Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 261 to 280 of 285
Country: Israel
Holding Institution: Wiener Library for the Study of the Nazi Era and the Holocaust, Tel Aviv University/ספריית וינר לחקר התקופה הנאצית והשואה, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב
  1. [Measures taken against Jews]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several documents dealing with regulations and procedures against Jews by the Nazi military commanders in France. Information and telegrams about confiscations of Jewish property and aryanizations are given. Under the topic of measures against Jews correspondences regarding the confiscations of Jewish property in Epinal, France are attached. The Lehmann Sohn company, buying and selling cotton waste, was managed on January 6, 1941 under the provisional rule. The German authority had ordered the determination of the stocks. The contents of Levy Charmes' warehouse were also c...

  2. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  3. Internees of the Isle of Man

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains material regarding the internees of the Isle of Man (self-governing crown dependency in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland). A stamp book released by the Central British Fund, including stamps and drawn examples of stamps are attached. In the stamp book it is mentioned that with everyone who participated on collecting or using these stamp Jewish kids will receive some help of the sales revenues. Furthermore informations about the situation of Jews and the generel political behaviour in different countries are published on some leaflets. Also the...

  4. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  5. [Court and denaturalization preceedings regarding Feodor Fedorenko, Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive material in the form of court proceedings regarding the war criminal trials and subsequent denaturalization and deportation of Feodor Fedorenko, a former Ukrainian SS guard at Treblinka extermination facility in occupied Poland. Fedorenko is accused of having actively participated in the massmurder conducted in Treblinka and testimony alleges his presence and participation in shootings of numerous victims. The Fedorenko trial was the 1st trial that sought to deal with US citizens who participated actively in the Holocaust and later came to the United States under...

  6. [Conference for the relief of German Jewry]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the booklet version of the “Reports and Resolutions” of the “Conference for the Relief of German Jewry” held in London in October 1933. The contributions include the Report of the Sub-Committee on Migration, the Report of the Committee on Relief outside Germany, the Report of Academic Committee, the Report of Reconstruction Committee, the Report of Refugees’ Sub-Committee, the Resolutions adopted by the Conference, as well as the opening speech by Neville J. Laski and the closing speech by Chaim Weizmann.

  7. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. United Restitution Organization (URO): Rundschreiben 1961-1973

    The file contains 27 circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) from September and December 1962. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1057, no. 1056, no. 1054, no. 1053, no. 1052, no. 1051, no. 1048, no. 1047, no. 1046, no. 1045, no. 1044, no. 1043, no. 1042, no. 1040, no. 1039, no. 1038, no. 1036, no. 1034, no. 1030, no. 1029, no. 1027, no. 1025, no. 1021, no. 1022, no. 1020, and no. 1019. They mainly deal with recent court judgements on questions of restitution, especially regarding newly established juridical regulations and the definition ...

  8. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. United Restitution Organization (URO): Rundschreiben 1961-1973

    The file contains 20 circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) from September/October 1961 and April/May 1962. The circulars include the following issues: no. 945, no. 944, no. 943, no. 942, no. 941, no. 938, no. 935, no. 934, no. 933, no. 932, no. 931, no. 836, no. 835, no. 833, no. 832, no. 831, no. 828, no. 825, no. 826, and no. 824. They mainly deal with recent court judgements on questions of restitution, especially regarding cases of professional disadvantages following the Nazi persecution (“Berufsschaden”), juridical definitions of terms like “Fl...

  9. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. United Restitution Organization (URO): Rundschreiben 1961-1973

    The file contains ten circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) ranging between July and October 1964. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1279, no. 1270, no. 1268, no. 1267, no. 1266, no. 1265, no. 1264, no. 1263, no. 1261, and no. 1255. They mainly deal with recent court judgements on questions of restitution, especially regarding juridical regulations and procedures, damages to life, the definition of the term “Flüchtling” (refugee), health damages following Nazi persecution, widow’s pension, damages to the property, and the conditions of ...

  10. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. United Restitution Organization (URO): Rundschreiben 1961-1973

    The file contains 20 circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) from August/September 1961. The circulars include the following issues: no. 822, no. 821, no. 820, no. 819, no. 817, no. 818, no. 816, no. 815, no. 813, no. 811, no. 812, no. 810, no. 809, no. 808, no. 807, no. 806, no. 805, no. 804, no. 803, and no. 800. They mainly deal with recent court judgements on questions of restitution, especially regarding cases of professional disadvantages following the Nazi persecution (“Berufsschaden”), juridical definitions of terms like “Vertriebener”, and cla...

  11. [Memorandum to the Central British Fund for Relief Abroad, from the United Jewish Communities in Slovakia]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The Chief Rabbi Armin Frieder, Chairman of the United Jewish Communities in Slovakia writes a memorandum to the Central British Fund for Relief Abroad. First he is explaining how this organization was founded and aproved by the Slovak National Council in 1945. Before the war Slovakia had 120.000 Jews, only 25.000 survived and these are now organized in this organization. The Jewish communities in Slovakia suffer from missunderstanding by the Slovak National Council regarding the return of institutions, buildings, grounds and property which once belonged to this Jewish Community. They hoped ...

