Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,141 to 1,160 of 1,669
Country: Israel
  1. Documentation of the Council and the Municipal Executive committee in Lyakhovichi, 1944-1977

    Documentation of the Council and the Municipal Executive committee in Lyakhovichi, 1944-1977 Included in the collection is the decision of the Executive committee in Lyakhovichi municipality, regarding the treatment of the Jewish cemetery, 1967.

  2. Documentation of the handicrafts schools directorate of the department of schools, of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1926-1940

    Documentation of the handicrafts schools directorate of the department of schools, of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1926-1940 Included in the collection is correspondence with the handicrafts school in Riga and correspondence with the association for Jewish education; correspondence with the handicrafts school in Liepaja regarding the educational process, the budget, the practical work during the summer and the appointment of new teachers; correspondence with the "Bikur Cholim" hospital school for nurses.

  3. TR.17.OBUiADwSz - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Szczecin, Poland, 1964-1981

    TR.17.OBUiADwSz - Documentation from the Branch Office for Preservation and Dissemination of IPN Archival Records in Szczecin, Poland, 1964-1981 Included in the collection are information pamphlets of the State Museum of Auschwitz Camp, 1976-1981; list of places of Nazi criminals in Police; documentation regarding Nazi criminals suspected of the murder of inmates in the Police labor camp (a sub-camp of the Stutthof concentration camp); list of labor camps in the area of the Szczecin region; documentation regarding German camps in Poland during 1939-1945, including documentation regarding gh...

  4. Documentation of municipal government in Tallinn, 1846 - 2001

  5. P.75 - Rachel Minc collection

    P.75 - Rachel Minc collection Rachel Minc (born in Lodz, Poland, in 1899 and died in 1978) is a Polish-born French Jewish educator and writer who worked for the rescue of Jewish children during the Second World War. She studied educational psychology and pedagogy in Berlin, and then in the Scandinavian countries, where she met the anti-fascist pedagogue Minna Specht, founder, with Leonard Nelson, of the German resistance movement to Nazism, the Internationaler Sozialistischer Kampfbund (ISK). This movement was banned by the Nazis in 1933 and after the war allied with the German Social Democ...

  6. O.78 - Prof. Irene Eber Collection about the fate of Jews in China: Documentation regarding the fate of the Jews in China during the World War II period

    O.78 - Prof. Irene Eber Collection about the fate of Jews in China: Documentation regarding the fate of the Jews in China during the World War II period

  7. Documentation of the Landratsamt (District authority) of the Wittgenstein district in Berleburg, Westphalia

    Documentation of the Landratsamt (District authority) of the Wittgenstein district in Berleburg, Westphalia

  8. Documentation of the administration of the Bershad district, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the administration of the Bershad district, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Receipts for payment to Jews who arrived from the Jewish Committee of Romania; - Follow-up reports following disease among Bershad district residents.

  9. M.52.TGIAUKB - Documentation from the Library of the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kiev

    M.52.TGIAUKB - Documentation from the Library of the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kiev This subsection contains documentation from the occupation regime, for example: orders from the Kamenets-Podolski municipality and Feldkommаndаtur (field command) to the Jews of Kamenets-Podolski, the District and the Region regarding the wearing of the yellow badge; order issued by the Mayor of Odessa regarding the real estate and property that had previously belonged to the Jews.

  10. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kvutzat Yavne

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kvutzat Yavne Testimonies/experiences: 1. Chana Asher; 2. Yaakov Gadish; 3. Yosef Gottlieb; 4. Sara Donenfeld; 5. Ruchama Chayut; 6. Sara Tessler - "Leyaldei" ["To my children"]; 7. Yitzhak Kaphan Sarid, "From Kaphan to Sarid: Grandfather's stories - these lines were written in their memory ... and on your behalf", Kvutzat Yavne, 1992; Essay (in Hungarian), from the estate of Israel Kattan (handwritten, photocopy).

  11. TR.10 - Indictments, verdicts and investigatory reports from the trials of Nazi criminals, Germany

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 4019677
    • English, Hebrew
    • Indictment Investigation report Legal documentation List of perpetrators Maps Names of perpetrators Official documentation Photograph Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors Sentence Survey report

    TR.10 - Indictments, verdicts and investigatory reports from the trials of Nazi criminals, Germany The Record Group contains extensive legal documentation prepared during criminal investigations and trials conducted against Nazi criminals in West Germany and East Germany. The documentation is mainly from two sources: 1. The Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizwaltungen (Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes) in Ludwigsburg, West Germany: The basic investigatory materials that were transferred afterwards to the local States Attorne...

