Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 163
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Hebrew
Language of Description: Romanian
Country: Moldova
  1. State Archival Service of the Republic of Moldova

    • Государственная архивная служба Республики Молдова
    • Gosudarstvennaya arkhivnaya sluzhba Respubliki Moldova

    List of 444 Jews shot in the fall of 1941 and buried in mass graves in the cemetery for the victims of Fascism in Dubăsari. The list was compiled by the initiative group that assisted the reconstruction of the monument to the victims of Fascism in Dubăsari on the basis of archival data obtained at the NARM, data given by the Jewish community of Tiraspol, and data obtained from relatives and friends of those who were killed by the Keller's Fascist punitive squad in September 1941

  2. Executive Committee of the Dubăsari district council of workers' deputies

    • Исполнительный комитет Дубоссарского районного совета депутатов трудящихся
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Dubossarskogo rayonnogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya

    Summarized information about the established atrocities committed over the citizens of the USSR by the fascist German criminals in the Dubossary district of the Moldavian SSR. Information about the number of residents of the Dubossary district of the MSSR who were shot by the German invaders. Extract from the consolidated statement of damage and losses caused by the German fascist invaders and their associates on the collective farms of the Dubossary district of the Moldavian SSR during the occupation period

  3. Executive Committee of the Glinoe (Hlinaia) village council of workers' Deputies in Grigoriopol district

    • Исполнительный комитет Глинянского сельского Совета депутатов трудящихся Григориопольского района
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Glinyanskogo sel'skogo Soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Grigoriopol'skogo rayona

    The register of damage caused by the Fascist invaders to the Glinoe (Hlinaia) village council in 1944

  4. Executive Committee of the Tașlîc village council of workers' Deputies in Grigoriopol district

    • Исполнительный комитет Ташлыкского Сельского совета депутатов трудящихся Григориопольского района МССР
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Tashlykskogo Sel'skogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Grigoriopol'skogo rayona MSSR

    Registration of military cemeteries; lists of soldiers buried in 1944-1945

  5. Executive Committee of the Coroteni village council of workers' deputies in MSSR's Slobozia district

    • Исполнительный комитет Коротянского сельского Совета депутатов трудящихся Слободзейского района МССР
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Korotyanskogo sel'skogo Soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Slobodzeyskogo rayona MSSR

    List of 13 citizens shot by the Nazi occupiers in 1941-1945. List of Nazi invaders. The list was compiled by the village and collective farm commission on the basis of statements and testimonies by the local residents et al.

  6. Executive Committee of Tiraspol city council of people's deputies

    • Исполнительный комитет Тираспольского городского совета народных депутатов
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Tiraspol'skogo gorodskogo soveta narodnykh deputatov

    Decision to create a commission to investigate atrocities and damage caused by the German Fascist invaders to state-owned enterprises and institutions, collective farms and residents of Tiraspol; List of citizens forcibly driven into slavery during the flight of the Germans; the decisions of the executive committee to commemorate more than 1,000 Soviet citizens arrested by the Romanian occupiers for assisting the Red Army Workers' Committee and shot by the Germans in early April 1944 in Kirpichnaya slobodka area; list of repatriated Soviet citizens шт 1949 - POWs taken from from Tiraspol an...

  7. Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova

    • Comitetul central al Partidului Comunist al Moldovei
    • Центральный комитет Коммунистической партии Молдавии
    • Tsentral'nyy komitet Kommunisticheskoy partii Moldavii

    Telegrams and reports on the restoration of the national economy; correspondence about "contamination by alien elements in the Chisinau district"; report on the work of the group of the Union Control Commission for the return of property and equipment from Romania; lists of commissioners and commissions on accounting for the damage caused to the national economy of the Moldavian SSR; materials on the restoration of the national economy in cities liberated from the German-Romanian occupiers; certificates of political parties that existed in the territory of Bessarabia; lists of traitors and ...

