Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,081 to 1,100 of 1,670
Language of Description: English
Country: Israel
  1. M.84 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from Archives in Serbia

    M.84 - Documantation regarding the Holocaust from Archives in Serbia The Record Group was created following the division of the former Yugoslavian Record Group - M.70. In the Record Group there is archival documentation photocopied from the Central Archive of Serbia, the Military Archive, and the Foreign Ministry Archive. Included in the Record Group: - Documentation of the Yugoslavian Government-in-Exile including the Foreign Ministry, from the World War II period and afterwards; - Documentation regarding rescue activities of Jews in the areas of Yugoslavia during the war period; - Investi...

  2. Census of the Jews of Budapest, 1941

    Census of the Jews of Budapest, 1941 The historical background to the Hungarian census: In January-February 1941 a national population census was conducted in Hungary in accordance with Law No. 30, "The 1941 Census", enacted in 1940. By law a census should be conducted in every city and town throughout Hungary in the apartments of the residents or their houses. The Budapest Székesfőváros Statisztikai Hivatala (Budapest Metropolitan Statistical Office) organized the census in Budapest in accordance with the law. For this purpose, the Statistical Office prepared a special questionnaire includ...

  3. Documentation from the Oberstes Parteigericht der NSDAP (Supreme Court of Law of the Nazi Party), Germany

    Documentation from the Oberstes Parteigericht der NSDAP (Supreme Court of Law of the Nazi Party), Germany Included in the collection are verdicts given by the Supreme Court of Law of the Nazi Party and correspondence regarding lawsuits submitted to the Court in which Party members were accused of various charges; File NS36/13 (pp. 140-190 in the scan) includes accusations against Party members, mainly SA men, for crimes they committed in various places in Germany during the Kristallnacht riots, including murder, rape and the theft of Jewish property.

  4. Documentation of the Deutscher Gemeindetag (German Municipal Associations), 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Deutscher Gemeindetag (German Municipal Associations), 1933-1945 Documentation of the Deutscher Gemeindetag (German Municipal Associations), an association imposed on the local German municipalities and authorities established by the Nazis in December 1933. The files contain documents that relate primarily to the implementation of Nazi policies towards Jews, among others, on the municipal level.

  5. Documentation from the Disziplinarkammer (Office for Disciplinary Matters) in Berlin, 1934-1960

    Documentation from the Disziplinarkammer (Office for Disciplinary Matters) in Berlin, 1934-1960 There are over 900 files in the Record Group in the original archive, many of them from the pre-Nazi period. 76 files from the Nazi period were photocopied for Yad Vashem, most of them dating from 1938-1943. In these files there is documentation of cases in which workers were accused of forbidden or inappropriate relations with Jews, including living with Jews, buying from Jewish businesses or general Judenfrundlichkeit (friendly attitude towards Jews); an accusation considered to be serious unde...

  6. Documentation of the rural administration in Stetseva, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the rural administration in Stetseva, 1941-1943 Included in the collection are lists of Jewish residents, instructions regarding the confiscation of Jewish property, and statistical reports regarding the local population.

  7. - Documentation regarding the Jews of Slovakia, mainly during the Holocaust period - Documentation regarding the Jews of Slovakia, mainly during the Holocaust period In the Sub-Record Group there is documentation regarding the Sixth Slovak Brigade of labor battalions in the Slovakian Army and articles concerning the Jews of Slovakia during the Holocaust period, documentation about the Jewish communities in Slovakia, labor camps in Slovakia, confiscation of property, partisan activities, emigration, lists and personal documentation.

  8. Documentation of the District administration in Braslaw, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the District administration in Braslaw, 1941-1944 The Collection includes lists of Jewish porfessionals; lists of Jewish residents; lists of Jewish forced laborers; instructions by the District Commissioner (Gebietskommissar) regarding Jews including the obligation of Jews in mixed marriages to report the nationality of their relatives; fines handed the Jews by the District administration.

  9. R.5 - Card catalog of German emigrants expatriated by the Nazis (Ausbürgerungskartei)

    R.5 - The German emigrants card catalog expatriated by the Nazis (Ausbürgerungskartei) The Nazi regime in Germany revoked the citizenship of German citizens who emigrated from Germany, and criticized the regime. Revocation of citizenship also meant confiscation of property, an action which turned many of the emigrants (who had escaped from Germany without managing to sell their property) into people with nothing at all. The lists of those whose citizenship had been revoked were published in the "Deutscher Reichsanzeiger", the official State publication. The first list was published on 25 Au...

