Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 441 to 460 of 1,669
Country: Israel
  1. Documentation of the tax authority in Romny, 1930s and 1940s

    Documentation of the tax authority in Romny, 1930s and 1940s

  2. Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Korosten, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Korosten, 1942-1943 Included in the collection are instructions regarding the Police of the city of Korosten, the struggle against the partisans, and the work of the Ukrainian policemen.

  3. Documentation of the attorney's office affiliated with the regional German Court of Law in Lodz, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the attorney's office affiliated with the regional German Court of Law in Lodz, 1941-1942 Included in the collection is personal documentation of Jews who committed suicide in the Lodz Ghetto during 1941-1942.

  4. Documentation of the Nowogrodek Communist Party Municipal Committee, 1939-1941

    Documentation of the Nowogrodek Communist Party Municipal Committee, 1939-1941

  5. P.67 - Personal documentation collection of the Bodenheimer family from Darmstadt

    P.67 - Personal documentation collection of the Bodenheimer family from Darmstadt Collection of letters, documents and official certificates collected by members of the Bodenheimer family who lived in Darmstadt. In the collection there are letters to and from the family members, official documents and personal certificates gathered over the years. The collection was brought to Eretz Israel in 1938 by Max and Louisa Bodenheimer, and submitted to Yad Vashem by their grandson Aryeh Bodenheimer.

  6. Files of Jewish Rechtskonsulenten (Legal Advisors) offices in Hamburg

    Files of Jewish Rechtskonsulenten (Legal Advisors) offices in Hamburg Following the events of Kristallnacht, activities by Jewish lawyers were forbidden in Germany. The Nazis permitted a limited number of Jewish lawyers to continue to be active as Rechtskonsulenten (Legal Advisors), but only for Jewish clients, and without permission to appear before a Court of Law (a Jew who was required to appear in a Court of Law was forced to search for an Aryan lawyer to represent him). In the Collection are files of six Jewish legal advisors offices that were active in Hamburg: - Walter Schuler (JM/12...

  7. Documentation of the regional Clothing and Leather Industry Association in Mogilev, 1945

    Documentation of the regional Clothing and Leather Industry Association in Mogilev, 1945 Included in the collection are regulations regarding activities and manpower, information regarding the payment of salaries to workers, and lists of workers.

  8. Files of Jews in the Muenchen Police

  9. Collection of J. G. Van Niftrik, an activist in the Netherlands and Switzerland in the transfer of intelligence and the smuggle of underground people and Jews from the Netherlands to England during 1942-1945

    Collection of J. G. Van Niftrik, an activist in the Netherlands and Switzerland in the transfer of intelligence and the smuggle of underground people and Jews from the Netherlands to England during 1942-1945 Van Niftrik was an activist in the Dutch underground who was forced to escape from the Germans; he arrived to Switzerland and established the Zwitserse Weg B, for the purpose of smuggling people in the underground to England and other destinations, and he helped Jews who escaped from the Netherlands to arrive to shelter in other countries; upon his return to the Netherlands after the wa...

  10. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ga'aton

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ga'aton Yizkor Book: "Before we forget", Kibbutz Ga'aton Archive, 1985 - Testimonies/ excerpts of interviews/ memoirs/ excerpts of diaries of: Gita (Schwartz) Avzon; Yehudit (Shisha) Arnon; Yedidya Ehrenfeld Arnon; Shoshana (Shumlo) Beer; Menachem Bar Beer; Dvora (Krauss) Beeri; Yosef Bloch Beeri; Sara (Moshkovitz) Blau; David Blau; Chava (Auslander) Ben-Porath; Yosef Shenberger Ben-Porath; Rachel (Grinvald-Goldberger) Gadish; Arieh Grinvald...

  11. Documentation of the authorities in the Kolomyja district, 1920-1939

    Documentation of the authorities in the Kolomyja district, 1920-1939

  12. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Regavim

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Regavim Experiences: 1. Erna Weintraub; 2. Israel Weintraub; 3. Daniel Zilberman; 4. Eliezer Finkelstein; 5. Lilian Lea (Schwartzman) Rohatin.

  13. Documentation of the Senatskommssion fuer die Kunstpflege (Senate Committee for the Cultivation of the Arts) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Senatskommssion fuer die Kunstpflege (Senate Committee for the Cultivation of the Arts) in Hamburg

  14. M. 33- The ChGK Collection: Documentation collected by the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union, 1943-1945

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 4019619
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1943-1945
    • Diary Exhumation report Investigation report List of collaborators List of Jewish residents List of murdered persons List of perpetrators Maps Memoirs Names of perpetrators Newspaper clippings Official documentation Questionnaire Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Statistical report Survey report

    M. 33- The ChGK Collection: Documentation collected by the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union, 1943-1945 The State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes (ChGK) was established in the Soviet Union in 1942. Its representatives operated in places that had been occupied by the Nazis a short time after their liberation, and the reports prepared by the Commission regarding the places it investigated describe the Nazi crimes in detail. The ChGK (in Yad Vashem terminology: “the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigat...

  15. Personal files of Jewish refugees in Switzerland, 1939-1956

    Personal files of Jewish refugees in Switzerland, 1939-1956

  16. Documentation from the Gestapo Staatspolizeistelle Saarbruecken, 1937-1944

    Documentation from the Gestapo Staatspolizeistelle Saarbruecken, 1937-1944 In the documentation that was copied for Yad Vashem, there are files that deal with supervision over the clergy; training of candidates for the position of supervisor; examination [inspection] of members of the Foreign Legion in Metz, on suspicion of spying; foreign workers; people who are in need of special police protection; The documentation was copied for Yad Vashem in 2012.

  17. Files in the Munich Gestapo regarding Jews

    Files in the Munich Gestapo regarding Jews Included in the Collection, among other material, is a file with lists of emigres whose citizenship was revoked, and a file with decrees.

  18. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein Harod (Ihud)

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein Harod (Ihud) Excerpt from the text: "Testimonies of Holocaust survivors (regarding the decrees of 5702/1942)".

  19. Documentation from the Wedding Magistrates Court in Berlin

    Documentation from the Wedding Magistrates Court in Berlin Files of individual Jews, regarding mainly wills and listings in the Land Registration Book (Grundbuch).

  20. Documentation regarding the fate of Jewish refugees in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, 1933-1945

    Documentation regarding the fate of Jewish refugees in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, 1933-1945 - Files of Jewish refugees; - Police documentation.