  8. Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova

    • Comitetul central al Partidului Comunist al Moldovei
    • Центральный комитет Коммунистической партии Молдавии
    • Tsentral'nyy komitet Kommunisticheskoy partii Moldavii

    Lists of Moldavian partisans nominated for government awards; materials on the verification of the facts of a rude attitude towards evacuees - citizens of Moldova; documents on the work of the Commission for Accounting for Damage to the MSSR; correspondence with the People's Commissariat of State Security of the MSSR; correspondence with various military organizations; information on the results of the German-Romanian occupiers in Chisinau; information about the political moods of the population of the MSSR; materials on the restoration of infrastructure in areas liberated from the German-R...

  9. Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldova

    • Comitetul central al Partidului Comunist al Moldovei
    • Центральный комитет Коммунистической партии Молдавии
    • Tsentral'nyy komitet Kommunisticheskoy partii Moldavii

    General information about the Soviet Moldavian Republic; materials on persons evacuated in 1941; the list of persons evacuated from the Moldavian SSR in 1941; information provided by the authorized Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Moldova and the Council of People's Commissars of the MSSR for the Turkmen SSR on the registration of personnel evacuated to Turkmenistan; lists of evacuated enterprises of the Moldavian SSR; lists of communists evacuated from the Moldavian USSR to the Rostov, Saratov, Stalingrad, Turkmen, Uzbek and Chkalov regions; lists of communists evac...

  10. The Moldovan Regional Committee of the Communist (Bolshevik) Party of Ukraine

    • Comitetul Regional Moldovenesc al Partidului Comunist (bolşevic) al Ucrainei
    • Молдавский обком Коммунистической партии (большевиков) Украины
    • Moldavskiy obkom Kommunisticheskoy partii (bol'shevikov) Ukrainy

    Reports on provocative flights of the Romanian aircraft over the territory of the MASSR; memoranda on the defense of the border and the fight against border intruders; correspondence on the scope of the OZET (Land Management Society for Jewish Workers) voluntary society, lists of the department of culture and propaganda of Leninism

  11. Ananiev district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Ananiev – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Примарии Ананьевского уезда
    • Primarii Anan'yevskogo uyezda

    Files of the town hall of Chernovo village in Chernovsky district in Ananiev county (lists of persons who extradited Soviet citizens to the Romanian authorities; information about the policemen related to the town hall; information about tax collection from the residents) et al.

  12. Supreme Court of the Moldavian ASSR

    • Curtea Supremă a Republicii Socialiste Sovietice Autonome Moldovenești
    • Верховный суд Молдавской АССР
    • Verkhovnyy sud Moldavskoy ASSR

    Files of the General Department (orders and instructions of the People’s Commissariat of Justice in 1941, orders of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the MSSR on dismissal of complaints); files of the Accounting Department (lists of employees, personal files of lawyers and employees); files of the Criminal and Judicial Collegium (cases on various charges, including a case on charging S. Schechtman with embezzlement of socialist property, a case on chargig M. Weisserfirer and B. Milman for negligence official duties, the case of charging M. Bronshtein with embezzlement of public money, th...

  13. Supreme Court of the Moldavian ASSR

    • Curtea Supremă a Republicii Socialiste Sovietice Autonome Moldovenești
    • Верховный суд Молдавской АССР
    • Verkhovnyy sud Moldavskoy ASSR

    Files of the General Department (orders and instructions of the USSR people's commissar of justice, personnel files); files of the the Criminal and Judicial Board (including the decision of the chairman of the Supreme Court of the MASSR on review cases, including the case of I. Gershenzon and E. Braverman on charges of embezzling cooperative valuables and money); files of the Criminal-Judicial Cassation Collegium (including the case of the cassation appeal of Groisman against the decision of the people's court of the Rybnitsa district on charging him of speculation; the same for G. Rabinovi...

