Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 401 to 420 of 1,615
Country: Israel
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. M.41.BGAMLI - Documentation of the Belorussian State Archive of Literature and Art

    M.41.BGAMLI - Documentation of the Belorussian State Archive of Literature and Art

  2. O.77 - Research papers, articles and student reports

    O.77 - Research papers, articles and student reports The Collection contains documentary material written during the period after World War II, based on secondary sources for reconstruction of the events being described, and not on the testimonies of Holocaust survivors or eyewitnesses. This material could be papers by pupils or students, research papers, newspaper articles, texts or excerpts from different types of texts pertaining to the Holocaust in various languages, except for those cases where it is expressly stated that the information being presented comes from a Holocaust survivor ...

  3. TR.20- Documentation of trials conducted against war criminals submitted by the United States Department of Justice

    TR.20- Documentation of trials conducted against war criminals submitted by the United States Department of Justice The Record Group is comprised of microfilms that contain documentation of trials against war criminals and collaborators conducted by American courts in the US Occupation Zone in Germany. The original material is preserved in the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and the copies were given to Yad Vashem by the United States Department of Justice. Among the trials included in the Record Group (In File No. O300/203, there is a detailed entry of ma...

  4. Documentation regarding Ukrainian Nationalist organizations in the Distrikt Galizien (Galicia district), 1941-1944

    Documentation regarding Ukrainian Nationalist organizations in the Distrikt Galizien (Galicia district), 1941-1944 Included in the collection: - Correspondence regarding the Ukrainian Nationalist movement and an appeal by Ukrainian Nationalist institutions to Hitler and Rosenberg; - Secret report written by the governor of the Stanislawow area to the governor of the Galicia region, regarding his meeting with representatives of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN); - Secret report sent by the head of the German Security Police in Lwow to senior factors in the German Police in Ber...

  5. Documentation from the Prosecution Office of the Staatsanwaltschaft beim Sondergericht Dortmund (Special Court of Law in Dortmund), 1933-1945

    Documentation from the Prosecution Office of the Staatsanwaltschaft beim Sondergericht Dortmund (Special Court of Law in Dortmund), 1933-1945

  6. Collection of S. Wijnbergen, commander of the Nederlandse Regeringscommissariaat voor Repatriëring (Committee for the Return of Missing Persons to the Netherlands), 1943-1949

    Collection of S. Wijnbergen, commander of the Nederlandse Regeringscommissariaat voor Repatriëring (Committee for the Return of Missing Persons to the Netherlands), 1943-1949 Included in the collection: Reports prepared by S. Wijnbergen in The Hague, regarding the subject of missing persons from the Netherlands and the establishment of institutions to search for them in 1948; Questionnaires for the search for missing persons, and documents regarding Dutchmen returning from Switzerland, 1945-1946; Reports received by S. Wijnbergen from his command in Eastern Europe, regarding the locating of...

  7. Documentation of the Generalkommissariat Weissruthenien (Belorussian District Government) in Minsk, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Generalkommissariat Weissruthenien (Belorussian District Government) in Minsk, 1941-1944 Generalkommissariat Weissruthenien (Generalbezirk Weißruthenien) is one of the territorial-administrative units in the (Reichskommissariat Ostland) Eastern District of the Reich. This administration existed between 01 September 1941-03 July 1944. The Collection contains instructions and orders of the District Governor situated in Minsk, an order from General Schenkendorff, German Army Home Front Commander, documentation regarding the establishment of an auxiliary police force in Bel...

  8. Documentation of the Polizeidisziplinskammer (Disciplinary Chamber) of the Hamburg Police

    Documentation of the Polizeidisziplinskammer (Disciplinary Chamber) of the Hamburg Police Included in the Collection are three disciplinary files against policemen: one file regarding an attack in a synagogue and two files regarding suspicion of opposition to the authorities, one of them also for hiding the Jewish origin of his wife.

  9. Collection of Dutch Jews and other Jews in Belgium, 1942-1957

    Collection of Dutch Jews and other Jews in Belgium, 1942-1956 Included in the collection: Card file of the Schade Enquête Commissie, SER in Belgium, including names of Jews in Belgium who were Dutch citizens, who were drafted to forced labor by the Germans during 1942-1945; Registration forms [most of them indecipherable] of Dutch Jews in Belgium, including statistics regarding these Jews, 1942-1956; Statistical data regarding Jews and Gypsies who were deported via Malines camp to camps in Poland, arranged according to transports, men, women and children, 1942-1944; Survey of the persecutio...