  12. [Max Nelki: Report on his experience as a jewish doctor in Nazi Germany and Shanghai]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Personal memoirs of Jewish dentist Max Nelki from Hamburg, depicting his incarceration by the Third Reich on the grounds of alleged racial defilement [Rassenschande] with an Aryan woman. Incarcerated for two years and after having atoned for the alleged crime, Nelki was transferred to concentration camps Dachau and Buchenwald. After 3 1/2 years in the concentration camp, he was being released and immediately left Germany for Shanghai. Max Nelki returned to Hamburg after WWII and stayed in Germany. The Report consists of 4 Parts, all available through the Wiener Library and Online Resources.

  13. [Measures taken against Jews II]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several documents dealing with regulations and procedures against Jews by the Nazi military commanders in France. Information and telegrams about confiscations of Jewish property and its aryanizations are given. Under the topic of measures against Jews correspondences regarding the confiscations of Jewish property and warehouses in Epinal, France are attached. The reduction was commissioned and processed by the Feldkommandantur 550. The Jewish company of Morice Weil from Strassburg was confiscated and the procedure of it discussed in the correspondences, the same was done ...

  14. Die Geschichte eines Lebens III

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the third part of the autobiography of Ludwik Hirszfeld "Die Geschichte eines Lebens" (story of a life). The surrender of the city and the German occupation are described. Jews are being separated because they are supposed to be carriers of a virus they are immune to, but which is infectious in the non-Jewish population. Dr. Hirszfeld is removed from his post and he and his wife try to work from their bombed out home. He is given the opportunity to emigrate with his wife and daughter, but because of sick and dependent relatives they decide to stay. He recounts his meeting with D...

  15. Hutichson camp Douglas, Isle of Man

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains examples of 'the Camp', a weekly newspaper of the Hutchinson Internment Camp in Douglas, Isle of Man (self-governing crown dependency in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland). The Hutchinson Internment Camp was a World War II internment camp in Douglas, Isle of Man, particularly noted as “the artists’ camp” due to the thriving artistic and intellectual life of its internees. The newspaper reports about the activities in the camp as well as in the world, including a series of camp orders, letters and other papers from internees concerning condition...

  16. The Position of the Jews in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (October)

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a report of 1937 about the position of Jews in Yugoslavia written in German. The Jewish Central information Office published every month a new report, regarding the situation of Jews in Germany or Europe. In 1928 Alfred Wiener was instrumental in creating the Büro Wilhelmstrasse of the CV, which documented Nazi activities and issued anti-Nazi materials until 1933 when Hitler came to power. Wiener and his family fled to Amsterdam where he, together with Dr. David Cohen of Amsterdam University, founded the Jewish Central Information Office (JCIO). This report is devided into...

  17. The Germans in Lodz - Bulletin No. 5

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This bulletin was intended to publish the work of the Committee for collecting material about the destruction of the Jews in Poland, describing the German occupation of Lodz. The bulletin surveys such topics as forced conscript labor, to which the Jews were forced by the German occupying forces, and which resulted in wounds and casualties, disruption of the management and leadership of the Jewish community, and the installment of yellow star. The bulletin details the looting of Jewish businesses and seizure of property, as well as the financial restrictions on buying and selling to non-Jews...

  18. Bulletin D'Informations

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains bulletins of the Coordinating Committee of Belgian Jewish Organizations published in Brussels in 1946. The association aims to "defend, study and develop Jewish values ​​in Belgium and the world. In 1984, the institution renounced its initial name and became known as the Coordinating Committee of Belgian Jewish Organizations. The CCOJB commissioned a research about the Jewish communities in the former occupied countries, especially in Belgium. The research showed that the economic situation for Jews was horrible, also the antisemtism was still part of everyday live. So the...

  19. The Germans in Warsaw - September-October 1939 -Bulletin No. 2

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This bulletin was intended to publish the work of the Committee for collecting material about the destruction of the Jews in Poland, describing the German siege and occupation of Warsaw. The bulletin consists of fragments of various testimonies of Jews from Warsaw collected by the committee, together with some committee remarks in between quotations. It states that the German bombardment targeted Jewish quarters of Warsaw specifically, and describes the mass of casualties from bombs and fires in the city. The bulletin describes the dispersal of the self-governing Jewish community and the es...

  20. [Public manifastation of gratitude to the Belgium nation]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several information about a public manifastation to show respect to the Belgium nation. There was a huge festivity to thank the Belgium nation for there generosity and the help regarding the Jewish population. Queen Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Belgium honored this ceremony, alongside with Cardinal Jozef-Ernest van Roey, Family members of the Van Cauweleart and Chaim Perelman. Also representatives of the Belgium Government were invited by the Jewish Relief organisations. Further important representatives from several nations and from all over the wold showed their respec...