Progymnasium from Bălţi district: record book of the certificates issued to the graduates of the school

  13. Bessarabian Directorate of Education and Cults

    • Directoratul învăţămîntului şi cultelor din Basarabia şi instituţiile subordonate lui
    • Бессарабский директориат просвещения и культов
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat prosveshcheniya i kul'tov

    The lists of teachers who remained on the territory of Bessarabia in 1940‐41; the lists of teachers from Bessarabia who worked in 1940‐41

  14. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Soroca Mixed Jewish School “Tarbut”: certificate for finishing the IV grade of the Soroca Mixed Jewish School “Tarbut” by Leiba Grinshpun

  15. Orhei Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Orhei
    • Оргеевская городская примария
    • Orgeyevskaya gorodskaya primariya

    Lists of city residents deprived of Romanian citizenship; lists of owners of industrial enterprises; lists of city residents applied for Romanian citizenship; information about industrial enterprises of nearby cities; correspondence about persons who fled from northern Transylvania and settled in Orhei; acts of verification of the industrial enterprises of the city

  16. Police Headquarters Tighina. Questura

    • Poliţia Tighina. Questura
    • Бессарабский областной инспекторат полиции. Квестура Полиции города Тигина
    • Bessarabskii oblastnoi inspectorat politsii. Kvestura Politsii goroda Tighina

    The fund contains material about the placement of Jews in various ghettos; rules and regulations governing the treatment of Jews; statistical data on the Jews in Tighina County; documents on the Jewish population throughout the province; personal files of people suspected of loyalty to the Soviet state, etc.

  17. Bălți Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Bălţi
    • Бельцкая городская примария
    • Bel'tskaya gorodskaya primariya

    The list residents from Bălți who refused to submit documents to obtain Romanian citizenship between 1924-1937. Lists of Bălți residents and their family members who had Romanian citizenship in 1924. Correspondence with municipal police regarding financial matters. Correspondence with police headquarters from Bălți regarding town's inhabitants.

  18. Orhei Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Orhei
    • Оргеевская городская примария
    • Orgeyevskaya gorodskaya primariya

    Lists of policemen working in Orhei; cases of sugar supply to the Orhei residents; the case of the organization of local air defense; cases of material assistance to those mobilized to the Romanian army, etc.

  19. "Maccabi" sports association, Tighina branch

    • Societatea "Makkabi" din Tighina
    • Тигинская организация "Маккаби"
    • Tiginskaya organizatsiya "Makkabi"

    List of officials of the organization; annual report and charter of the organization; information about the activities of the organization; minutes of meetings of the organization; minutes of general meetings of the organization

  20. Bălți Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Bălţi
    • Бельцкая городская примария
    • Bel'tskaya gorodskaya primariya

    Lists of military personal from Bălți recruited in 1919, 1920, 1921 and 1934. Minutes of the Municipal Council in 1936. Materials on renting kiosk in Bălți by Boruh Kleiman