Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,581 to 1,600 of 1,670
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Lithuanian
Language of Description: Polish
Country: Israel
  1. Documentation from trials conducted against war criminals that were held in Austria after the war

    The main body of the Record Group consists of verdicts and short items regarding trials conducted in the People's Courts after the war. Additionally, in the Record Group there is much documentation from the trial of Ernst Lerch and others, commanders of the SS-und Polizeifuehrer (SSPF -SS and police commanders) in Lublin including important information regarding the mass murder of the European Jews in the area.

  2. Documentation of the American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) in Krakow, Poland regarding the organization activities in Poland, 1939-1942

    The documentation includes the welfare and assistance activities of the AJDC to the Jews of Poland; it consists of four main parts: 1. AJDC correspondence with the German administration authorities in occupied Poland; 2. AJDC correspondence with Jewish institutions and organizations in Poland; 3. AJDC correspondence with Jewish institutions and organizations outside of Poland; 4. Survey reports, charts and statistical data. 1. Correspondence with the German administration authorities in occupied Poland, August 1940-January 1942, including requests for the issuing of various permits, such as...

  3. Alexandria Collection: Nazi documentation from the US National Archives

    The documentation includes documents from German government offices, Nazi organizations (including the Nazi party), SS Headquarters and the German Police, as well as German Army units on various levels, from Army Groups to Divisions.

  4. Card file of members of Hungarian labor battalions who perished

    The card file was collected and compiled by the Hungarian Ministry of Defense (Honvédelmi Minisztérium) between the years 1945-1954, and includes the personal cards of Hungarian Jewish victims. Some of the documents are photocopies of death certificates which were issued by local courts on the basis of lists and publications of various bodies such as the International Tracing Service, the US army, declarations by individuals regarding Hungarian Jews who had perished, and lists prepared by former prisoners.The card file, which was used for legal, and other, purposes includes information abou...

  5. The Yitzhak Stone Collection: German documentation regarding German war crimes in the occupied countries

    There are copies of German documents used by the prosecution; sometimes there are also translations for these copies. Files 131-199: Files submitted by Serge Klarsfeld from Paris including varied documentation regarding the Security police in Ostland from 1941-1942, a survey by Lefler regarding the SS, 1932-1936, the indictment against Dr. Thomas Vauberg, the war criminal (Yad Vashem Accessions Book Entry 4239);Files 200-245: Files submitted by Yitzhak Stone to Yad Vashem in December 1957, including varied documentation from the Nuremberg Trials (mainly Series PS), testimonies and two repor...

  6. Testimonies, diaries and memoirs from the Holocaust period and regarding the Holocaust

    In the collection there are diaries, testimonies and memoirs written mostly by survivors with some material written by Jews who perished in the Holocaust. The content of the documentation is varied and multi-lingual. Most of the documentation was written and documented after the war, and the rest, mainly diaries, during the Holocaust. Those who were persecuted have documented their personal experiences, and through this documentation it is possible to closely follow the personal stories of the writers before the war, during the war and afterwards.

  7. Documentation from the Auschwitz Trials in Frankfurt, 1965-1968

    The Record Group includes documents gathered within the framework of the prosecution as preparation for the trials, the testimonies taken and the protocols of the trials themselves.

  8. Collection of Ilya Ehrenburg, author and member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC), 1941-1967

    In the Collection there is original documentation including articles, testimonies, photographs and letters regarding the Holocaust within the Soviet Union; some of the documentation appears in"The Black Book". The Collection also contains letters from Jews written after the war regarding displays of antisemitism in Soviet policy.

  9. Gruenwald-Kastner Trial 1954

    The Record Group contains protocols, defense and prosecution documents from the two trials - the Attorney General of Israel versus Malkiel Gruenwald on the charge of libel, known as the Kasztner Trial, and the lawsuit submitted by Malkiel Gruenwald against Rudolf Kasztner on the charge of false testimony which Kasztner had testified as it were in the framework of the Kasztner Trial. The documentation includes documents related to the work of the Vaadat Hatzala: correspondence, documents, certificates, and reports.

  10. Yugoslavia Collection: Documentation regarding the Jews of Yugoslavia, mainly during the Holocaust period

    In the Record Group there is documentation regarding the Jews of the former Yugoslavia (according to the April 1941 boundaries) during the 20th century, and concerning various topics from the Holocaust period. Some of the documentation was photocopied from material in various archives in Yugoslavia and in other countries, including Israel, and some of the documentation was submitted to Yad Vashem by private individuals. Among the sources for the documentation are the Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia, the Association of Yugoslav Immigrants in Israel, Hakeren Hakayemet Le-israel...

  11. Weichert Collection: Documentation of activities of the Zydowska Samopomoc Spoleczna (ZSS - Jewish Social Self Help Organization) in Poland under the German occupation and documentation belonging to Michal Weichert

    Included in the Collection: - Documentation of the administration of the JUS in Krakow during the war years:Correspondence with branches of the organization in the Generalgouvernement area and with various Jewish welfare organizations in occupied Poland; correspondence with the JDC in Geneva and Lisbon; periodical guidelines from the administration to the local chapters; excerpts from periodical reports issued by the German occupational authorities in the Generalgouvernement; - Testimonies and excerpts from testimonies given to the Area Committees for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Pol...

