Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 37
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Hebrew
Language of Description: Romanian
Country: Italy
  1. Rapporto generale della commissione per la ricostruzione delle vicende che hanno caratterizzato in Italia le attività di acquisizione dei beni dei cittadini ebrei da parte di organismi pubblici e privati

    • Anselmi Commission on Jewish Properties - General Report
    • Rapporto Generale della Commissione Anselmi sui Beni Ebraici
    • General report by the commission aiming to study the acquisition of Jewish citizens' goods by private and public bodies in Italy

    The general report, available both in Italian and in English, traces spoliation, confiscation, depredation liquidation and post-war restitution of Jewish citizens' properties. The cooperation by several banks and the Banca d'Italia is described.

  2. Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale di Mantova e Provincia

    • Mantua and District Area National Liberation Committee

    This fonds contains acts of the Committee created after the liberation of Italy from Nazi-fascism, on July 25th, 1945. The Mantua Committee had previously worked secretly, since July, 1944. The National Liberation Committee watched over public order, waiting for democratic election. Local committees depended on District Committee, which in turn was subordinated to the Regional one. In the fonds there are also pictures testifying atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis against Italian soldiers, in September 1943.

  3. Confederazione Nazionale Sindacati fascisti Professionisti ed Artisti Comitato Provinciale di Mantova

    • Unione Provinciale Professionisti e Artisti (UPPA)
    • Mantua District Union of Professional people and Artists (National Confederation of Fascist Syndicates)

    During the fascist period, trade-unions freedom had been abolished: only corporative syndicates (protecting a specific workers’ category) were allowed to operate (law n° 563, issued in 1926). This kind of syndicates were legally responsible for all the workers, even though they were not formally enrolled in. Italian government could watch over syndicates’ leaders, and also remove them. This fonds contains acts of the Mantua District Union of Professional people and Artists, that was part of the National Confederation of Fascist Syndicates.

  4. Corte straordinaria d'assise. Sezione di Mantova

    • Extraordinary Court of Assizes. Mantua Section

    This fonds contains the acts of the Extraordinary Court of Assizes, established in April, 1945 in Mantua (as in all the chief towns of Italy) in order to judge collaborationist crimes committed between September 8th, 1943 and April 25th, 1945.

  5. Direzione didattica I circolo di Mantova

    • Educational Direction of the First Circle of Mantua Schools

    This fonds contains documents of the schools of Mantua that are part of the first Educational Circle: personal files of the teachers, personal files of the school workers, school registers, school reports and the like. This fonds is very useful for the reconstruction of the career of Jewish students or teachers before and after anti-Semitic laws (1938).

  6. Prefettura

    • Prefecture

    Holocaust-relevant information about the concentration camps PG70 in Monte Urano and PG59 in Servigliano is arranged inside the fonds "Prefettura" in four series: 1. Campo di concentramento dei prigionieri di guerra; 2. Campo di concentramento dei prigionieri di guerra. Impianto stabilimento industriale. 3. Corrispondenza su campo di concentramento; 4. Corrispondenza su campo di concentramento.

  7. Repubblica Sociale Italiana

    • Italian Social Republic

    The fonds contains records created by the Ministry of Military Forces, the Army General Staff, the Supreme Military Court of Justice of the Italian Social Republic. Several files concern internment camps in Italy and in Germany, repatriation of war prisoners, dead prisoners.

  8. Provveditorato agli studi di Mantova

    • Mantua Education Offices

    This fonds contains acts of the Mantua Education Offices: registers of the students and teachers from Mantua and its province, reports of the visits to schools, community libraries, kindergartens, private institutions and communications with municipalities.

  9. Carcere giudiziario di Mantova

    • Mantua Judicial Prison

    This fonds contains registers of the Mantua Judicial Prison.

  10. Prefettura di Napoli, Gabinetto, secondo versamento

    • Naples Police Headquarters, Cabinet, Second Accrual

    Records are related to Jewish refugees, discrimination as a result of racial laws, census of Jews (1938-1943), mixed marriages and marriages to foreigners, and personal files of Jews from the Police Headquarters in Naples. It also contains records about the National Liberation Committee of Naples (Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale di Napoli); 2. Headquarter of Naples, Cabinet, cat. A4a, Jewish Citizens (Questura di Napoli, Gabinetto, cat. A4a, Cittadini di razza ebraica); Naples Police Headquarters, Cabinet, Grand Provisions (Questura di Napoli, Gabinetto, Disposizioni di massima).

  11. Prefettura di Mantova

    • Mantua Prefecture

    The fonds contains documents of the Mantua Prefecture, deposited in the Mantua State Archive in different moments. It also keeps documents from other corporate bodies, such as "Imperial regia delegazione provinciale", "Congregazione municipale" and "Regio commissariato".

  12. Questura di Mantova

    • Mantua police-headquarters

    This fonds contains mainly personal files of anybody that was considered a “subversive person” by the Italian Government since the end of the XIX century: first of all, republicans, anarchists, socialists; then, anti-fascist in general and, after World War II, fascists and anarchists.

  13. Attività dell'Unione delle Comunità Israelitiche Italiane fino al 1933

    • Activities of Union of Italian Jewish Communities untill 1933
    • AUCII fino al 1933

    The above mentioned series are important since they can document the situation in Europe, the flee of Refugees, the necessity to recover them; beside that, the series "Demografia e Statistica; anagrafe" can be important to know the situation before the census of Jewish population, of immigrant population, and the total amount of italian and foreign Jews before the 1938 racial laws

  14. Fondo Aucii dal 1948 (Attività dell'Unione delle Comunità Israelitiche Italiane dal 1948)

    • Attività dell'Unione delle Comunità Israelitiche Italiane dal 1948

    Some files, found in the previous collection of Fondo Aucii dal 1934, were inserted in this Fund, for chronological or content reasons. The Registers contain minutes of Council, junta; payment accounts, heredities, Italian Rabbinical College.

  15. Fondo Aucii dal 1934 (Attività dell'Unione delle Comunità Israelitiche Italiane dal 1934)

    • Activities of Union of Italian Jewish Communities since 1934

    Very important are the Delasem papers, an organization for the assistance to the refugees; other subjects the documents related to the persecution of italian Jews in the Fascist Era; Racial Laws; Israel; Censuses on population and heritage possessed by Jews.

  16. Prefettura di Trieste

    • Trieste Prefecture

    This collection contains documents on Italy’s fascist racial laws and their implementation in the city and region of Trieste; a registry of Jews in 1938; lists of Jews deported from Trieste and Adriatic region; and lists of Jewish refugees to Palestine. Documents mention the Risiera di San Sabba transit camp, part of Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland (OZAK), a German-occupied enclave on the Adriatic coast. The records also concern Jewish communities in the coastal provinces of Fiume, Gorizia, Pola, Trieste, and Zara. The records are from two series: the Gabinetto series, on the registr...

  17. Corte di Appello di Trieste

    • Triest Court of Appeals

    Contains various records concerning the legal discrimination against and expulsion of Jews from various professions in Trieste and the Adriatic coast during the war. It also contains postwar court records concerning the restitution of expropriated Jewish property.

  18. Jewish Community of Rome, Management and Accountancy, Correspondence

    It contains the correspondence created by the administration of the Jewish Community of Rome.

  19. Documenti sulla persecuzione degli ebrei in Italia

  20. RSI, Segreteria particolare del ministro Paolo Zerbino