  14. Police Headquarters Chișinău. Questura. Passport Office files

    • Poliția Chișinău. Questura. Direcţia de Paşapoarte
    • Кишиневская квестура полиции. Дела паспортного стола
    • Kishinevskaya kvestura politsii. Dela pasportnogo stola

    Passport Office files for individuals residing in Chișinău. Personal files of more than 500 individuals (some listed with their families) of Jewish origin. For example, Abramovich Khaim with his wife, Averbukh Blyuma, Aybinder Bentsion with his family, Basboym Peysakh with his family, Berber Meyer with his wife, Blinder Nakhman with his family, Vaysman Pinkhus, Vertgeyn Meyer, Vizental' Gersh with his family, Gelershteyn Yankel'-Moisey, Gel'man Gitlya, Gil'dengershel Moisey, Dekhter Shulim, Dorf Khana, Zaydman Iosif with his family, Itsik Mirel', Itskovich Khaya, Katsef Abram, Kel'bert Yeli...

  15. Regional Inspectorate of Security in Bessarabia

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Siguranță din Basarabia
    • Бессарабский областной инспекториат полиции
    • Bessarabskiy oblastnoy inspektoriat politsii

    Intelligence materials on the external surveillance of the Soviet diplomatic mission in Romania; historical overview of the legionary and iron guard movement in Romania (1940-1941); information reports of the 3rd Romanian army on the moral condition and political sentiment of the army personnel and the population (1940-1942); information about the Soviet prisoners of war to be interned in the camp (lists of people, 1941); lists of Romanian citizens who served in the German army (1943); lists of informants of the secret information service of Romania etc.

  16. Ananiev district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Ananiev – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Примарии Ананьевского уезда
    • Primarii Anan'yevskogo uyezda

    Order of the primaria on the fulfillment of duties by the residents of the Ananiev district; list of policemen at Ananyevka village; lists of residents in Ananievka village et al.

  17. Verification-filtration point (camp) of the NKVD MSSR

    • Проверочно-фильтрационный пункт НКВД МССР
    • Proverochno-fil'tratsionnyy punkt NKVD MSSR

    Orders of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, circulars and instructions of the main quartermaster of the USSR Armed Forces and quartermaster of the Odessa military district on administrative issues for 1943-1946; documents on the issuance of travel allowance to repatriates sent from the Chișinău VFP to the place of residence for December 1944 and 1945; front-line notes on the presence and movement of the contingent in the Chisinau VFP and its branch for 1945-1946 (on the back of each note there is data on citizens of the USSR who were forcibly taken to Germany and other...

  18. Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate. Tighina Police Station. Questura

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Poliție al Basarabiei. Poliţia Tighina. Questura
    • Бессарабский областной инспекторат полиции. Квестура полиции города Тигина
    • Bessarabskii oblastnoi inspectorat politsii. Kvestura politsii goroda Tighina

    Reports of police agents about the activities of individuals, including those of Jewish origin, suspected of communist activities; correspondence with the Bessarabian police inspectorate on the search for persons suspected of anti-Romanian activities; сorrespondence with the Chisinau brigade of Siguranta about people illegally crossing the border from the USSR to Romania; personal files of small business owners; files on of issuing permission to open small businesses; small business closure cases; issuance of certificates of trustworthiness, of biographical nature, and other to residents of...

  19. Directorate of Internal Affairs of Bessarabia

    • Directoratul afacerilor interne ai Basarabiei
    • Директорат внутренних дел Бессарабии
    • Direktorat vnutrennikh del Bessarabii

    Files on the issuing the permit to the resident of Marculesti, Ioffe Mendel, to open a cinema theater. Correspondence with the police prefectures regarding people deported for their anti‐Romanian propaganda. Identity cards of the agents of Siguranta [secret police] from Chisinau. The requests for being accepted to work for Siguranta. Information about publishing houses from Chisinau and their owners. Information about the teachers from Soroca district. Information about the functionaries of prefectures and subprefectures of Bessarabia. The lists of teachers from Soroca girls’ and boys’ tech...

  20. Chişinău City Executive Committee of Council of People's Deputies

    • Comitetul executiv orasanesc din Chişinău ale sovietelor de deputati ai oamenilor muncii din RSSM
    • Исполнительный комитет кишиневского городского совета депутатов трудящихся
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet kishinevskogo gorodskogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya

    Correspondence about the consequences of the occupation of the city of Chisinau during WWII (1944-1945); correspondence with the Council of Ministers of the MSSR and the Commissioner for Religious Affairs on the opening of prayer houses for believers (1945-1948), etc.