  12. The Romanian Collection: Documentation, mostly from the Holocaust period, regarding the fate of the Romanian Jews

    The first 82 files in the Record Group include documentation of the Jewish organizations which were active in Romania, 1941-1947: The Central Council of Romanian Jews; The Federation of the Union of Communities; The Joint Distribution Committee; The Union of Romanian Jews; The Jewish Party; the General Jewish Council and the Jewish Democratic Committee. The rest of the files contain mainly personal documentation submitted to the Yad Vashem Archive by private people on an on-going basis.

  13. Nazi Documentation Collection, 1933-1944

    Nazi documentation of different kinds and from different sources which arrived at Yad Vashem as individual documents and not as part of concentrated collections. In the Collection there is documentation from the Nazi authorities in Germany, the occupation authorities in various countries, local governments, camps and systems for repression and murder of the Jews and opponents of the regime, such as the Sicherheitspolizei (SIPO-Security Police), the Sicherheitsdienst (SD-Security Service) and Adolf Eichmann's office. The documentation includes official documents, activity reports, statistica...

  14. Letters and postcards from the Holocaust period and regarding it

    In the Records Group there are personal letters collected by Yad Vashem since its founding. The letters were written before, during and after the Holocaust period in the Nazi occupied countries in ghettos, camps and hiding places and in the countries to which the Jewish refugees from Europe succeeded in escaping to before and during the Holocaust. The letters were sent to family members, relatives, acquaintances, friends and close friends in European countries and countries across the sea.In the collection there are letters written outside the boundaries of Europe and sent to Jews living in...

  15. The Gideon Hausner Collection: The prosecutor in the Eichmann Trial, 1960-1965

    In the Record Group there is a collection submitted to Yad Vashem by Gideon Hausner, the prosecutor in the Eichmann Trial. The Record Group includes protocols from the Eichmann Trial, files of documentation gathered by the prosecution in preparation for and during the trial, correspondence between the prosecution and various bodies, as well as newspaper clippings regarding the trial. The Record Group also includes a detailed psychological opinion regarding Eichmann.

  16. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from archives in Bulgaria

    In the Record Group there is documentation from government archives in Bulgaria. Cataloguing began in 2001, and it is still continuing. The Record Group is open for accepting additional official documentation. The Record group contains documentation from the Holocaust period:- Indictments, protocols of investigations carried out in preparation for the trials held in the People's Court in Bulgaria in 1945, verdicts and protocols from the first three Court sessions (regarding protocols from additional People's Court Sessions, please see Record Group TR. 6); - Antisemitic legislation in Bulgar...

  17. Documentation of the German Foreign Office, 1870-1945

    The documentation from the Auswertiges Amt found in the Yad Vashem Archives dates from the establishment of the Second Reich through the end of the Third Reich, 1870-1945. In the Collection there is documentation on the following subjects:1. Jewish affairs in all the countries in which Germany had diplomatic legations, as well as general files photocopied from archives in countries such as the USSR and Ukraine during those periods when central events regarding the Jews took place; 2. Complete files regarding Middle East affairs and mainly Eretz Israel were photocopied;3. All documentation r...

  18. Documentation regarding the Jews of Germany, mainly during the Holocaust

    Most of the documentation is from Jewish sources. The first 106 files are remnants from the archives of Jewish institutions, organizations and communities in Germany.Some of this Record Group consists of documentation photocopied from municipal archives in Germany regarding the Jews and including personal documents, surveys and articles regarding the destruction of the communities in Germany and more. There is also documentation included in the Collection regarding the Jewish school in Harlingen, 1933-1939, submitted by the principal of the school, Hugo Josef Rosenthal-Jashuvi, to Yad Vashem.

  19. Documentation regarding the Jews of France , mostly from the Holocaust period

    The collection contains hundreds of files, including documentation received from the Union Generale des Israelites de France (UGIF-General Union of Jews in France). Most of the documentation is original material, some from German sources. There is also much documentation regarding the Jewish underground in France, including material from the Jewish and non-Jewish underground press, the personal archives of Jewish leaders, such as the Joseph Fischer-Ariel Collection, the Charles Wittenberg Collection and the Rabbi Elie Bloch Collection, as well the personal papers of other Jewish activists l...

  20. German Communities Registry

    In the collection are files prepared for the writing of the Bavaria Communities Registry and the Northwest Germany Communities Registry, including the communities of Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Oldenburg, Lippe and Hamburg. The Bavaria files are arranged by district, and within each district, by alphabetical order.The Northwestern Germany files are arranged by state or Prussian province, and they themselves are in alphabetical order. The material is an anthology of the most detailed information regarding German Jewry throughout the years of its existence until its destruction by the N...