  10. The K. F. Mannheimer archives, 1900-1994

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 6082686
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1900-1994
    • Committee request Correspondence Document Financial accounts Indictment Inventory list Laws and decrees Legal documentation Letter Letter of testimony Medical documentation Newspaper Notepad Passport Personal documents Protocol Questionnaire Reports Sentence

    Documentation of K. F. Mannheimer, a lawyer for claims for compensation by Holocaust survivors in Germany and in Amsterdam; documentation dated, 1897-1978 K. F. Mannheimer, a Jewish lawyer, was born in Germany in 1897; he was married to B. A. E. Weisel in a mixed marriage; following the Nazi rise to power, Mannheimer was forced to cease his work as a lawyer in Berlin; he emigrated to the Netherlands with his wife, who was also a lawyer, in 1936; in the Netherlands, Mannheimer served as a lawyer, prosecutor, translator and advisor to students, until the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands whi...

  11. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein HaShofet

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein HaShofet Testimonies: Moshe Monik Fishbein; Articles: Yigal Vilfend, "Returning as a victor, 50 years later"; Moshe Monik Fishbein - Letters to pupils, and passing thoughts, following a visit in Poland (02/11/1998); Letters: Letter to Arieh Davidman, original in Polish and a translation to Hebrew, including a description of the Holocaust of the Jews in Poland, and the fate of his family members (21/09/1945).

  12. Documentation of the Court of Law in Katowice (first proceedings), 1948-1960

    Documentation of the Court of Law in Katowice (first proceedings), 1948-1960 Included in the collection are appeals by relatives of Jews who were murdered during the war period for a first proceeding by the Court of Law in Katowice, in order to receive declarations of death.

  13. Pinsk City Council documentation, 1936-1939

    Pinsk City Council documentation, 1936-1939 Applications submitted to the Pinsk City Council by residents, among them Jewish residents, regarding property, 1938-1939; lists of members of the City Council, 1938-1939; lists of residents of Pinsk with a note of their addresses in order for them to receive food cards, 1939; list of pupils, 1938-1939; budget of the Jewish hospital in Pinsk, 1938.

  14. Documentation of the Communist Party Committee in the Dzerzhinskiy neighborhood in Belostok, 1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party Committee in the Dzerzhinskiy neighborhood in Belostok, 1941 The Collection includes questionnaires of representatives at the Communist Party conference; lists of residents, workers in the education system, Communists and Soviet activists; decisions by the neighborhood committee, work plan of the committee, reports and statistical reports regarding manpower.

  15. Documentation of the Magistrates Court of Law in St. Wendel (Amtsgericht St. Wendel) in the Saar region, 1933-1939

    Documentation of the Magistrates Court of Law in St. Wendel (Amtsgericht St. Wendel) in the Saar region, 1933-1939 Included in the collection are, in most part, the regulations of local associations (the Red Cross organization, Volunteer Firefighters, and sports organizations), including a clause that bans the membership of "non-Aryans" in the organization. Also in the collection: a file that includes an order from 1933 that details the conditions of the detainees in the prison in St. Wendel; the file mentions Jewish detainees.

  16. תיעוד מה-Amtsgericht Tempelhof / Kreuzberg ב-Berlin, שנים 1926-1935

    District court Tempelhof The district court Tempelhof emerged from the district court Berlin II in 1906. Some responsibilities fell to the District Court Schoeneberg, the responsibility for the district Teltow remained until 1945. Official residence was the building of the former district court Berlin II on Hallesches Ufer. From 1906 to 1933 the district court Tempelhof was subject to the district court Berlin II and starting from 1933, to the district court Berlin. Today's district court Tempelhof-Kreuzberg was formed only in September 1945 from the newly established district court Kreuzbe...

  17. O.41.2 - Names of people who perished during the Holocaust, on gravestones in cemeteries

    Names of people who perished during the Holocaust, on gravestones in cemeteries

  18. O.46 - Documentation from the Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives: Activities of the Hashomer Hatzair Movement in Europe during World War II

    O.46 - Documentation from the Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives: Activities of the Hashomer Hatzair Movement in Europe during World War II Hashomer Hatsair is a Socialist–Zionist, secular Jewish youth movement founded in 1913 in Galicia, Austria-Hungary. By 1939, Hashomer Hatzair had 70,000 members worldwide. The movement's membership base was in Eastern Europe. With the advent of World War II and the Holocaust, members of Hashomer Hatzair focused their attention on resistance against the Nazis. Mordechaj Anielewicz, the leader of Hashomer Hatzair's Warsaw branch, became head of the Jewish Fightin...

  19. O.64.2/SCH.6 - Personal Documentation of inmates in the Theresienstadt ghetto

    O.64.2/SCH.6 - Personal Documentation of inmates in the Theresienstadt ghetto

  20. Documentation regarding the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in Riga, 1921-1940

    Documentation regarding the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in Riga, 1921-1940 Description of the Collection: The Jewish National Fund (JNF) covenant; reports of meetings of the JNF administration and meetings of members of the JNF; work regulations; diaries of the JNF and Keren Hayesod; lists of members of the board and members of JNF branches; correspondence with the press department regarding the publication of the fund's periodical; lists of JNF members, and correspondence regarding donations; lists of donors; receipt books; diagrams; personal cards of members, arranged according to the Latv...