  10. O.96 - Testimonies of Holocaust survivors, the Jewish Agency for Israel, 2006

    O.96: Testimonies of Holocaust survivors, the Jewish Agency for Israel, 2006 In the collection there are short testimonies taken from Holocaust survivors living in Amigur housing (housing provided by the Jewish Agency) as part of the Amigur "Book of Life" Project. In their testimonies, the survivors who lived in areas belonging to the former Soviet Union describe their experiences from the time of the Holocaust and afterwards.

  11. Collection of W. Drees, a Social Democratic politician in the Netherlands, including documents from 1933-1945

    Collection of W. Drees, a Social Democratic politician in the Netherlands, including documents from 1933-1945 W. Drees was born in 1886; he was a member of the Dutch Parliament on behalf of the Social Democratic Workers' Party - SDAP during 1933-1940; he was a hostage in Sint Michielsgestel and Buchenwald camps during 1940-1941; he stood as the head of the Dutch resistance organizations, het Vaderlandsch Comité and Contactcommissie der Illegaliteit, during the occupation period and was a secret member of the College van Vertrouwensmannen organization; he was appointed as the Minister of Wel...

  12. Personal files of workers at the "Charite" University Hospital in Berlin

    Personal files of workers at the "Charite" University Hospital in Berlin The files are arranged in alphabetic order, and relate to the medical staff as well the administrative personnel. Most of the files deal with the period before the Nazi rise to power.

  13. Documentation of the regional collective association of the invalids in Mogilev, 1945

    Documentation of the regional collective association of the invalids in Mogilev, 1945 Included in the collection are personal files of Jewish officials in arteli (labor groups).

  14. Documentation of the Romanian government in the Bukovina region, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Romanian government in the Bukovina region, 1941-1944 The Bukovina region was a territorial-administrative unit of the Romanian occupation authorities during the period of World War II. The region was created in the territory of the Chernovtsy region in 1941. The region was occupied by the Red Army as part of the Yassko-Kishiniovskaya operatsiya (Yassko-Kishiniovskaya Campaign) in late August 1944. Included in the collection, among other documentation: - Correspondence by the Romanian Army general headquarters, regarding the decisions of the National Center for Romaniza...

  15. Collection of the Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor's-Gravenhage (Bureau of Commerce and Industry) in The Hague, the Netherlands, 1941

    Collection of the Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor's-Gravenhage (Bureau of Commerce and Industry) in The Hague, the Netherlands, 1941 Included in the collection: Official documentation of the Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor's-Gravenhage (Bureau of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands) in 1941, regarding the registration of Jewish-owned land.

  16. Documentation of the regional operational committee in Drogobych, 1944-1945

    Documentation of the regional operational committee in Drogobych, 1944-1945 Included in the collection are declarations by residents of the Drogobych region regarding the damage caused to them during the German occupation period.

  17. Documentation from the archives of the Jewish community in Geneva, Switzerland, regarding the activities of the Jewish Community Welfare Office on behalf of the Jewish refugees in Geneva

    Documentation from the archives of the Jewish community in Geneva, Switzerland, regarding the activities of the Jewish Community Welfare Office on behalf of the Jewish refugees in Geneva - Correspondence regarding the Jewish refugees, 1944-1950; - Accounting from the years, 1930-1971.

  18. Card index of requests to issue identity cards for Jews in the Radom Ghetto from 1941

    Card index of requests to issue identity cards for Jews in the Radom Ghetto from 1941

  19. Documentation of the (Heeresgruppe Mitte) Central Armia Group, in Belorussia, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the (Heeresgruppe Mitte) Central Armia Group, in Belorussia, 1941-1944 The Collection contains instructions of the German Army Headquarters regarding the fight against partisan units, reports regarding the situation of the Einsatzgruppen B and their activity, reports regarding the propaganda among the local population and reports of German Army units regarding the activity of the partisans.

  20. M.29: Documentation from the Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archives) regarding the Holocaust

    M.29: Documentation from the Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archives) regarding the Holocaust History of the Archives Known as the Reichsarchive, the Central State Archive was first established in Potsdam, Germany in 1919. Documentation of the German state institutions beginning with the establishment of the Norddeutscher Bund (The North German Confederation) in 1867, were gathered in the archive, as well as historical documentation from the German Empire and Prussia dating back to the Middle Ages. After World War II, the archive in Potsdam, which was located in the Soviet Occupation Zone, wa...