  12. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ma'ayan Tzvi

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ma'ayan Tzvi Interviews/ testimonies: 1. "Hagarin HaAngli" ("The English settlement group") (Beno Nussbaum, Vered Grad, Dolfi Eilat, Alfredo Zeron, Walter Braun, Avi Haber); 2. "Hakvutza HaTurkit" ("The Turkish group") (Yaffa Kaufman, Dvora Carmeli, Avi Ashkenazi, Yehudit Kenias); 3. Walter Braun; 4. Rita Even; 5. Edith Avraham; 6. Peter Adorian; 7. Yehudit Engers; 8. Yehoshua Artheno; 9. Micha Bachan; 10. Bernard Bik; 11. Miriam Bik; 12. Ze...

  13. Documentation handed over to the Osoby Archive in Moscow from the Pushkin State Museum in Moscow regarding the confiscation of books and art

    Documentation handed over to the Osoby Archive in Moscow from the Pushkin State Museum in Moscow regarding the confiscation of books and art

  14. Collection of the Comité voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen - Committee for Jewish Refugees, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1933-1939

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 6257542
    • English, Hebrew
    • Committee requests Curriculum Vitae (CV) Document Letter List of names in relief agency records List of refugees Official documentation Reports Statistics Testimony

    Collection of the Comité voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen - Committee for Jewish Refugees, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1933-1939 Comité voor Joodsche Vluchtelingen - the Committee for Jewish Refugees in the Netherlands was established in Amsterdam in 1933; the function of the committee was the coordination of relief activities for Jewish refugees who arrived from Germany; the committee was active in the context of the umbrella-organization, Comité voor Bijzondere Joodsche Belangen - CBJB, the Committee for Special Jewish Affairs established by Professor Dr. D. Cohen, A. Asscher and others; th...

  15. Documentation of the Verband der juedischen Kaufleute und Gewerbetreibende (Association of Jewish Merchants and Tradespeople) in Vienna from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1928-1935

    Documentation of the Verband der juedischen Kaufleute und Gewerbetreibende (Association of Jewish Merchants and Tradespeople) in Vienna from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1928-1935 In the collection there is mainly Verband correspondence and circulars from 1928-1935, including internal Verband correspondence with its members (and candidates for membership), along with much information regarding the possibilities for commercial connections abroad, and correspondence with outside bodies on various matters, such as guidelines to the Verband members on various businesses, correspondence with gov...

  16. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in Lutsk, 1944-1946

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in Lutsk, 1944-1946 Included in the collection is a summary by the Prosecutor regarding the murder of the Jews of Lyuboml and a survey [report] regarding the murder of the Jews of Podgaytsy; documentation regarding the number of civilians and POWS murdered in the region; documentation regarding the fate of the Jews of the Wolyn region including documents, survey reports, lists of people who perished, and announcements.

  17. Documentation of the University of Tartu, 1918 - 1944

  18. Documentation of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture from 1938-1944, regarding the confiscation of Jewish owned land in various villages and towns in Hungary

    Documentation of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture from 1939-1944, regarding the confiscation of Jewish owned land in various villages and towns in Hungary The files in this collection were created in the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture from 1938-1944. The original documents are now located in the Magyar Országos Levéltár (Hungarian National Archives) where they were copied for Yad Vashem. The Ministry of Agriculture files are arranged according to the towns in Hungary and include the official documents which were accumulated as a result of the promulgation of the laws against the Jew...

  19. Documentation from the concentration camps and the POW camps in Germany from the OSOBY Archive in Moscow, 1938-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10633850
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1938-1944
    • Administrative documentation Financial accounts List of Nazi war criminals List of POWs Map Names of perpetrators Official documentation Order Personal documents Statistical data

    Documentation from concentration camps and POW camps in Germany from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1938-1944 The collection contains files regarding personnel matters, among them reports concerning transfers of staff members (including members of the Totenkopf units), promotion and the awarding of medals, and personal files of staff members; guidelines for Inspektion der Konzentrationslager (the supervision of the concentration camps) and guidelines issued by the Reichsfuehrer SS concerning administration of the concentration camps and the handling of the inmates, including matters pertainin...

  20. Documentation of the Zdolbunow municipality, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the Zdolbunow municipality, 1941-1943 Included in the collection are lists of residents, homeowners, skilled professionals, owners of herds, clinic workers and others, including Jews.